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Everything posted by Feech

  1. I just passed that pole. Didn't see any panels up or workers looked like there was a generator on site though. That's a hard site to scope because either you have to stop on the highway or from the Pinellas side have to be going to Tampa cuz there ain't no turning around once you get to the tower. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  2. Is that the monopole your're talking about
  3. I've read your posts.. I'm good.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  4. I'm not asking a question as much as I am making an observation. Here's an example of what I'm talking about. On one street in my area (a very long street that covers a few municipalities) there are five towers. From north to south lets call them A, B, C, D, and E. A is complete (panels and cabinets) B has not been started (inside of a fenced news building) C is complete (panels and cabinets) D is not complete (inside of a Progress Energy Substation) E is complete (rooftop site) This is a stretch of about 5 miles. I'm thinking they are trying to make a little cluster in this area and this street is a main north/south corridor in Pinellas County. It makes perfect sense that they are trying to build this stretch out but the skipped sites is what has me curious. Yes it could be permitting issues but all of the sites seem to be a pain in the butt to get access . The substation for example may require the power company to be involved, the news station might be the same The other thing too using my letters above there is another cluster. Starting at A and moving west there is a F, which has panels and cabinets, a G where panels were just installed and cabinet was set, and a H which has no work done, but a permit pulled. H seems to be extremely cramped in space where I'm not sure where the cabinets are going to be set (possible problem child site) Its all speculation on my part of course but it seems that if a site is going to be high maintenance they are skipping it.
  5. I was using the Decks CM10 for a bit this summer, that was until I found out that eHRPD was in the area. I can say that while I was running it I was so happy with it. Just a better overall experience. I wish I could stay on it but the data I here is wishy washy with the LTE. Since I'm on the verge I think of deployment I don't want to be fumbling with the phone trying to get a connection worse than I am now.
  6. I like Sensorly but lord knows they could do something about the coloring. Using a lighter shade of color does not work.
  7. What city is that in so I can see
  8. So I posed this question to Robert but I wanted to throw it out there for everyone. I am seeing in my area thats sites in the same general vincinity are being completed (cabinets and panels). Whats interesting is the sites in the same vincinity that are not getting work done. Here in Florida it may be different because it seems like you can pull permits for the county or the city so that may have something to do with it. My theory though is somethng different. When I look at sites that have not been done it SEEMS that they all have some sort of issue with access. For example, the sites I am specifically talking about were either rooftop sites, inside a power company sub station, inside a storage unit facility, or attached to a power company tower. Of course there could be all kinds of reasons why they are working in the manner they are but I did find it interesting that the sites nearby (like less than a mile on the same street) were not done and all were sort of unique. Anyone during the deployment see anything like this or even notice it. Tampa deployment is depressing and I need something to talk about so humour me please.
  9. If you look at Sensroly you will see that it is close already take a drive..
  10. They both should be trying to modify my satisfaction Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  11. Can anyone tell me what this picture is telling me? It's a picture from a site I have been too and thought the backhaul was completed. You can see the trench line from the site to the vault but what is the orange conduit that is stick up out the ground? There seems to be nothing in it not even a rope Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  12. Welcome to the site. We all know Sprint has some growing pains with the 3G, so keep it down to a quiet roar on the site, and become a sponsor to you can keep up with the network updates with accepted sites in your area.
  13. Has anyone been back over to Channelside to see if they can pick up a signal
  14. All good points..I'm sure the addition of the iPhone and the unlimited data that came with it helped too
  15. Dang, J-Ville you looking good on Sensorly. Looks like you guys are building around the ring?
  16. Yeah, the site itself I could find in any of the other contractors permit pulls, but I was so sure it had to be one that I knew already. It wasn't until I went to the Clearwater or largo permitting site I found this guy who was one that I hadn't heard of. From a business view I wouldn't drive down here with a crew of 3-4 people for 3 days in a row, I also wouldn't pay for a hotel either but if it was for multiple jobs then yes I would. I could make money off multiple jobs like that. Where this site is though I have not seen any other work done.
  17. Not sure if this will help you or not. There was an Ocala contractor who completed a site here in Largo I believe. I thought it was strange for them to have a crew all the way down here to do one site. I can't remember his name offhand but I'm sure he will be heavily involved with the deployment in that area. Try the Ocala permitting site to see if you find anything Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  18. Where you sailing to? Have fun Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  19. Nice.. They were talking about it in their thread yesterday. There was a spot in Epcot yesterday on Sensorly. Wonder if you got a different one?
  20. This is a great theory. Thanks Robert. I wonder if this fluctuation has anything to do with the long pause I have when gaining my 3G signal. It seems like a long time not just when I toggle airplane mode but whenever I pick up my phone my 3G icon is grayed out for what seems like a full 7-10 seconds. Talk about buyers remorse. Wish I could get Sprint to take this thing back
  21. I forget about SW FL. You're right about work being done there. Especially considering that most of the contractors are from that side of the bridge Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  22. You're right. I'm bored chasing sites, I'm kinda disappointed too that it appears they will be behind schedule here. I still believe when we get the first site in this area it will be something like 10-12 at a time but I'm just tired of waiting every week for a update that doesn't come. I see the clusterr they are building in at least two areas where multiple sites will likely come on line at the same time but still I'm just disappointed to see they wasted Aug-Oct doing what appears to be nothing at sites I have been too. No slab, no evidence of backhaul, no cabinets set. All things that could have been completed beforehand to speed up the process. Maybe it wasn't able to be done for one reason or another but still the basics of site prep could have been completed and I'm seeing it wasnt. Maybe this is where the other vendors are beating Ericsson. Preparation.
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