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Everything posted by Feech

  1. Keep in mind that the tower crew will have 3-4 on site, there maybe at least 2 electricians and possibly someone from Sprint and Ericsson.. You may see a county inspector, and somebody to build the slab.. Gets crowded Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  2. see the problem with it is we all base this on our on own experience of working hard all our lives and knowing what it is like to work for a dollar likely doing something that isn't very exciting. Every answer I read is reasonable because we have life on our side. Lets add to it that we are in our 20's with that mentality. Does that money still last? We hear stories all the time of people that made tons of money but somehow ended up broke. Child stars, musicians, actors, and athletes all get caught up in one way or another and end up broke. Hell, I read today about Alan Iverson who made 120M in his career but has nothing damn near.
  3. When u look its always there. When I first noticed it I looked at it constantly and it was there sometimes other times not but I could toggle and it would be back. I don't look now nearly as I used to but between the speed tests checking for backhaul work and toggling looking for LTE I feel pretty sure saying I have it all the time. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  4. My point with him was as much as you think you would live slightly above your means now, I believe a vast majority would go well beyond
  5. So a co-worker and I got into it today. We were discussing the KC player who was in the news this weekend. Although one thing has nothing to do with another as he was trying to imply it did get us into a argument about if a Million dollars is enough. My take is that it was not. Could you live on it? absolutely but it wasn't enough. His take was it was more than enough and even after taxes and bills you should be more than fine. While writing this I have come up with something else too. If you were getting a Million a year, at some point it becomes more than enough its getting to that point though. Thoughts.
  6. Seems like they had a agreement and this arguement is about the renewal terms of the same patents.
  7. If you are talking about the monopole at the very end of 4th st as you get on to 275N then no. I passed there on Sat twice and didnt see anything that looked like it.
  8. Everything you say is true but think of it like this. Most people have had the thing for 6 months, if deployment in your area hasn't started yet it may be a year total until you get a sniff of LTE. When LTE starts to pop up until deployment is complete you may have to do the toggle thing at least until the market is saturated enough. That might damn near the total of your contract. I'm throwing numbers around of course but I don't think it's unreasonable to think along those lines Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  9. In a second Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  10. And on that note I will now shut up lol thanks Robert patience is truly a virtue.. That I don't have unfortunately. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  11. Poast rhymes with roast..as in she looked like a big fat roast..oh and I can't tell anything from that pic
  12. do you have a pic? and was my ex-girlfriend hanging from one of the panels? and if she was? you better have a pic
  13. boomerbubba, just being real here but this isn't the first post I have seen from you where you are smacking down someone on the site who is trying to make a contribution without being a sponsor. I would love everyone to be a sponsor but it will never happen so let those people contribute in any way they can. I understand you are likely trying to be helpful but it really comes off as arrogant and bullying. If that was the response to one of my first posts I would be out and miss out on conversing with some really intelligent people that are way smarter than us. I would also quibble with your assertion that Sensorly may not be useful. Granted, it may not be the end all be all but it will certainly put you in the area, and if you can get to the site its easy to prove or disprove if it is a Sprint site with very little work other than driving. Not trying to start a war, but understand that you really sound nasty when replying to posts
  14. OK, so I was on my way to the site that Tux has been talking about on Railroad, but on the way there is another site that I always toggle at. Today I stopped and saw a Ericsson truck onsite and decided I was gonna talk to him. First, let me say that I meant nothing bad when I mentioned that it was like talking to a Sprint CSR. They are very good at what they do until they start talking about things that are outside what it is they get paid for. This guy was sort of like that. My first question out the box is when they were going to lite up the site I was at with 4G. He told me that it already had 4G. I explained that I meant LTE. He said "Oh! yeah I have no idea. when they are going to do it. they wont let us touch it" He explained that he was a tech that maintains the sites (I guess part of the Ericsson team that manages the network) and that the RF guys are doing the LTE stuff, and wouldn't let them touch it yet and he could wait to get his hands on it? He also said that there was about 100 sites that were ready. I'm not sure what he meant by that statement but asked him if that meant panels were up and he said yes. I'm not sure if that was in the state, county, or market. I asked him what kinda phone he had and he said a HTC Touch Pro, for some reason that was important to me. He also explained to me what they were going to be doing with the Nextel spectrum and how they were going to be ripping the old Sprint stuff out, but it seemed like he was under the impression that it was going to be part of what they were currently doing. He was a nice enough guy and I appreciated what he did tell me but it seems like Ericsson keeps everything compartmentalized. They hire you to do one thing and keep you in that box. Anything outside that box shouldn't matter to you because that's someone else's box. I could be way off on that assessment or maybe that's the way Ericsson does things and it works for them. Most companies have found that to be inefficient. I wish I had more for you but I don't. Lastly, this guys span of control seemed to be a pretty big area. Ocala, Tampa, St. Pete, Clearwater, etc.
  15. So I just talked to a Ericsson rep. Nice guy caught him at one of the in progress sites. Unfortunately, it was like talking to a Sprint CSR. I'm still driving but will talk more when I get home. Sorry Tux but I had to abort your site. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  16. Hell I'll go there now lol Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  17. Its strange you keep losing yours like you do, I haven't lost it since I got it at leat when I look. I need to find the post on here about the LTE core and how that relates to what we are seeing in Orlando. I wonder if we share a core or if they have one and we do..either way I'm glad for them if residents can actually use it. seems like it maybe more for the park vistors which is good for Sprint. Imagine if you are from Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, or Atlanta. and come down to Disney and dont have the same experience. Surprised it didn't happen sooner over there.
  18. I think it was Robert somewhere on the site that recommended to obtain a LTE connection first, then run Sensorly as it was less likely to get the connection while running.
  19. Jelly Bean would be nice but honestly the connection issues to me are more pressing. That's what I'm waiting for. Everyday that passes without a acknowledgment from Sprint or HTC makes me more upset. I'm not sure how many LTE they sold but it can't be so many that they can't do something about it Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  20. Hate to turn this into another HTC sucks conversation but I have 2 people I work with all of us had OG EVOs 2 of us upgraded to the LTE. He would tell me and still does that he can even hold his 3G signal like his OG EVO and the other co-worker that still had hers would hold her signal when his would drop. Guess there is something to it Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  21. My guess is Sprint didn't sell a bunch of them
  22. That's huge.. I don't remember anything like that Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  23. Nice,,now go find some sites lol ..What made you choose that over the SG3
  24. I could be wrong but it looks like they recently set a new shelter there.. That likely wouldn't be Sprint, but that site is so cramped it looks like anything is possible plus with is being on the water I guess they might Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  25. Look on this thread there are plenty of pics Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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