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Everything posted by dkyeager

  1. Chillicothe, Ohio and Washington Courthouse, Ohio updated.
  2. This added at least Pittsburgh (credit: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1140-network-visionlte-pittsburgh-market/page-23&do=findComment&comment=409656) Look here: http://coverage.sprint.com/IMPACT.jsp?INTNAV=SJS:HE:Cov Note if your area was added below.
  3. Some user reports now coming in about the G Flex 2 having heat issues. I do hope they take until May or longer if it will have a different processor variant that avoids these heat issues.
  4. If collaborated, us power users will need to wait longer. Of course my G2 does the same thing when I run a few similar apps unless a/c is directed at it during the summer months.
  5. This may be the lost Sprint Test Colony of Montana (or just a DAS or another possibility): Microwave link started in 2012/13: http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licensePathsSum.jsp?licKey=3385957 http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licensePathsDetail.jsp?pageNumToReturn=1&licKey=3385958&keyPath=403463 This link speed is frequently found at our more remote sites in Ohio. Look at this with google earth and street view -- not conclusive, but only one provider - https://www.google.com/maps/place/45%C2%B040%2725.0%22N+111%C2%B008%2733.0%22W/@45.6736111,-111.1425,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0 (some of the other microwave dates go back to the wimax time frame) Another pair that are away from the protection sites: http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licensePathsDetail.jsp?pageNumToReturn=1&licKey=2993707&keyPath=285921 https://www.google.com/maps/place/45%C2%B050%2717.3%22N+112%C2%B041%2710.4%22W/@45.7203036,-112.4886507,10z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0 http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licensePathsDetail.jsp?pageNumToReturn=1&licKey=2993708&keyPath=285922 https://www.google.com/maps/place/46%C2%B000%2731.8%22N+112%C2%B039%2717.7%22W/@46.00586,-112.6489944,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0
  6. It will be a noticeable improvement "moving the note to the bottom of that section and adding an option to hide the BSL if a note is present." The true 3G site location that we load in will have the same appearance as the LTE site location in user notes.
  7. Ultimately the network will decide, but when your phone needs to scan (or is nudged with a reset) you are better off in these situations. I often do this with B41, since the network frequently seems reluctant.
  8. I have seen many former Nextel sites with the old equipment still present (decommissioned and obsolete) in our market at more remote sites and the west side of Columbus. I don't doubt that many are no longer available. Sprint already did convert many Nextel sites along the various freeways. We do know where these possible future sites are, but you need to be a premier member. There have been a few new sites in adjacent markets as well as downtown during the last year.
  9. I agree with your comment "The thing I want to see changed about 1X is the bug where it won't log a 1X sector if no BSL is being reported" as most nTelos sites don't provide lat long, which we are interested in and overlaps a portion of my market (maybe Signal Detector can do this now that it handles CDMA). We are also trying to use SCP to quickly identify new sites that should be coming online. Much easier if you can reduce the number of "sites" you are tracking by 2/3 (ie actually notifying via user notes by site rather than sector. We can find them via logs, but many people are still screen only oriented. With this feature a site with no notes on the display is likely new.) This will also help when 1x800 becomes active in the International Boundary Exclusion Zone and the surrounding extra Sprint Buffer Zone, which could start at any time.
  10. Mike, I was wondering if you could get 3G in SCP to behave more like LTE: User Note to display for the entire site (all sectors, including 1x800) and to place the User Note at the bottom of the "paragraph". Even better would be if it no longer displayed bsl if a user note was present Currently a note only applies to one 1x1900 or 1x800 sector. I have screen shots if you need them. We are getting ready to display the real site location for some members in several markets using sid nid bid. Thanks
  11. Others have reported to me that when on T-mobile, the Sprint bands appear, also unusable. My thoughts are this is for the rumored Google MVNO as well.
  12. Does not look like what we believe to be Verizon in Columbus, based on spectrum analyzer report from amcferrin90.
  13. Been wondering if wifi calling is included. Saw only two hits on wifi directly.
  14. For the cell identity to display correctly, it needs to be set to bold.
  15. New 8T8R and B41 continuing to be found in Columbus metro!
  16. I was under the impression that nTelos was operating LTE 700 on some its earlier LTE sites: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LTE_networks#cite_note-4GA_North_America-226 and other web sites. I believe that current plans use bands that are aligned with Sprint: http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/ntelos-reports-improved-traction-western-markets-aims-cover-50-customers-lt/2015-02-26 Would love to see engineering screens from the latest deployments in Charleston, Clarksburg, etc to verify the actual bands used.
  17. Sprint roaming could turn out to be only for the latest phones that support roaming on CCA or RRPP (Competitive Carrier Association / Rural Roaming Preferred Program), a least in the short term.
  18. That is just the USB cable, which plugs into the standard charger. Any heavy duty USB cable with the correct ends should work (no thin cables)
  19. 2014 4th quarter results http://content.stockpr.com/ntelos/db/Presentations/1294/pdf/Investor+Presentation.pdf https://www.webcaster4.com/Webcast/Page/811/7331 Expects to bill Sprint about $140 million in 2015 for roaming. Total western revenue for 2014 was $360 million. Can sign wholesale agreements with firms other than Sprint Q & A starts at 22:27 Has agency agreement with Sprint where they get referral bounty for customers switching to Sprint. I believe this is just for eastern market because it is referred to as winding down. Coordinated effort. Next seven to nine months. Biggest advantage for Ntelos is that the customers migrate to Sprint. Plans on using 800 primarily for better building coverage -- does not expect increased coverage. Primary competition is Verizon, AT&T and Sprint. Main impediments to LTE build out are structural issues. It is all hands on deck. Main priority. Also covered here: http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/ntelos-reports-improved-traction-western-markets-aims-cover-50-customers-lt/2015-02-26
  20. Was in a Radio Shack store yesterday. About half are closing. This one will stay open but does only a few phone sales. Another store which the clerk had worked in, did far far more phone sales, but is being closed. Sprint will take over half this store in two months.
  21. Details of how to find these for Ohio would be most welcome. Please post details over here.
  22. Unfortunately, Sprint appears to be continuing to publish near term plans as b41 coverage. If this holds with the past, there are frequently other unpublished areas in the same market that do have coverage. This premature publishing is a bad habit that diminishes an awesome amount of progress.
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