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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. I don't totally agree with the Great devices part. They still have no current Windows phones. I know people will say who cares but their market share grows each quarter. I have 3 users that just upgraded to Windows phones on our AT&T account and they are loving it. One each came from iphone, Android, PalmOS.

    It would be cool if Sprint can sell the Nokia windows phone and Sony Xperia

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  2. This is good news for Sprint...it is only up from here hopefully. But I'm sure the tech blogs will find some why to drag Sprint for filth. The news is starting to pop up slowly but I'm sure if Sprint lost the predicted amount of customers it would have been on the blogs already.


    Anywho good job Sprint!!!




    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    I think the tech blogs had their stories ready "Sprint loss millions of customers" and now they are like oh $hit they actually did well.


    I agree I think this a slight turning point for sprint. Personally I feel they don't need tmobile but the jury is out on that.

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  3. 2x carrier aggregation available end of this year *new device needed*


    (and was correct about late 2015 for 3x carrier aggregation ) (new device needed, avail 2nd part of 2015)

    For 2x carrier aggregation, are they releasing devices for this end of this year as well or all carrier aggregation handsets will be out starting next year?

  4. I just care about the Network info from the earnings call TBQH. I really don't care about anything else. Last year we found out they were taking the clearwire spectrum nationwide, hopefully we find out if sprint surpassed their goal of LTE covering 250 million POPs, more info on international wifi calling, and 8t8r deployment.


    We know carrier aggregation is coming q3/q4 and volte sometime next year (possibility)


    EDIT: Also if they can touch base on their new trial plans

  5. Were it not for Charlie Ergen, Sprint and Dish would be a great fit imo, much better than Sprint & T-Mobile. I think this is especially true on the heels of At&t's acquisition of DirecTV. Even Hesse said a while back that with the market at the point of saturation it's starting to become all about content. Dish provides content, T-Mobile doesn't. That Dish also has quite a bit of spectrum is just a cherry on top.


    But it always comes back to having to deal with Charlie... :td:

  6. This worked perfect thanks!


    I thought DC wasn't supposed to be a Spark market, though I guess technically DC isn't even officially an LTE market according to Sprint's maps either.

    There many areas that has LTE or spark service but it's not officially launched by Sprint. You should download an app called "sensorly" this app will give you a real time coverage map and you will be surprised how widespread Sprint's LTE service is covered.

  7. pulled 57 MBPS in annandale, much faster compared to the usual 1-5 mbps I get on LTE. I guess this means I was pulling on multiple LTE bands/Spark?


    I've done a lot of googling and I cannot find instructions on how to tell which band I am using. (Stock Nexus 5) . *#0011# does not work (though apparently it only works on the first line?) Any ideas?

    Download signal check pro or dial *#*#DEBUG#*#* and that will tell you which band you are connected too.


    You were connected to band 41 (clearwires spectrum/spark) which have you those amazing speeds.

  8. I believe majority of iphones will have WiFi calling with iOS 8 iirc.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    I honestly haven't read up on iOS 8 tbh. I heard even the newer iPhone may have the support volte, and a faster LTE chip (hopefully carrier aggregation) as well.


    I'm buying this iPhone full retail since I don't have an upgrade so I need it to be semi future proof lol.

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  9. "Sprint will be in a position to offer a vastly-superior 3 channel 2.5GHz experience in most major downtown areas by mid-2015. Similarly, analyst Jeff Kagan also recently had positive things to say about the improvements we’re making to our network."


    So they will aggregate 3 20mhz channels by mid 2015? Before they said end of 2015 so that's exciting.


    I doubt it but I hope the iPhone 6 will support carrier aggregation and wifi calling

  10. "Verizon, Ericsson, and Qualcomm recently announced plans to test spectrum-sharing technology in the 3.5 GHz band. The band is used for military radar systems, but the FCC believes the band can be shared with commercial uses in some situations. This new Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band is being considered for various licensed and unlicensed shared uses by the FCC. Verizon wants to use the band to add download capacity to its LTE network in high-demand areas like stadiums, college campuses, or airports. The band is currently 3550-3650 MHz, although the FCC is also considering stretching it to 3700 MHz."






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