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Posts posted by dkyeager

  1. Hey guys. From how far Sprints network has come here in Columbus, how do you think the network stacks against the other three here in the city?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    In the last root metric report, Sprint was ranked #2 in Columbus, and 3rd carrier aggregation was implemented in the middle of their testing period.   Since then there is more B26, a lot of b25 sites have 5mhz more up and down, and 9 small cells.  Now the completion does not stand still.  The others have been doing tower work during that period.  Columbus is one of the best wireless markets in the county, so it is no easy task to be #2.  http://www.rootmetrics.com/en-US/rootscore/map/metro/columbus-oh/2017/1H

    • Like 5
  2. Status update for Columbus Market for this year:

    • 3G Only sites are now an endangered species - only 5 remain out of 405 (excluding 9 Shentel sites and Band 41 LTE 2600 only sites).
    • Almost all sites Band 26 LTE 800 equipment now have it activated (penetrates buildings).
    • The number of sites with Band 25 LTE 10x10 and LTE 5x5 plus second carrier 10x10 has dramatically increased.
    • One additional small city has Band 41 LTE 2600 for extra capacity, dramatically expanded for another small city.
    • A few more Band 41 LTE 2600 sites have been added in Columbus.
    • We now have 9 confirmed active small cells with number 10 small cell waiting to be turned on.
    • Magic boxes are being tested in our market (think of them as micro small cells).


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  3. I think they had a shill strategy designed to boost the cost of Sprint to Softbank and thus raise the value of their spectrum holdings.  This likely cost Sprint many billions of additional dollars for Capex.  I think they would have backed out.

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  4. Hey so what are the codes to get in and change up my band priority, and off and on???


    Got some towers that have upgraded since i left and need to get in and disable band 41




    At least on my V20, the band priorities screen is totally blank even with the MSL code (but not rooted) :td::cry:

  5. I was busy finding replacement for a broken ceiling fan so no time to sit. I did try and airplane mode but no new GCI. If I had to guess what it was then sprint because it had what looked like an AirHarmony 4000.





    Another key item is the broadcast antenna on the top, which contains three elements which can be tilted for aim. A side antenna is used for directional reception. This one could be fiber fed.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

    • Like 1
  6. CellMapper on Android has a mode where it can tell you if your using CA... NEW FEATURE AS OF ANDROID 7.0 update.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Not seeing any display of ca while downloading on a LGV20 grom a b41 mini macro site with CA.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

  7. Correction to above, the distance is 30km ( about 18.7 miles) from the nearest Canadian shore.  http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5107-lte-800-band-26-sites-accepted-discussion/page-169


    The frequency distribution was as follows: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5107-lte-800-band-26-sites-accepted-discussion/page-169&do=findComment&comment=496513 Continue down for several more posts.  I still believe some private agreements/ arrangements are also likely.  These links and my views are not meant to be definitive but merely enlightening.  Read through them and then put forth what you think.

  8. Ohio and Michigan have an advantage since the are primary overall in diplomatic agreements concerning these frequencies, where Vancouver (3rd largest Canadian metro) is primary near Seattle. (Primary meaning they got more frequencies slots in this band.) Details were posted in our 800 thread, likely during the last year. Other unknown factors may also be at play.

    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  9. Had to strongly nudge them.  Privately gave Sprint a detailed list of 100 missing LTE sites (mostly GMO) with location and GCI on a map (only an image of a heatmap was published for the general public) for Western PA, Pittsburgh, Columbus, and Toledo.  Seemed to include all of them except Columbus (possibly out of spite).  Gunther has pinned his hopes on a new coverage map system yet to be seen. Other Sprint guys told me I was wasting my time. I did not event attempt b41 corrections for that reason (and to attempt keep focus on LTE), except one case of overstating and another of missing b41 (neither corrected).  My hope was they could maybe get LTE right over large areas.  Details except private message here:






    :sunny: The best way to look at this is we may have made some difference and S4Gru is still needed to at least know what coverage is available from given sites (assuming local confirmations).

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  10. After a brief outage yesterday, I noticed it looks like Sprint/Shentel just added 2xCA to the B41 towers near me. Shouldn't the secondary carrier values for RSRP, etc, still show up? I ask this because it doesn't really seem faster than before on speed tests. 5ee71fbae57d7bcdc085d92e64ea55a7.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

    Sometimes it comes in baby steps. Sites must have the backhaul and the core for all the market's sites must be ready.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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