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Everything posted by dedub

  1. no the m8 in my experience will easily grab on to b41 when available. you may want to do a prl/profle update, and/or if you have your msl# check your lte settings to make sure b41 is enabled (it should be after a profile update no matter what). also unless you can or have confirmed b41 on that site with another device, then it is also possible your information is wrong.
  2. 6+ vs n5 note, the -91 on the status bar means it was cycling b25 (-91) vs b41 (-112), however the b25 should be serving cell 47. there is also another b41 SC 332 (-114ish on n5) not shown and both are bounced between the 3. as you can see, that was all in the space of about 60 seconds or less. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  3. Is anyone aware if there an IOS equivalent to internet speed meter? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.internet.speed.meter.lite
  4. if that is the new nexus and no sprint support, its looking more and more like I'll be sticking with the nexus 5 and/or htc m8.
  5. another http://www.engadget.com/2014/10/07/six-inch-motorola-phone-hits-the-fcc-looking-like-the-new-nexus/
  6. I think the problem, at least with the nexus 5, is that there are multiple towers in an area, one or more with csfb issues. When the nexus 5 comes into an area, it has multiple choices of towers to connect to. What I think happens, based purely upon my user experience, is that as long as the n5 does not or is not required to jump on to the tower with csfb issues, it will stay connected to LTE. However, if the n5 jumps towers (either at device or network direction) and hits a tower with csfb issues, it will remain in 3g for a long time, typically either until airplane mode, or your long out of range of the csfb issue tower(s) and the device has had time to rescan lte without seeing any other csfb issue tower(s).
  7. This biggest whale fail of this whole system is that the network should know where lte is available and when a device connects on 3g when the network knows there is LTE available it should direct the device to connect to LTE in the same manner that the network is supposed to switch to different bands. TLDR; 3g to lte hand off should work like lte interband hand off. The fact that it does not, is one of the biggest engineering screwups of this whole upgrade.
  8. anyone managed to get hangouts on IOS8 to work right with contacts? it doesn't appear to be pulling the normal google contact list, most of the contact list is shows unknown person, and the hangout messages showing the phone numbers.
  9. ecsfb issues are still rampant in st louis. in fact the last several days it has gotten even worse with my nexus 5 constantly dropping to 3g (where previously the last year has been b25 with the off/on b41 connection) at work. Sitting here side by side with new iphone6+, the nexus has been on 3g most of the day, where as the iphone has been on b41 the majority of the time, though I did notice a couple times it dropped to 1x/3g for a few minutes before reconnecting to b41. There are also a few spots on 270 which also cause the nexus 5 to drop to 3g.
  10. Hahah that is awesome. We should start changing the att/vz/tmo stores too!
  11. Hi, anyone familiar with hagerstown,in coverage? the sprint coverage map shows a pocket of offnet roaming around that area, I wondered how accurate that is. I have relatives in that area I was going to try to convince to switch until I checked the coverage map. thanks for any input.
  12. More worried if it will be on sprint at all.
  13. No I meant (I thought) the announcement was expected to be earlier, but storms on the east coast or something I forget caused the google press gathering or whatever to be pushed back to oct 31. I could be thinking of some other device though, maybe nexus 7 I dunno. edit; i guess I was thinking about this; http://www.networkworld.com/article/2223405/smartphones/hurricane-sandy-crashes-google-s-party--but-not-its-nexus-announcement.html
  14. I just know that they are going to wait to announce the next nexus until *after* the iphone promo ends. Bastages! wikipedia says n5 was announced oct 31, but I vaguely remember it got pushed back because of the storms or something. hopefully they announce early oct instead of late.
  15. that could very well be possible (and likely), that apple does not allow carriers to discount devices. But that would seem counter to pretty much every retail item where the retailer controls the product pricing vs the 'suggested retail price'. sounds like of like the price fixing apple did on the ebooks market.
  16. I would disagree that it hardly matters. In fact, it probably matters more to sprint, now that they are saddled with a continuing discount instead of a fixed device discount. Although I would hope the bean counters took this into account and did it anyway, if they didn't they should be fired. Or maybe they didn't have any say in the matter with the new ceo.
  17. cletus, I did not bring up this discussion, however it has bothered me since it was announced and so I have given my opinion and reasoning behind it, other people have also stated their opinion and various comparisons to other types of discounts, some of which make a reasonable comparison, others which are completely irrelevant or comparing apples and oranges (pun intended). What I will find endlessly entertaining is, that some of these iphone users/converts on the new plan will be surprised/upset that they permanently lose the $50 plan if they, even if it is only temporarily, have to switch to a non-apple phone. also, I have reached my daily quota of 'liking' posts. yay.
  18. What would make me upgrade; - better battery life. I'm talking about at least a day and half of moderately heavy usage (ie at least double the current n5 or at a minimum, similar to note 2 battery life). - better spark support, maybe it's just my market but my htc m8 functions much better/smoothly and is on LTE much more often than my nexus 5. - probably not going to happen on another nexus, but removable battery and microsd are high level wishlist items - water-proofing/resistance. - stereo speakers would be great and/or louder more clear speaker phone - I like the size, weight and feel of the nexus 5, so not really needing any changes there, although I do use a cheap soft polyurethane cover on my n5. - I have no issues with the display quality or size of the n5 either - I prefer plain android, but now that most newer phones can use the 'google experience' launcher, oem skins can be basically ignored. I've been seriously considering a iphone 6+, mostly as a second phone.. but if a new nexus isn't sprint compatible, then I could see being a possible switch over, at least until I get sick of apple again.
  19. regarding the myriad pricing systems of airlines and hotels; If these different discounts were based on the color of your luggage, would you still think that was acceptable?
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