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Everything posted by greenbastard

  1. Like the Note 2 that supported CDMA BC10, but Sprint removed 1x800 from the PRL that the Note 2 received. To this day, I don't think Sprint has allowed 1x800 to the Note2, even though I remember them saying they were working on a fix via firmware update.
  2. The article makes it seem as if T-Mobile will be the one that absorbs Sorint. That likely means that T-Mobile infrastructure will be the one left standing, not Sprint.
  3. It's all been coming to this. Capex is down, debt is getting paid, and only enough is being done to keep the ship afloat. Buh bye Kansas. Hello Bellevue...Maybe I'll stick around to see what happens with the new German overlords. T-Mobile does have better cell site density and generous PCS and AWS spectrum in Texas. Just in Houston, a combined T-Mobile/Sprint would be able to offer Carrier Aggregation on 20x20 + 20x20 on Band2/4. That's one hell of a combination.
  4. You have to give it to Sprint; calls and texts are very reliable. I have not had a dropped call when calling a land line or another Sprint user since NV swept through my area. The only time I have had calls drop or produce weird noises is when I'm calling T-Mobile or At&t users, but that's usually on them. I'm currently debating on either buying out my ETF or waiting for Sprint to counter with their next move (i.e merger). I called Sprint to see if they could reduce my bill by either changing plans or offering loyalty credits but they said NO. I just can't believe that if I want to lower my bill, I have to port out to At&t or Verizon! Who would have though those words would ever be uttered?? The worst part about this is that if Sprint still offered 2 year agreements, I wouldn't even contemplate leaving.????
  5. Not sure. But if you can still get it, then that means Sprint is never going to get their shit together. This would have been a great opportunity to give 6 free months of Tidal service to loyal Sprint customers. But instead it was given to everyone. The only reason I found out about the voucher was because it was posted in the T-Mobile subreddit. How hard would it have been to just send out unique voucher codes through the Sprint app?
  6. That's cold. ???? I hope everyone here got their 6 months free of Tidal HiFi (no Credit Card required) by redeeming the code word "Sprint" on tidal.com Here's the head scratcher; you don't have to be a Sprint subscriber to get the 6 months free. ???? Common Sprint! Get it together and leverage your assets to make ALL your customers (and just your customers) happy!
  7. Whatever it is, Deutsche Telekom is going to cash out "bigly". Dish needs an infrastructure to deploy their overpriced spectrum and Son's goal since the beginning has been to combine T-Mobile with Sprint to compete with the Big 2.
  8. If you travel to Central and South America, Sprint has the best roaming deal in the business. But if your travel is mainly in Canada and/or Mexico, At&t and T-Mobile offer the perfect roaming package.
  9. It's definitely a network issue. Those type of speeds happen on some B41 sites around here as well. This one happened last night where I usually get 80+ Mbps. 2.5 GHz being overloaded is very rare.
  10. Enron ruined themselves...sorta like how Sprint is gradually ruining their brand and image. Different methods, but same results. Joining Verizon too, uh? It's been long rumored that the KC HQ has been filled with bureaucracy for the longest of time. It would explain why Claure moved into a costly regional hub model as he tries to cut costs. He has tried to fix it but hasn't succeeded. After building the first nationwide digital network on the PCS band, Sprint hasn't really done anything to help themselves. And they probably won't start now. The writing is on the wall; a merger pitch is coming. Kansas City HQ can't be fixed unless there's a purge. But purges aren't popular or cheap. John Legere (the most hated man on this board) has turned around T-Mobile in an unprecedent fashion. If the time ever does come, it's clear Bellevue should take the reigns. Anyone thinking otherwise is, as you've admitted, a fanboy or a fatuous individual. Southern Pacific Railroad Internal Network Telecommunications has enjoyed a long history. But if we are honest to each other, Son doesn't give a flying turd about history. It's all about the money, and he will do whatever is necessary to make as much of it. Even if it means leaving the Midwest high and dry.
  11. If Sprint and T-Mobile merge, Son would be wise to shut down the Kansas City HQ campus and let Bellevue take over management operations. The Sprint name should also be tossed into the same trash bin that houses Nextel.
  12. Believe it or not, it's still faster than what I have with Sprint and I would be saving money by switching. Besides, we know ALL carriers have spots like this in every city. Unfortunately for Sprint, these spots appear more often than not due to poor spacing and narrow LTE carriers in mid and low band. B41 will take years to mature as better antennas, UEs, and repeaters enter the market.
  13. If subsidies were still around, I would have agreed with you. But they're gone now and if you want a new phone you need to pay 650+ for one on any carrier, which is a hassle regardless with any carrier. Unfortunately for Sprint, all of their iPhones have the necessary Verizon bands, so switching should be a breeze for a lot of people who want to save money with Verizon. (I can't believe I just typed "Verizon" and "save money" in the same sentence!)
  14. If anything, Sprint better hope At&t doesn't respond. If that's all his eyes are looking at, then Sprint is going to bleed. He needs to take care of current customers or they'll jump ship.
  15. No. He means that HPUE devices will enable B41 to theoretically perform almost as well as B25 both outdoors and indoors. But ~90% is the optimistic number. Once HPUE devices are released into the wild, we will likely not see that type of performance. Nothing ever works as advertised.
  16. I don't even see this happening for Sprint. T-Mobile usually has a more dense macro network than Sprint. I don't think I've ever seen Sprint add a macro around my area. Sprint has just been stalling ever since they finished NV.
  17. Contracts are out for every carrier. Sprint, T-Mobile, at&t, and Verizon can (or soon will be able to) change the service terms to all their subscribers.
  18. My problem isn't roaming, but densification. B25 and B26 are all overloaded and I could throw a rock farther than what B41 reaches. Sprint has talked about small cells but Verizon IS small cells. Verizon has already deployed a healthy amount of small cells all over Houston while Sprint only deployed in areas for the benefit of the Super Bowl. Verizon is going all out. Spare me the CAPEX argument, but it's obvious Sprint is hurting financially. If Sprint had spent the money it needed to spend, it would have had small cells in more places than it does today. There's absolutely no excuse for Verizon having more small cells and Sprint falling behind. We can no longer blame backhaul, Network Vision, or local city permits as the reason for Sprint being so slow.
  19. If At&t drops the DirecTV requirement in response to this, it'll make it a whole lot easier to leave Sprint. If not, evil Big Red just showed up on my radar as potential landing spot.
  20. There is no right or wrong answer to the argument. But I would love to know how successful the "Cut Your Bill In Half" promotion has been after the promotional discount offer ends on subscribers. How many stayed after their prices go up?
  21. So why bring it up? It has nothing to do with the current conversation. I don't think I have once stated my personal opinion about small cells in this thread.
  22. I think your reading failed you a bit. Where in my post did I take a stance for or against small cells? I'm simply relaying the sentiments that the city council expressed in this meeting. It's also very accurate to say that Cave Creek residents don't notice cell towers. But that's only because the town has forced all carriers to camouflage their equipment one form or another. The only Sprint cell that is not hidden or painted is the one on Cave Creek Rd near Tatum (across the soccer field). The rest are either flag poles, painted panels on top of utility poles, or on the sides (not top) of public buildings.
  23. In this suburb, you're right. Almost all sites there are stealth sites that are either painted and mounted on utility poles, on top of buildings that reside on hills, or flag poles. The problem is the larger pole that is supposed to feed back-haul to all the small cells. Seems like they are settling for a few semi tall poles instead of one massive pole to feed the small cells in disguise.
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