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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. How does this work if you're switching from a no contract plan (but still pay for the device separately like Att Next)?


    My cousins are looking at getting cheaper cellular service but they just switched to att next. It'll be a nightmare once they decide to upgrade a single line.


    Sent from my LG-LS980

    If you are financing your phone, then sprint will pay up to 350 of the remainder balance of the installment

    • Like 1
  2. So am i reading this correctly. Hesse mentioned in this article



    Hesse says that Sprint can also eek more range out of 2.5 GHZ LTE TDD spectrum with "8 transmitters and 8 receivers in one box" (8T8R) at the cellsite and MIMO (multiple antenna arrays) on the device.


    Combining this with carrier aggregation -- bonding unrelated radio channels for a fatter pipe -- could give Sprint 120 MHZ of spectrum to play with in the second half of 2015, Hesse said.


    "That's two big channels of 60 MHz," he adds. "We're talking 18 months away."


    One of the editors said this about VOLTE in the comment section "No clue on VoLTE that I could see, although, they've been rolling it out with the Spark updates."

  3. Folks...getting backhaul to rural areas is often easier. Fiber runs along most major highways close to sites. Getting fiber to highway and rural sites is typically easier than urban areas. And the ones that are more difficult can be bridged with microwave.


    If Tmo spends the money and effort, they could quite handily equip all their rural sites with upgraded backhaul before the end of 2014. Then it could spend 2015 upgrading them with their new LTE 700 spectrum, and at least AWS LTE (B4) in the places where they cannot yet do LTE 700 A Block (half the country).


    We will see how much they actually accomplish this year. I'm with AJ...don't overread too much into this and the Tmo spin machine. Sprint could be done with their LTE 1900 and LTE 800 network wide by the end of 2014 before Tmo really gets any wind at their back. However, Masa needs to make sure of it. Tmo cannot be allowed to get ahead on this one too starting so late.


    By the end of 2014, Sprint needs to do the following:

    • Complete upgraded backhaul to every Sprint site
    • Get LTE 1900 and LTE 800 complete
    • Get B41 (LTE 2600/Spark) at all Clearwire sites
    • Get B41 well covering non Clearwire Top 100 markets
    • Get B41 deployed on every NV B25 site that is overcapacity (no matter which market)
    • Get B25 2nd carrier installed everywhere where overcapacity and spectrum availability allows (including minor refarming if necessary)
    They should also consider:
    • Add all iDEN sites that would add new coverage to include a full NV upgrade with CDMA/LTE
    • Convert all WiMax Protection Sites that would add new coverage to include a full NV upgrade with CDMA/LTE
    • Convert all Clearwire Expedience Sites that would add new coverage to include a full NV upgrade with CDMA/LTE
    • Convert the few hundred WiMax sites in urban areas that would fill in/add coverage to include a full NV upgrade with CDMA/other bands of LTE
    If they need to bring in another 1,000 SoftBank employees from Japan to run this for Sprint, then so be it! Time to get on with the show. Masa cannot wait to compete with Tmo after the Feds refuse a buy out. They need to plan as if there is an all out battle for 3rd place. Because there is. Sprint will lose its 3rd place to Tmo if they don't focus on network. Network quality/coverage is now the differentiator between providers. The price difference between Tmo, Sprint and AT&T are now not very significant for most consumers.



    I agree!!! Also adding the second lte carrier (A block) and small cells

    • Like 1
  4. Did sprint already say 800LTE will cover 150 million Pops by end of this year?


    This is why I said earlier sprint should take this announcement and really over deliver their deployments for 800/2600.


    Do I personally think tmobile will pull it off? maybe. Who knows we'll just have to wait and see.

  5. T-Mobile today revealed more details about the growth of its LTE network. According to T-Mobile, its LTE now covers 210 million people in 273 metro areas nationwide, with its HSPA+ network covering 230 million. T-Mobile said its LTE network will reach 230 million people by mid-year and 250 million by year's end. Right now, T-Mobile is deploying LTE on its AWS spectrum assets. The company today said that it will begin upgrading the remainder of its 2G/EDGE network with LTE 4G. T-Mobile expects about half of its 2G/EDGE network will be converted to LTE by the end of the year, with the rest following by mid-2015. Last, the company said it plans to begin deploying LTE in the 700MHz A Block spectrum as soon as the transaction with Verizon Wireless is complete. Verizon agreed to sell T-Mobile a wide swath of 700MHz late last year. T-Mobile didn't say when the transaction will close. T-Mobile claims to cover 96% of Americans with its network, be it EDGE, HSPA+, or LTE. Once these network upgrades are completed in 2015, T-Mobile will offer LTE in the 700MHz, 1700MHz, and 1900MHz bands.




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  6. I feel like Masa Son is preaching exactly the same thing when he was trying to acquire Sprint. Didn't he say with that Sprint + SoftBank + Clearwire alone can become the number 1 work in the world (maybe not in those exact words but that was message he was getting across)



    And now he's making it seem, without tmobile Sprint can't compete. I know it's hard for sprint can really compete with other 2 but if Sprint alone can complete the network build and then start marketing Spark aggressively they can do seriously do damage

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