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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. They wil not get rid of PCS if they can help it. They will get rid of EBS definitely. 700Mhz I am not so sure given Sprint's intention to roam on 700Mhz rural partners.


    If the spectrum screen is on total spectrum, then divesting some/all of EBS should satisfy it. If the spectrum is by band, then they might have to get rid of some of PCS. I hope not.

    True but with the 600mhz spectrum coming up and if they divest the 700mhz band that means the only lower band they have will be 800mhz band.


    They might as well give it to Dish



    Well its good to know that everything should work out smoothly. Now my last fear is that Softbank isn't going to compete aggressively after the merger but align their pricing close to what the big two have going on. That would suck.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

    I think that's everyone's fear but Masa Son is no fool but everyone needs to realize that the whole process will take years and nothing will change immediately overnight.


    I'm interested to see what spectrum they divest? Personally I think having 600, 700, and 800 is redundant. They should divest EBS, tmobile 700, and Tmobile PCS holdings.


    Again this is My opinion

  3. My question is if the merger is approved what kind of growing pains would we experience while Softbank is integrating the two networks?


    I don't think I can stick around and experience anymore network growing pains.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Nothing major. Everything might be same but SoftBank may decide to build out TMUS aws on sprint existing sites.


    As far as the integration of the network for this merger, I don't see it being as bad as Sprint and Nextel.

  4. No way why would you want that. lol Nexus 5 will not get it either is not a Sprint branded device and has no Sprint apps or bloatware.

    Just making sure lol. I want the nexus 5 but idk if I should hold out until the iPhone 6/ nexus 6 or the g3


    Wow. That is interesting. When did they set that up?



    Sent from my Josh's iPad using Tapatalk 2

    I notice the cellebrite change for a few months but I never thought to much of it since sprint owns 80% of sprint.


    Random: if the merger goes through, can't they just combine metro pcs and boost mobile I feel they both have the same target audience. No need to keep those two seperate

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  6. He's wrong at the end when he says sprint can "flip a switch" and turn on VoLTE. There's still a lot of work to do before that can happen.


    He's also wrong about the top 5% stuff being removed... It's still there http://www.sprint.com/legal/open_internet_information.html


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Volte can be installed for all we know...might just need an update to the tower

  7. A press event to announce NV "completion" would be a terrible idea. For current customers and potential new customers that aren't in completed areas it would be very irritating to see a grand announcement while they still have not seen the NV love.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


    I agree

  8. I think they are going to announce the "completion" of network vision. Remember sprint announced network vision and lte will be deployed to 250 million by mid year. June 23 is technically mid year.



    In other words I'm not expecting anything new or surprising

  9. Can someone paaalezze explain to me why Sprint's service is so horrible at stadiums. I went to Summer Jam this weekend at the MetLife, I had 4 dots of nothingness [emoji30],



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    They are planning to fix this by deploying small cells

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