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Posts posted by dkyeager

  1. :banana::urock: Really excited by bands for the neighbor list. Could we get it to optionally display earfcns instead and also limit them to one earfcn? I am referring to small cell hunting, which has a unique earfcn where we have seen them. Else we will also need to find all magic boxes and airaves in our market to get their PCIs (we have most everything else). Magic Boxes also have there own earfcn.


    Alternatively allow us to plug in the earfcn for SC, MB, and AR which would then appear in the neighbors list. The ability to truncate or change the font size for the neighbors list would also be great so we can fit more on the screen. :thx:

    • Like 1
  2. I'm going to argue the opposite; I prefer LTE 800.  It allows at-a-glance differentiation between B5 (LTE 850) and B26 (LTE 800).


    Thanks for the update!  I've downloaded it now, and can't wait to try it out, probably tomorrow on my way to/from work.


    - Trip


    Perhaps add SMR.  This change also may not be intentional as it is not listed in the release notes.


    My general opinion is to go with how the carrier and their contractors refer to it.  For example, most Sprint contractors and a small sample of Sprint engineers do not know what GMO is (Ground Mount Option), but they do know GMR (Ground Mounted Radio).  I do not know the answer in this case.

    • Like 1
  3. With today's beta:


    I like calling it LTE 850, which occurs with modem enabled while rooted. Without modem enabled LTE frequency disappears ( used to say LTE 800 ). 1x800 should be consistent, ie 1x850.6ab6ecf72b2436a745a5c5168940fe2f.jpga44eeede688e60ca4debda22dcab8b94.jpg4f1c4bb196a7c3c30bb91c848bc0c181.jpg


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  4. Oops, forgot I was testing that. On Android 7+, it may become a necessity if you have an Alert enabled. If no text is displayed, an exception is occurring and the Alert does not fire. Still exploring this.



    Are you saying the earfcn is not always accurate on these ALU sites in Samsung territory? Or in general? Are you seeing inaccuracies via the root method or the native Nougat routine?



    The biggest issue with the root method is it occasionally fails with error briefly on screen, at which time you must exit scp and reenter to get earfcn back. No such issue with the api.


    Both sometimes get in transition or erroneous earfcn. Also true with other apps. Other data items can also be in transition such as pci, plmn, or tac.


    Of course CDMA has a host of inaccuracies. Ultimately the best way to display for known sites is BID and distance. Sprint also appears to tinker with them. Some phones much worse than others, especially with 1x800.


    Of course I flag any exceptions in the data I analyze, so these things stand out for me. Fortunate we have many people logging so bad data gets corrected soon. Multiple phones also help, but not always.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  5. So I've been removed from the group for awhile and I cannot remember. Was there anyone collecting logs to amass a database of site information? Or has that effort gone to the wayside? I remember some talk about it, but can't recall. Thanks!

    Individual market data combined into "national" database exists.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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  6. I think we have to look at the MM carriers as being virtual, like the triband antennas. which currently use the second carrier at some sites and the third carrier at others.  It is useful for people to know how many possible carriers are at a site based soley on what carrier they are on.   So I would have MM, MM2,MM3,MM4 for these high capacity sites.  So many people assume that no new bands equals no new capacity.  This is an educational effort.

    • Like 3
  7. Ah.. but as far as SCP goes, is that something that warrants some sort of special indicator beyond "MM"?  Are these sectors confirmed by anyone else out there? I haven't seen any other reports of them besides what I observed at Fenway.





    There are rumors of another in New Orleans.  It would expect high capacity MM sites to increase as time goes on.  Based on what I have seen, they should have enough ports on the routers for the additional MMs to plug into. We have over 110 sites of MMs in Columbus, some with small cells nearby.

  8. That is probably a swipe at me. The national DB uses the data from market spreadsheets to give a clearer image on how far you are in the neighbor cells. It uses -1 on known PCIs so it does not get wrote over. Unless you want to add tower location columns that are only used in the app to read and only used for neighbor cells distance. The big collection of SCP log is only 8.26MB with over 67,000 sectors. 


    No swipe intended.   Weaker RSRPs on changed PCIs have much higher odds of being in error.  This is actually a function of how many times this particular sector and band are seen (know from Signal Detector) but I assume that counting that would be even more difficult.

  9. Stock LG G4 with Android 6.0 works as it should, that is a typical SCP older phone (no earfcn).


    Confirmed B25 10x10 earfcns are 8140, 8290, 8390, 8640.  Likely are 8090, 8140, 8240, 8290, 8390, 8440, 8490, 8540, 8590, 8640 assuming typical alignment [thanks to lilotimz for helping to finalize this list].   Messy situations would have to be identified per market.

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