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Everything posted by greenbastard

  1. The network definitely needs some tinkering. Most non-HPUE tri-band devices drop B41 at ~-117 RSRP (as they should due to uplink limitations). But HPUE devices should continue to work on B41 once the RSRP falls below -118. Unfortunately they don't due to what seems to be network management. Let's give Sprint some time before seeing how HPUE changes the network experience.
  2. They did on my line, but the other 4 lines didn't receive anything (2 under contract and 2 ready for upgrade). This offer is actually better than the 2 year agreements. There's no way this phone would have been $199 under contract. $299 sounds more accurate since the MSRP is way higher than the Galaxy predecessors. What's also nice is that the $200 price isn't required upfront and instead paid on installments. That could be very tempting for folks who don't like shelling out their money all at once. I'm not going to lie, that offer is very tempting. But I'm just going to complete my contract and leave. It was a painful ride, but Sprint is just not getting it done for me. Two 5x5 LTE carriers are just too small to carry the load in my area.
  3. I'm not expecting employees to browse and talk while driving, especially on company vehicles. But if you're not driving and still don't want to open a file while on call, you bet your butt I'd fire you.
  4. It could be. I had a similar issue on a Nexus and it drove me nuts. I would lose a stream after about a minute or two of starting it. Turns out the battery saver turned off data so the connection would time out. Check to see if you have some type of battery saving features on. If that doesn't lead anywhere, I recommend using a different app to stream. I use Xiia and it works flawlessly. Xiia has a search feature but sometimes some of the stations are missing. Let me know if you need help tracking the station stream URL.
  5. It should be switching, even during active data sessions. Both of my Nexus and iPhone will switch from band 26 to band 25 without any issues during active data sessions (streaming live radio). The S8 should even go from 3G to LTE on active data sessions without a hiccup. But then again, it could be a Samsung thing. I do remember my old Galaxy S5 being stubborn and not switching bands until I put the phone down or completely lost signal on the cell I was on. I know for a fact that every phone I've owned has a hard time going from FDD LTE to TDD LTE. I've seen it happen, but it just doesn't happen as often as it should.
  6. The Far East is a geographical term for East Asia, which is where Marcello and Son are currently meeting. Cryptic message? Maybe.
  7. Slightly larger? You're underestimating the LTE expansion T-Mobile is currently undertaking. "Slightly" is an understatement in 2017. Roaming agreements don't mean anything nowadays. 100 MB of roaming will dry up quick what we do with our phones today. Native coverage is more important than roaming. And better voice coverage? No. T-Mobile wins that one. Sprint definitely wins reliability, but not coverage. Why finance when you can bring your current phone? Or better yet, bring almost any cheap, mid-range, or luxury phone to MetroPCS. If you're with At&t or Verizon, chances are your phone will not work with Sprint but it will with MetroPCS. There's a reason MetroPCS has seen success ever since they started going after the Sprint brand. People may not get the convenience of HD video or hotspot with MetroPCS. But for the savings and hassle free switching, it's winning a few people over.
  8. While Sprint offers all those things, MetroPCS offers a larger native network, better unlocked phone support, and simultaneous voice & data. All those things are likely more important to budget users than international roaming or HD streaming.
  9. Just to add a bit to the TV/Phone compatibility, I find Samsung to be buggy as hell when doing screen mirroring. It's not very reliable. As a matter of fact, the entire smart TV interface is very slow and tends to freeze on me. Don't get me wrong, the screen itself is very good. It's definitely better than anything Sony had at the time of purchase. But I try to avoid using the Samsung interface and just use a Fire TV instead for OTT TV. So if you're looking for TV interface, you should probably go with Sony. If you're looking at just screen quality, go with Samsung + a 3rd party streaming device.
  10. Here are some news for those living near the Mexican border without 800 MHz/B26. At&t has paid IFETEL (Mexico's version of the FCC) for 800Mhz spectrum that Nextel never owned in a few parts of the country. The areas are mostly in central Mexico but one area that stands out is Nuevo Leon (which shares a tiny border with South Texas). Part of the deal requires At&t to begin reshuffling the Nextel spectrum they already owned and pair it with the newly acquired licenses almost immediately (Nextel iDen is still in operation down there). At&t must relocate their iDen operations within 270 days in central Mexico and 180 days in Nuevo Leon to their new 814-824 & 859-869 Mhz assignment. I don't know if this is a sign of urgency or not by the IFETEL for the border, but its definitely a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, this reshuffling requirement is only for the areas where at&t acquired more spectrum. The entire 800 MHz band reshuffling is still expected to conclude around late 2019-early 2020 in Mexico. So San Diego, El Paso, Nogales, and the Rio Grande Valley still have a few years to go before B26 if all goes as planned.
  11. T-Mobile is cheaper after promotional offer. After promotion, 5 lines with Sprint is 190+taxes vs Tmobile which is 180 w/taxes included. (Both after autopay discount).
  12. Or those cost conscious customers could leave once Sprint's promotional offer ends and continue to save money again with T-Mobile. These promotional offers by Sprint are only for new customers, so even if a new promotion arises, they aren't available to those who are always switching around. I just don't buy what Sprint is trying to do with promotional offers. They are a small term solution to subscriber numbers, but not a long term solution. Fix the network, and the rest will straighten itself out.
  13. It could be a small cell. I came across EARFCN 40072 and 40270 only on small cells before. CA was not possible though.
  14. Not long term savings. Besides, the type of customers that are attracted by these offers are the same that will leave when they see a better offer, especially when the regular price kicks in. A 10 dollar difference from Verizon is not competitive once the deal runs out.
  15. And of course, it's an introductory price. After promotion is over, 5 lines are cheaper on T-Mobile (after taxes) and only $10 more expensive on Verizon. Not as competitive as they make themselves to be.
  16. It did. If I'm not mistaking, all CCA/RRPP need to be SRLTE capable in order to roam.
  17. Well, now I'm glad I skipped out on this device. My main determining factor for phone purchases is RF performance. The HTC Evo made me value RF performance over everything else. What's a phone without signal? Hopefully the S8 can be fixed by a radio update, but it's looking like the HPUE difference won't come close to the 30% signal increase that was touted. I was holding hope for HPUE, but it looks like I'm just going to go ahead and switch at the conclusion of my 2 year agreements. There's just too many places that have great B41 coverage outside, but B41 won't go indoors.
  18. Get it replaced. I've had my original one replaced by Sprint when it stopped working.
  19. It's a lot of work. He could just start a new app and charge. Upgrades should be free up until a certain point.
  20. They're everywhere already. Houston, New Orleans, San Antonio, Austin, Ft. Worth, and Dallas all have one.
  21. Compared to what T-Mobile won and how much they paid, Dish got taken for a ride. They overpaid for Nationwide 5x5 and the only place they got more spectrum than T-Mobile is in New York and the Bay Area. For a $2 Billion difference, I would have sacrificed NYC and SF-OAK-SJ for equal or more spectrum in the rest of the US markets and rural 20x20 spectrum.
  22. She probably has data roaming off. Tell her to check for that.
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