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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. I have a strong feeling sprint and Dish are going to go through. I just think if sprint is interested in softbank I would think sprint would just tell dish they aren't interested. Maybe Softbank wants sprint to act like they are interested in Dish so dish can stop pursuing clearwire.





    I just want Sprint/softbank/clearwire



    If for any reason Sprint does choose Dish I'm definitely switching to tmobile

  2. "Clearwire today sent a letter to its shareholders regarding Sprint's take-over offer. Sprint offered to purchase the remaining 49% of Clearwire that it doesn't already own for $2.2 billion. The offer has met with stern disapproval from several large Clearwire shareholders. In today's letter, Clearwire explained that its board evaluated Sprint's offer thoroughly against various other options and concluded that Sprint's offer was not only a fair offer..."


    Source: http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=12318

  3. Well Hesse did say they are constantly looking for more spectrum and with Sprint already buying USCC Midwest market, it just makes since to acquire the rest. But yes Sprint has to focus on its deal with SoftBank and Clearwire first and also the current spectrum deal it has with USCC.



    Does the FCC plan on having another spectrum auction?

  4. Long story short, the financial statements released today exceeded the analysts' expectations.


    Ok that's what I thought. Should of bought some stock when it was $2.10 a share a few months ago

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  5. VZW are seriously over burdened on some towers... sprint will face challenges like this as well... I have a hard time believing sprint will always offer unlimited...


    I think once they have lte up and running (50+) markets I believe they will start data caps but until then I don't see them getting rid of unlimited data since they need the new suscribers. I'm sure when the iPhone 5 comes out sprint will have amazing suscriber growth since they will be the only carrier to offer an unlimited lte plan for the iPhone 5 and they will still be cheaper than their competition.

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