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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

    LG G3

    I'll have to ride by the site and see if I can spy any 8t8r equipment on the site. It is a co-located Clearwire/Sprint site if my location reporting is to be trusted. I'm about 500 yards from the site.


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    Hopefully it is!

    LG G3

    Is it normal for a B41 connection to show up as a B25 connection in Signal Check Pro and LTE Discovery? My LG3 is reporting a B25 connection from both of the above mentioned apps, but when I go into the engineering screen, it clearly says B41. If this isn't normal, I will take it up with the devs. Just curious if anybody else has seen this before.







    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    It could be an actual Sprint band 41 site. I read on a different post that sprint band 41 sites are not communicating properly with signal check.

    • Like 2
  1. Man Band 41 was amazing in the DC metro area today!


    Picked up band 41 in Germantown, Gaithersburg, Rockville, DC and the DC zoo!


    Even at the shady grove metro station in gaithersburg, I got 50mbps down and 14 up!


    Love my nexus 5 and I can't wait until sprint deploys the 8t8r antennas in the DC metro area and small cells.


    **at the zoo I was mainly on band 41 and band 26 and 3G was useable.

    • Like 1
  2. It probably won't be long though with how far along they are in the DC metro area.

    Their LTE coverage is inconsistent in the metro area and it's still non existent in frederick. I really hope they are building out Spark (8t8r antennas) as well lte 800/1900. I feel once they are ready to commercially launch the Dc metro/frederick area, they should launch it with all 3 LTE bands not just 1900

  3. What was stopping the duopoly from getting EBS before? Just lack of caring? It's not like EBS spectrum was expensive or unavailable for a long time.


    Yes I'm aware VZ made a bid for Clearwire as "Party J" but that wasn't until 2013.


    Verizon could probably buy Dish without issue with the way the FCC adjusted the spectrum screen.

    They could be lying but VZW has already said they do not want to buy dish



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