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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. Maybe Marcelo can help with speeding up NV 1.0/2.0 on the network front by getting the network staff and Saw to be aggressive with the vendors to meet their deadlines. Either way certainly Marcelo can help with reshaping its image and some of its current plans to be more clear. I still can't tell if the Framily campaign has been successful up until this point. I think some proactive ideas from Marcelo and the marketing team to help to get folks to try sprint should also be added to the list of priorities.


    I think the 7 day trial run...no strings attached idea for the iPhone was brilliant by Tmobile. It not only gave exposure to the iPhone but people can do a true test comparing the Tmobile network to their current provider. Sprint should implement something like that. Maybe another thing could do is extend the trial period from 14 days to 30 days back to what it was before so that it gives customers more time to evaluate the service. I still think the Framily idea is too expensive for the first few lines and to need 7 folks to get down to $25/line is ridiculous. The first few Framily lines need the price to be lower by another $5 or $10. I think at this point getting a higher ARPU is not the main priority when you are bleeding customers. Sprint could also bring back the loyalty premier program for 10+ year customers so that there is a sense of pride to be a Sprint customers and offer some sort of perks for remaining loyal to Sprint through the growing pains of Network Vision. Certainly Sprint has a HUGE image problem regardless of how much progress it has made with Network Vision and there is plenty for Marcelo to start on once he gets his feet wet with the current Sprint operations.

    Starting June 27 any new customer to sprint or existing customer adding a new line has 30 days to try out Sprint service. Customer who upgrade still have 14 days to try out their service.


    I think the new plans Sprint are testing are great but I still feel sprint should keep family for those customers who want group share discount and prefer separate bills.


    I think the Sprint premier program was awesome but they would have to revamp it since things are different now than what it was years ago. Maybe let easy pay customers upgrade every 6 months and unlimited data for free for 6 months as well


    In all honesty sprint negative image isn't because or the plans it's more because of the network. She shouldn't release innovative plans if the network isn't there to keep those Verizon and att customers on Sprint.


    The network has made a huge progress compared to what it was last year but some key markets still need TLC

    • Like 2
  2. Ergen had some very nice words about Dan Hesse on that call. What is the outgoing Sprint CEO's future plans?

    I have no idea. I think his main goal is to complete NV both 1 and 2.


    I think it would be great if they can overlay 2.5 spectrum on all 38k sites by end of next year. I know that's a big goal but I feel it's it can be done.


    Also have Volte nationwide by years end of next year and convert some clear wire towers into NO towers.

  3. My only concern is how can Marcelo expedite network roll out differently than Dan Hesse? If Dan Hesse was having issues with backhaul and the vendors, would those problems carry over as well?


    Luckily NV 1.0 is largely complete so most of it is overlaying with 800/2.5 which shouldn't take long but some areas where they haven't touched yet or barely touched, I don't see a big improvement happening soon

  4. I don't think you will see any "customer facing changes" this week, but i'd be somewhat surprised if we don't hear from Masa and Claure within the next week or two. After spending the better chunk of this year advocating why a merger was absolutely necessary to take on the duopoly, they need to come out and demonstrate that they have a plan B (and they do).

    They both will probably speak at the Sprint Edge event

  5. USCC was the entity that actually tested the rural hub implementation with Sprint. Their participation in LTE roaming with Sprint is all but guaranteed. The question is how extensive it will be and will they be a part of the rural  roaming partner program. 

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Send me a link with us cellular stating their a partner with the hub please and thanks

  6. Why buy spectrum from USCC / C-Spire / CCA members when you can use their spectrum for free and get them to deploy a compatible network for you without a significant of money and effort. :)


    Though I wouldn't mind Sprint buying them out to make sure that they don't get bought out by the duopoly.

    Agree however I don't think USCC is participating with sprints rural hub deal. I think it might be best if Sprint buys them out.


    And rebrand us cellular as a combined boost mobile and VM


    Just my .02 cents

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  7. I should've made it clear, I'm using an M8 and my Aunt is using a GS3. Her phone has the latest software available form Sprint but it just seems pretty weird to me that we never have HD Voice calls.



    Galaxy s3 is listed on there. However I know sprint discontinued the original s3 for a recent Spark version.


    The original s3 should be capable though

  8. I'm not sure why Neal needs to set us straight how many Sprint sites there are. Which there are roughly 55,000 now with Clearwire counted.



    I apologize if this question has been answered but any confirmation that they plan to convert the clearwire sites into full build Network Vision sites? Or at least add 1x voice?


    Also I wonder if the CCA sites will be accounted for as well since CCA coverage will be considered as native coverage.

  9. I am more afraid of Dish teaming up with Iliad/T-Mobile because then T-Mobile won't need to participate in the AWS-3 auction keeping their powder dry for the 600MHz auction. Common Sprint partner with Charlie... :)

    What happen with their partnership with fixed wireless broadband?

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