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Posts posted by dkyeager

  1. Ran through another 70000  records before and after release candidate 1 (RC1), also android 7.x.  No issues.


    GSM data looks good from what I can tell.  Gives you everything since the beginning of the log file. Correctly identified overseas carriers.  Latest records were missing GPS data, so more data is being gathered for 1 day since we only had a very small sample.


    A couple of new LTE records in a very small small sample came back 0 RSRP, so running more data to check them out using a clean database.


    Will run a comparison of Android 5,x data before and after in the morning.


    Log generation appears faster.

    • Like 1
  2. Now that I can see neighbor EARFCNs on the fly, I noticed that I never see a PCI or EARFCN for a neighbor cell unless it's on the same channel as my current connection. That explains all of the "Unknown" cells that only report signal strength. Anyone on other devices seeing better results? Curious if it's an Android OS bug or a Pixel radio bug.



    Only rarely do you see other carriers in the same band. Band 41 for example only then sees a carrier one or two away from current, thus if you are on 3rd carrier you don't see small cells or magic boxes immediately. If you stay in one spot for a while, for example a restaurant, it will find it in 15 minutes or so and then stay with the small cell. Same is true with multiple carriers in band 25. It prefers to stay with the one you are on even when driving by another b25 carrier that is stronger.


    You can use this to your advantage when hunting.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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  3. I have compared imex99 logs before and immediately after this release candidate update.  No unexplained differences with about 90,000 records total. GSM file was empty, which is logical.


    I checked band display across all Sprint bands, they look fine.  The one error that I got, that Mike could not and no one else replicated, with having 1x and LTE signal levels in the status bar still exists. I recommend that it be put in a possible bug list so this update can get out the door.

    • Like 3
  4. Devices are supposed to report Integer.MAX_VALUE (which is 2147483647) when a particular value is not available. Looking at over 4,000 diagnostic reports I have, I only see a one instance where 0 is being reported instead. (I also only see 4 reports where 0 is properly being reported intentionally, so it's not used often.) I just didn't realize 0 was a valid PCI until mdob07 pointed it out and I double-checked the LTE spec.



    I can confirm that zero is a valid PCI. We have it at a number of sites and bands on Sprint.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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  5. Mike, thanks again for the amazing app, even though current stable version is super outdated it has still worked pretty damn nicely. But of course it's becoming more difficult to decipher what I am connecting too.


    Could really use that beta to help a ton!


    Help a brother out!

    Hopefully close to release so many will benefit.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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  6. /So this is essentially wi-fi calling, but instead of using a wi-fi connection for data it uses LTE for data?

    Sprint has changed Wi-Fi Calling to be compatible with Calling Plus (limited VoLTE) so you don't drop calls leaving Wi-Fi. It appears to need Andoid 7.x hence it likely broke the oldest Wi-Fi Calling as seen with the LG G4 which is on Android 6.x. Now uses AMR-WB codec (adaptive multi-rate - wideband) for HD Voice.


    Thus these phones we are finding can use Calling Plus, they just can not originate Calling Plus while on LTE like the two announced devices.


    How is the VoLTE limited? Lack of total priority over regular data along the data path is a key missing item, known as quality of service or QoS. The packet classification could be missing on the phones or all the equipment along the route does not know how to handle the type of service flag. Likely the phones lack packet classification since ToS has been around for 15 years or so.


    A person with one of the two select phones with full Calling Plus can answer this by testing voice calls while doing a data intensive task like watching an action movie with constantly changing scenes or doing speed tests.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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  7. I looked up the US frequencies for that area.  Always possible there are conflicts with Mexico.  Here are the uncontested frequencies.  Note that one lease may go away in a year.


    Sprint Call ID      start   finish   bandwidth   expires   earfcn

    WQL202, B486        2496    2502        6                  39680

    WND375-L000001878   2518.5  2535       16.5      6/25/18   39957~

    WND375-L000001878   2578    2584        6        6/25/18   40500

    WQL202, B486        2618    2624        6                  40900


    Sprint would be clear in the immediate area into Imperial County CA.


    Here is the unabridged version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12La02ReEXzlVbz760c0H0XWOQB4Xt2HrM202-_WzO5c/edit?usp=sharing


    It is quite possible that they have another 5mhz, which could then use uncontiguous CA soontm when it becomes available with the latest phones at that time.  If this B41 is from a small cell that other carrier could be the GCI sector 01, else 01 could be another sector from the site as well as 00 or 03.

  8. LG G4 Wi-Fi calling no longer appears to work.  It did a few months ago.  Thus not testable by me.  This phone is one off the last firmware and not Android 7 (promised, but not in a fully tested state, by the end of the year by LG - who knows if it would make it to Sprint phones.)


    LG G4 Wi-Fi Calling still works, just very selective about which Wi-Fi it will use.

  9. Interesting. Not the usual Nokia gci ending either.


    Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk


    I suspect Airspan Air Harmony 1000 or 4000 either as a small cell or in groups of two or three at the site with simple b41 antennas.  (edit: spotted photos of a site).  If an Air Harmony was fiber fed, that could be the second carrier.


    If it is a split sector and that is a virtual GCI, what others do you get when you walk around the site?

  10. Besides strong b41, I tried it on weak b25 and then went to basement for b26.  Took that down to -124 before issues.  Went past  -129 and SCP showed b26 dropping.  Moved phone back to -120 and call was still there.  Had another phone in my other hand on another network. As signal problems develop the lag increases slightly to the Sprint user.  The other other network user hears slightly garbled or major dropouts of your conversation. 


    The results while running a speed test with good signal increased the lag to up to a second as expected, but sound quality remained good.

    • Like 4
  11. Status line at top not showing rsrp. Was previously showing 1x800, yet was able to download 85mbps. Ignore remnants not erased fully.150ba88623ce1ecc41ef0a8065b41fa6.jpgb66ad6eecbd95e4eb702d03f6858bef2.jpg


    Diagnostics sent


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

    This issue is caused by enabling the 1x status bar.



    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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  12. SCP has logged my Pixel connecting to 4 different AT&T B17 sites on EARFCN 5780 since May 27. Does this match the licensing for the Eastern MA / Southern NH market? All were logged in my hometown where there are is poor Sprint LTE coverage. It had never happened before.



    Sprint has AT&T LTE roaming for data at about 1x800 speeds


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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  13. Neighbor earfcn is there. My bad.  I spotted it last night and was planning to correct my post.  I was either totally wrong on this or a recent system firmware update fixed it.


    LTE Discovery placed the date in one column and the time in another which you could just add together in a spreadsheet.

  14. Beta results after Mike fixed the band identification bug. On my GS7 Edge, summary of 718 sectors sighted between 6/10/2017 ~1:00PM CDT and 6/20/2017 ~830AM, between Crystal Lake, IL, and Fenton, MO (mostly rural areas in Illinois along US-20, I-39 and I-55; mostly suburban areas around St. Louis):


    Clearwire B41: 21 sectors

    Clearwire B41A2: 24 sectors

    Sprint B25: 140 sectors

    Sprint B25A2: 28 sectors

    Sprint B25A2 10x10: 28 sectors

    Sprint B26: 142 sectors

    Sprint B41: 121 sectors

    Sprint B41 MM: 4 sectors

    Sprint B41 MMA2: 4 sectors

    Sprint B41 SC: 3 sectors

    Sprint B41 TB: 7 sectors (What are these: They aren't in the glossary.)

    Sprint B41A2: 178 sectors


    Conclusion: The recent betas are doing a very good job of identifying bands.

    TB stands for triband antennas. But these could also be 4th carrier, which we are in pursuit.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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  15. I don't think it is related to the modem or root, it's the neighbor cell display. Disable neighbor display and let me know.




     works.  will try adding back in root and modem. Those work as well.  Neighbor list is the problem.

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