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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. Hopefully we will get some more information on Sprint tower 2.5 GHz at the Q4 CC. In terms of the Q2 2014 start, I wouldn't be surprised if its delayed. They still haven't finished upgrading all the Clearwire sites which to me should be #1 priority since the 2.5 GHz infrastructure is already in place.

    Cant thwy still start the deployment on the network vision sites even though they havent finished the clearwire sites...


    I know they said 2.5 will be their main focus but i really hope they deploy it faster than the 1900 roll out. Seems like data demands increase higher and higher each day

  2. Yes, it is ludicrous. However, it's a mindset that's being perpetuated by the tech bloggers, among others. When some random blog runs a headline about how Sprint finished in last place in some company's latest speed survey, that's all the average person sees. They don't care that Sprint may actually be fast enough for all practical purposes, they just care that it's not the fastest. The e-penis mentality has bee carefully cultivated and it runs deep.

    I agree that's why because of this reason I would like sprint to have the fastest network

  3. I really don't want them to blow money on an e-penis network. If they complete NV with a sustainable network that provides consistent data at usable speeds and a competitive price point subscribers will come. This notion that Sprint has to have a 100 mb/s network for cell phones to compete right now is ludicrous.

    I completely agree but if someone sees one provider can offer speeds 100mbps and the other 50-60 Mbps then that person will more than likely go with the provider that's faster.


    It's sad because the average consumer doesn't understand, anything really over 8-10mbps you don't see a difference.


    I feel they don't necessarily need to be the fastest but certainly not the slowest.

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  4. I'm sure they've started, however they are not live yet. It's supposed to happen sometime in the first quarter of this year. They have until March 31st, but I am sure they'll have it up by then. However, I do roam on Verizon in the tunnels, so Verizon's Transit Wireless thing being complete, helps with Sprint anyway.


    Verizon is already done with theirs? Jesus

  5. With Sprint it is always what is coming eventually. I have been hearing that since 2010 when I got my first wimax phone. I am still hearing it with my triband Nexus 5 in Minneapolis. It gets annoying to hear them always preaching about what is coming and how good it will be. Their coverage and price are acceptable to me though so I stay and hope it comes true for me at some point.

    I agree but we didn't have SoftBank in 2010 and even then sprint wasn't in control of their WiMAX rollout clearwire was. Sprint was just piggy backing on their towers for 4g coverage.


    So I somewhat give sprint a pass on the whole WiMAX fiasco

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