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Everything posted by Paynefanbro

  1. This is the first time that I have ever used more 4G data than 3G. Nothing compared to you all though. I used just over a gigabyte of 4G and about 700MB of 3G. That is with me on WiFi at all of the places that I frequent.When I stopped using my WiFi and only used my Airave for a month I used upwards of 5GB of data in my home alone.
  2. Step 1: Add panels Step 2: Connect fiber backhaul. Step 3: Move on to next tower. Not very smart considering they didn't forsee their network getting bogged down after 2 years. Not enough capacity to support their current amount of subscribers. That's why complaints about Verizon's LTE being slow are beginning to pop up everywhere.
  3. Most of the time where I live I get about 12mbps down and 5 up. Highest I've ever gotten was 23Mbps and when I tested again to see if it was true, it dropped to about 17Mbps.
  4. Sorry, I just clicked quote and it quoted both. I didn't bother editing out the first post.
  5. If you noticed, he has 0 bars. EDIT: 1 bar because he changed his indicator up there.
  6. The brownstone I currently live in was built in 1899, but my signal is great. Until I enter the middle of the house. It drops to 1 bar, but my speeds are about 800kbps-1mbps. I think my tower got upgraded back haul without being NV upgraded.
  7. I think he feels like that will make it that much more official. It's like a game. It isn't good enough if only you and the person you were playing against knew you won, you want it to be announced because it make it feel that much more awesome.
  8. Officially it is considered a 2.5G technology but when it first came out it was seen as a 3G technology. Don't know why though.
  9. Same happens on Wifi, when I test next to my router speeds drop, but if I move further away they increase by a lot.
  10. Happens to me all of the time when I get out of the train station by my house. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gaosazi4n7jj00m/Screenshot_2013-02-17-17-12-12.png
  11. This is a block away from my house. I get so mad because as soon as I turn the corner, it disappears.
  12. My LTE Speedtests arranged from fastest to slowest. http://db.tt/SfE11DuK
  13. Did you root your phone to get it to say 1x? I know on every 4G phone that's been released, it says 3G. I know technically it is 3G but still, I'd like to know.
  14. That's because there is literally only like 3 towers in that area. When I get a signal it is usually great, but the further east I go, I start to roam on Verizon.
  15. Is this indicative of Sprint maybe not introducing an EVO this year?
  16. What's weird is that, in numerous hands-on videos people have tapped it and it would go back home. Maybe they made the home button's response area go into part of the HTC logo so people can get used to it. Or maybe it's just the way that the camera is positioned.
  17. It's really buggy in that it will "black screen" quite a lot. And there are a lot of non-working apps, so you will click them and they won't do anything or they'll just show a picture of what the app will look like.
  18. I was in my SAT class when I picked up a -75dbm LTE signal. I ran RootMetrics and got an average of 12Mbps down and 7Mbps up. I never lost the signal indoors either. It told me that in the 5 minutes of the speed test/signal checker, I had used 225MB of my data. The speeds were even better outside, hitting 20Mbps at times.
  19. My WiMax was always fast, around 15Mbps all day. In my home, I did not get it unless I stood by the window in which case, on 1 bar I would get around 10Mbps.
  20. Remember its just sites that have Network Vision upgrades, not necessarily LTE.
  21. My point is, it's a given that AWS includes 1700Mhz along with 2100Mhz. Wouldn't it be a tad bit redundant that it would say 1700 and AWS?
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