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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. Just came across this quote that Masa son said in regards to a Dish partnership


    "I'd like to partner with Dish in many possible ways," he told reporters. "We are specifically discussing all kinds of alliances and starting a test of technology. They can be our great ally."




    I wonder if partnering with Dish was part of plan B.

    • Like 6
  2. Loved this part:


    An investment in T-Mobile has quickly become a gamble. The company does have appealing assets, but the suddenly competitive domestic wireless market could erode away some of the value. Not to mention, any lack of financing to bid competitively in the upcoming spectrum auctions will seriously hamper future growth."





    Charlie probably won't take Tmo on his own.. The price war isn't something he would want to get into while battling with DirecTV.. If DirecTV /att merger goes charlie might go with a different mindset to masa. Charlie would need masa in a very big way$$$

    If Charlie is smart he would pair up with Masa and Marcelo. A Sprint and Dish partnership would be great and I honestly see the 3 of them working well together.

    • Like 1
  3. http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/



    Quite a few releases today. Interesting to note they've been released 15 minutes apart. Almost like they're trying to take over the home page of google for anyone that types sprint or anything related to wireless.

    This is great!! I don't care what anybody

    says but Dan Hesse essentially rebuilt Sprint. He laid down all the ground work so Marcelo and Masa (M&M) can take to the company the next level!!

    • Like 14
  4. With Sprints new CCA/RRPP agreements, is this needed? I mean - there are USCC towers in nearly every town in this area, but Sprint's agreement with Illinois Valley Cellular really would make it largely unnecessary for any USCC action in this area. Buuuuut - with that being said - Sprint did already snatch up the USCC Spectrum in central Illinois, so maybe it's just a matter of time... ?


    Interesting arguments from both sides. :) I am literally playing devils advocate with myself. hah!

    Ha. I was thinking the same but remember the other 3 wireless carriers are looking to expand so it will be better if sprint bought rather than the other guys.


    Us cellular would be chump change compared to buying tmobile and acquiring them wouldn't slow things down.


    Idk if sprint will need the AWS licenses though. Maybe sell it to Dish in exchange for H block spectrum or keep it and form the a wireless hosting deal with Dish.

  5. Your Framily plan will not go away. Sprint has not really ever removed old plans. Someone may not be able to start a new Framily plan, but people can come and go from existing Framily accounts. If Framily works for you, keep it. Nothing to be worked up about.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


    I have been on a cruise ship, so I mostly missed the news (small updates in port) -- but these new plans underwhelmed me... More importantly, I dragged two other accounts into the Framily mix with me... as Framily falls away, when/if we lose lines on our Framily it looks like our bills will go up until we either leave for the competition or merge into more current Sprint plans -- not cool.  Especially since the cost goes up for any combination of parties involved (1 line, 2 lines and 6 lines)...


    Is the Framily plan going away completely on August 22?

    No.The Framily plan still remains available; however, Sprint will focus our promotional marketing efforts on the new Sprint Family Share Pack.





    That should answer your question. 

    • Like 3
  6. This was the case for Sprint owned MVNOs but not Ting. I had friends that ported from Ting back to Sprint and had promo deals given to them. It was one of the reasons I joined Ting rather than leaving Sprint altogether.

    Port your numbers to an att go phone. Wait about 30 days and then port your numbers to sprint so you can take advantage of the promotion

    • Like 1
  7. I think they'll sit back and see the response from current subs. They can't afford to give away much, but I think if the backlash is big enough they'll do something. But I bet they're hoping, if not praying, that they'll get by with current subs.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    TBH if I was a current sub with an ED share plan I will keep it. I don't think any plan can really top it. It's a good plan and it can become even cheaper if you have a corporate discount through your job.


    I think customers on this plan should at least be thankful that Sprint hasn't forced them off this plan like VZW did with their customers on their unlimited data plan.


    I think this plan is great for sprint and I think they need to market the new plans aggressively!!!


    * sprint can always offer older customers on 2yr contract plans better handset deals on their phone. Just so they can keep their service and get them on a spark device so they have a better experience on the network.

    • Like 1
  8. i wouldn't be surprised if they just drop the recruiting stuff and everybody goes to $25 a month with the options for $10 for 3 GB and $20 for unlimited. 


    Im thinking that and that makes the most sense but we shall see.


    I just hope they incorporate hotspot on their individual plans instead making it separate.


    maybe for customers who want unlimited data, should get at least 2gb of hotspot included with their plan

  9. Reporting on the news before its news...heard it here first..."Take off the Edge" event is gonna be announcing the new Sharp + Softbank phone. I'd really like to see the 5.5" version in the US, but if the 5" comes, it'll be what I get for my sis-in-law in Nov when she is eligible for an upgrade.

    It's cool that we are getting this phone! Now only if we can get the Nokia windows phone and the sony Xperia

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