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Everything posted by dkyeager

  1. We are now seeing SCP no longer logging with logging fully enabled while using the "national" SCP database (6/24 and 7/27). Wondering if it is too many records for some of your variables? Various phones and firmware: imex99 N6, nowerlater G4 with latest firmware, dkyeager g4 with original firmware. Diagnostics sent. 9:15 am: The three of us worked together. National database was absolved first. Then verified to be just a beta issue. Bleeding edge of technology. [is now a good time to put in a plug again for site_latitude & site_longitude so we can find small cells and have accurate neighbor info? ]
  2. Not always. Sometime they forget to add it back when they do a Sprint active 8T8R update.
  3. On my LG G4, SCP often won't display GCI when it is displaying 3G and LTE 1900. It only happens with certain sites. I think it may have something to do with the G4 3g look ahead issue where it makes a table of what GCI with which NID-SID-BID. This could actually be a feature. LTE Discovery displays both and I can sometimes see both move the RSRP/RSSI, but it often crashes. Only Signal Detector seems to be working fine all the time.
  4. Currently have full NID SID BID 1x1900 data entered for 71% of sites. Same source as above.
  5. I have been busy adding the SIDs to the dkyeager spreadsheets and then the NV hunters sheet. This information has bid info from pre-offsets. Now up to EA5x. Actually taking it from original Netmonitor app source data, so it is more extensive than spreadsheets. Up to 7CF was included in latest national SCP database. Currently have full NID SID BID 1x1900 data entered for 41% of sites.
  6. *** spreadsheets updated to here with NID SIDs added to back to 3/9/2014 beginning, excluding legacy. one exception so far: 22442 214 59922 EA12 4505 S Hamilton Rd, Groveport which currently says homer lane, so ignored. Also ignored are spreadsheet info without SIDs from dkyeager (may try to find originals).
  7. Mike, when you go to update the last_time for a GCI, can you check the first_time to see if it is before 2010 then update it to last_time as well. This will enable those of us using national user_notes to see the duration of a change. Thanks!!
  8. Without the phone upgrade being bundled-in to the price, many people will keep their phone until it fails apart, which also helps to avoid the pain of upgrading your apps and screen layouts. The G2 early adopters are just now passing 2 years. For those in urban areas it does make a difference with its improved B41 and CA. Out in the country, the b25 of the G2 is better. I did my comparison with many sites, but it was in the international boundary exclusion zone. A quick real-world B26 test reveals both to be about the same. The G4 is much much more response than the G2 and I have never seen any lags, whereas my g2 lags several times a day. Just one person, but then I have always pushed my computing devices to the edge and beyond.
  9. I only saw about a two second glimpse of the issue with the latest fix, which then self-corrected. I only saw this issue with my LG G4, and only with some sites. I have observed this issue with both SCP and LTE Discovery (which can display the full info for both). The RSRP/RSSI would vary independently. I did quickly test to see if voice calls allow LTE data -- no such luck (as expected). I do recall seeing a possible setting for this CDMA look-ahead feature (might be hidden) but can not recall this morning. However, the G4 does keep an LTE available list by SID NID and BASE_ID (##DATA# LTE_Available File - mine now has 170 recent systems), which is what this is likely used for. In other words, this "problem" may be a feature rather than a bug, which, given site capabilities, might allow you to track NID-SID-BID at the same time as GCI.
  10. ZTE Hot Spot is supposed to get a firmware update that will make it CA 2x20 capable in the several dozen first round markets (ours included). This may not be the actual model name.
  11. Yes, it is well documented in the last few pages i believe. Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
  12. Clear data, try again. If still fails, uninstall reboot, reinstall. Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
  13. Acquired a Mophie battery case for the G4 which shipped quickly: http://www.mophie.com/shop/smartphones/juice-pack-lg-g4 Tested it in the early morning hours for RSRP and bandwidth compared to a clear LION case and no case (none). Here are the results with the best and worse samples removed out of 5 or six samples each: Averages Horizontal Down Up Vertical Down Up clear 35.4 11.3 19.5 3.4 mophie 18.1 1.9 19.0 3.1 none 27.2 11.4 16.6 2.2 I was charging the phone and found that the top line showing the -RSRP was infrequently shown. I was also curious about the phone held at 45 degrees away from the user. So here are the next mornings results without charging cable attached and three RSRP samples used for each: Case Average Horiz RSRP Down Up 45 RSRP Down Up Vert RSRP Down Up clear -104.3 30.6 6.2 -106.3 27.3 4.9 -105.0 19.4 3.3 mophie -105.0 25.5 2.7 -106.7 24.3 3.1 -103.0 30.0 4.4 none -105.3 24.2 6.7 -106.0 28.5 5.6 -105.3 18.1 2.4 Much of the difference between the two sets of data is due to small sample size and somewhat data starved Clear B41 on a Microwave ring. The interesting take-aways are the clear Lion case seems to improve performance except at 45 degree angle and the Mophie does best while not charging in the vertical position. I will retest the charging versus not charging variations with the mophie. NB: to be scientifically valid I would need a much larger sample size of 30 to 50 with the other variables controlled.
  14. The latest system update does not appear to affect other special functions.
  15. It lists that the ability to lock down your phone in case of theft has been improved (see above for exact wording). Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
  16. MBFI = http://www.phonescoop.com/glossary/term.php?gid=551
  17. Thanks for the maps compliment. I have used maps in our Microwave thread with more detail and offered my spreadsheets to others but gotten no takers. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6836-microwave-backhaul-map/page-7&do=findComment&comment=422792. Another like would be appreciated. Due to the complexity of some of the FCC data I started putting it into a spreadsheet to make sense of it. I try to cover a complete geographic area that the FCC uses so I can better keep track of changes (state or county). The Columbus Clear microwave map is a test of a simpler version of the spreadsheet. I guess the 23,000Mhz microwave Mbps equivalent to fiber first depends on the level of risk that is acceptable. Now Clear and Sprint appear to use much smaller dishes than your examples -- about 12 to 18 inches in diameter. Thus my guess for 23000 @90% is about 92% of maximum capacity -- a more exact formula for rough estimation or better guideline would be welcome. In practical terms, it appears they would bump it up one level for the transmitter manufacturer, which is what seems to be happening. Obviously there are exceptions for the spurs, and all of the loop links would need to be calculated. Looks like no short-cuts except to go out in the early morning and measure pings to find the fiber sites (trace routes did not seem to previously work - must be using VPN or virtual LAN type tech). My feeling is the stand-alone Clear sites using fiber are the most likely to be converted. I was involved with negotiations with Clearwire when the network was setup. They wanted the speed of using microwave over waiting for fiber. Unfortunately a site that lies in a coverage hole in Upper Arlington Ohio was unable to be built because even though it got zoning approval, its connecting site did not (Clearwire did not want our assistance). Sprint also has weak coverage in that area today. I should be posting the Columbus Clear map with more detail and stats soon. Thank you very much for your help (and examples).
  18. report in xda of new sprint g4 over the air update yesterday - LG said it was bug fixes.
  19. http://www.theibulletin.com/leaked-iphone-6s-logic-board-shows-qualcomm-mdm9635m-5373/
  20. Maybe add the two site fields with using them for neighbor distance when present as a pro feature only to hopefully increase pro sales.
  21. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6731-nationwide-signal-check-database/page-3&do=findComment&comment=426383
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