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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. Don't forget that the Easy Pay $30 plans are usually no money down, but flagship phones on a two-year plan are normally $199.99. Therefore, the subsidy on a flagship phone isn't anywhere close to $30/month to Sprint.


    Most flagships retail for $650, but probably cost Sprint less since there is some profit built in to that number (for the sake of easy math, let's assume the phones cost $632.01). Once the customer pays $199.99 for the phone, Sprint only has to make up $432, which comes to $18/month over the 24 month contract.

    If the customer has an ASL they are required to pay a down payment and typically the down payment is the subsidized price.


    I think Sprint should just get rid of the ASL IMHO

    • Like 1
  2. I just tweeted @marceloclaure, welcoming him from S4GRU members. I then asked him about doing B25 CA in markets with 2 LTE carriers.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    I'm surprised they haven't done that yet. That will give the maximum Download speeds to about 74 Mbps second?

  3. No info yet on plans. But it should be big. Besides holidays this is the first time i remeber them closing stores early since the night before the iphone 4s launch. All sprint stores are closing at 6 Monday (at least in indiana) and meeting for training. Several stores and preferred retailers in my area are coming together for it

    Wow the new plans must be that serious.

    • Like 4
  4. Re: Apple and B41, they have B26, B25 and B13, which are all single-carrier bands. Phone tech has advanced a bit singe the 5s/5c so they can probably add another band in there. I'd say that the Nexus 5 already has this but it's missing B13.


    Hopefully these big price drops will end up with at least unlimited talk/text with 3GB tether-able web for $50/mo. I can dream about them having unlimited at that price since I could get exactly that with Voyager Mobile but Voyager has no way of doing tethering, and I'm sure no roaming.


    Whatever the price drops end up being, looking forward to moving off of my SERO-P plan and onto something that won't have folks looking askance at me every time I mention the plan I have :P

    Yes I hope these plans include tethering! That would entice some people to switch

  5. If they end up with just 5x5 pieces of 600MHz, I would expect them to CA with B26.


    Doing CA with B25+B26 is not a good idea. Since B26 covers so many more customers, it will be overwhelmed to add some of those people who are already within B25 coverage over on to B26 too. B26 needs to be preserved for people outside usable B25 range, or extra capacity only when other bands are full and B26 has lots of spare room.


    Also, B26 users would only get the boost when they are also in range of B25. So that negates the whole advantage. It would only 'feel' like 10MHz inside the B25 areas. Not inside buildings and outside B25 coverage. And then you reduced B26 performance when you were in areas with no B25 coverage. It's just a bad idea in Sprint's case.


    I would advocate for Sprint to consider intra band CA for Band 25 carriers, though. In markets where they have two B25 carriers, aggregate them. It would not be much of a leap to get OEM's to add B25 CA with their upcoming B41 CA devices.


    Besides, the relief for B25 really is another B25 carrier or B41, not B26. Once B41 is common in the next 12-18 months, B25 is just going to get less and less common. If you think about it, a full Triband site would have B41 in the inner 1/2 of a cell, B25 in just the 1/8-1/4 ring outside B41, and B26 everything outside that. B25's usable geographic area will be going way down after B41 starts doing the heavy lifting.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    Very good points. I really hope they can get 10 X 10 600mhz. How will sprint and Softbank be able to obtain this?


    I'm not familiar on how wireless auctions work.

  6. They could with inter-band CA.


    EDIT: I have no idea if they equipment currently deployed is capable of inter-band CA. Obviously there are no devices able to do this currently.


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    I don't think so either. All we heard was CA within the 2.5 spectrum.

  7. This is something I have been quietly advocating, especially in the IBEZ, where possible. I think AT&T should do it too. I would. And then I would CA the one B26 and one B12 carrier together in the markets where you have both. Then you could have some 10MHz low frequency action.


    And even if you don't come up with it in a lot of markets, make Tmo pay more by having to compete with someone for that spectrum!!!



    That will be a great Idea. I wonder if sprint will use CA with 600Mhz and band 26.


    Random but can they aggregate band 26 and band 25?

  8. Id hope that - that would be part of the changes.


    But id totally understand why he wouldn't. Better to deliver it rather than talk about it.

    I'm sure it is. Claure is all about under promising and over delivering which sprint needs. I think they will roll out spark aggressive but keep time lines and launch dates etc silent. I read (can't find the source) the network vision 1.0 is set to be completed by 1Q 2015. If they can have 2.5 cover 200 million POPS by mid year next year that would be great.

    • Like 2
  9. Anyone know if they will be dropping the Sprint brand for SoftBank USA? I thought I heard rumblings about that last month. I think it would be a smart move since a not so good reputation is hard to shake.

    That was a rumor for the merged company for tmobile and dish. I honestly don't seem them changing name.

    • Like 1
  10. I just hope this upcoming winter is not the same like last. Hopefully it's a mild winter but good weather so they can still deploy at a good and fast rate like they are now.



    * Can't say much since it's premier sponsor info but I can say 8t8r antennas (spark spectrum) has been spotted in many areas that Sprint hasn't launched so I expect a pretty big spark announcement in the next upcoming months.


    I'm really excited for this new era. I just want the network to be the focus point. New plans should be announced right before the iPhone 6 launch (which I see happening)

    • Like 2
  11. I don't think so, my guess is if that was the only hold up they would have already launched DC. Then just launch Frederick, MD separately.


    Is Frederick the reason that Sprint never formally launch DC market?

    I wonder what the hold up for the lte deployment? Hopefully once they get things going they install 8t8r antennas and just launch it as a spark market

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