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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. Well it looks like hope is on the way. A permit was issued on 2/11 (App #: BP-14-00365) by the City for 30 W Patrick. This straggler also includes some Microwave antennas, so hope is on the way for a quick LTE deployment in the immediate downtown.

    How can I check permits?

  2. So with the latest news of the possible break down of a buyout agreement with tmobile coming from DT. What are the chances of Sprint and Dish working on an agreement to piece together a network share agreement and mobile video plan as stated in this article. http://mobile.extremetech.com/latest/221050-dish-secures-spectrum-for-150mbps-lte-wireless-broadband-to-rural-homes-in-the-us


    Interesting wonder how all this will play out

  3. The new chairman of Sprint Corp. recently and bluntly challenged the leadership capabilities of the nation’s third largest wireless carrier.


    “This is why I sometimes yell at Sprint executives,” the Tokyo businessman told an Asian publication. He said Sprint’s advertising was “not cost effective. This made me quite angry.” And he added, “Sprint has gotten used to being a loser.”




    Some local public relations officials told The Star that Son shouldn’t have been so open.



    Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2014/02/13/4821972/a-public-challenge-to-improve.html#storylink=cpy

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  4. It'll take a while for sprint to get to the "top", however, I do see Sprint turning around this year. NV 1.0 will finish mid 2014, hopefully they'll start exploding the market with  b26, and b41. Most the issues people have are not pricing, its with coverage. They just want to have LTE in every place they go like an ATT customer does. With triband, that is pretty much possible in any market sprint covers.

    True. Most people I know who have AT&T and Verizon will switch to sprint but they don't want to sacrifice their overall coverage. Triband phones will definitely make a huge difference only if your area has all 3 bands deployed though

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  5. So when can we officially expect a turnaround for sprint? 2014 is supposed to be sprints year but I feel 2015-2016 is more appropriate



    Didn't SoftBank say they have a "secret weapon" to get sprint on top?

  6. You're in a Shentel area. You shouldn't have any problems selling service. Do people really come in and say, "Yes, I can have the best LTE service throughout our region using Shentel/Sprint for an amazing price, but what if I travel? I wanna make sure I can have Tmo EDGE everywhere I go! Screw this Shentel network everywhere! I want Magenta Tmo only within the city limits of Hagerstown!"


    If you can't sell Sprint in your area, you shouldn't be in sales.




    Lol I'm one of the top sales reps but majority of our customers work or commute to Frederick, MD on a daily basis so most of the complaints come from that area since it's pretty much 1x through out the county.


    Yes thankfully I work and live in a Shentel area but sometimes it is hard to sell new service to new customers especially to the ones who follow the blogs and listen to the negative press.

  7. I just feel as far as "network deployment" there isn't really a sense of urgency with sprint. Main reason why people are abandoning the ship is because is mainly due to the network.


    It's becoming a never ending struggle lol. I know for some of you you really don't care about it that much but for us Sprint reps it's hard because we constantly hear customers complain about their network experience and how sprint sucks etc.


    Definitely going to pray tomorrow and hope we have some good news. Like spark will be fully deployed by end of this year haha

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