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Everything posted by dedub

  1. I am really having a hard time understanding google with this, regardless of how many devices they have or don't have, they should be letting everyone who wants to order one, order it and then simply extend the shipping date as however necessary. This random limited queue gone in 10 milliseconds and lost shopping carts is complete BS and not something I expect from the google.
  2. 3 times I had a 64g blue in my cart, only to keep getting unexpected errors trying to check out followed by your cart is empty.
  3. factory image just went up for nexus 9 @ https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images#hammerhead hopefully nexus 5 & 7 are soon
  4. neither att's, nor tmo's 'throttled' speeds were usable for anything, when I was a customer. maybe your experience was different. In any case, I am reasonably happy where I am on sprints network and plans, although there are still too many prime locations where service is spotty and/or stuck on legacy 3g, granted I fully understand things are not complete yet.
  5. So was anyone else besides woodensoul2k actually able to get n6 pre-ordered today?
  6. If the throttled speeds were usable, you would have a point. But when the throttling essentially blocks or makes unusable any connection, then that is called service affecting.
  7. lol. Man I hope they don't start putting those on new phones. Nothing worse than buying a new phone/car and having stupid warning stickers all over it.
  8. possibly true, however you would think they would update the text again to be more accurate (ie coming soon, vs out of inventory)
  9. well the review embargo must be over, nearly every tech website has a 'hands on' article up now. just in time to piss off everyone who can't pre-order lol
  10. If you are correct, well I'd be happy to, if sprint was showing it for pre-order and/or sale.
  11. well I am thinking that if they don't (re)open ordering in the next 15 minutes, we are screwed.
  12. now 64 showing out of inventory, but I didnt even see it go on sale lol also, free google music 6 months Buy Nexus 6 and enjoy unlimited music on Google Play™ free for 6 months Keep listening after the trial ends for $9.99 a month. Purchase your Nexus 6 by December 31, 2014. Redeem your trial offer by January 31, 2015. Additional terms apply: Learn more Learn more
  13. I think Robert is probably on the right track, someone somewhere high up, has been getting throttled and got sick of it and has apparently got the connections to push the FTC to sue. Sometimes I still wish I had kept my grandfathered unlimited ATT line open, but the throttling was ridiculous, it would not even let pandora/last.fm stream without constant buffering interuptions, like getting stuck on edge/1x.
  14. I would definitely be interested in the $50 unlimited + $10/gig tethering. edit: actually I thought it was $10 per 10 gig tether, so uh no. I would be interested in any tethering that comes to about $1-5 per gig. I am paying clear $55 for unlimited wimax, which I use anywhere from 10 to 40 gig a month, which means I am paying anywhere from ~$5.5 per gig, to $1.3 per gig. $10/gig is still way too high.
  15. the ios hangouts has known contacts issues. the only contacts that seem to work properly are those with google+/gmail accounts.
  16. Both edge and 1x are in the 'sucks' category for data as far as I am concerned, regardless of 2g or 3g technology. Heck I would include cdma in that 'sucks' category too, because 9 times out of 10, it is just as unusable (vz or sprint flavors).
  17. The update seems to work in exactly the same way; to switch from sms to hangout msg, tap the lower left icon, just left of the text entry box. it should pop up a menu to either the phone number or the google/hangouts account. when you send a hangouts message, the text bubble turns greenish when you send.
  18. Hi Mike, regarding the bogus entries.. How about doing a force export upon installation, then clearing the logs. That way everyone is covered, with keeping historical data, while also starting with a clean slate.
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