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Posts posted by dkyeager

  1. ... I also made it reduce the amount of log spam it produces - it will now only update the log when there's a change in the signal information, and not on every location event, which should cut the storage and power usage substantially.


    I am concerned that this will reduce the apps main feature, it's ability to track.  I don't mind one (preferably the best signal or average signal) per location, but I do like to have all locations.

  2. Strange - obviously it shouldn't do that. It should be compatible back to Android 4.2 (API 17), but I suppose it's possible I screwed something up and broke backwards compatibility. I'll see if it at least runs in the 4.4 emulator and will try to remember where my Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 are hiding to see if it will work on them.



    Latest does work on Android 5.0.2 (rooted) with freedompop, although I had to delete the data folder else it never made it displaying the map.  I do get the earfcn.

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  3. Looks like the 800 went off the air now. Is it possible they were testing and need it to be accepted before they permanently turn it up?

    More likely that they are lighting up other sites. They often turn surrounding sites/ sectors off for a few days. Possible it is also on but not public, also for testing. It takes a long time to fully tune b26 LTE 800, so your best experience will be around the holidays. Generally b26 coverage starts small and umbrellas outward.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  4. What app is that


    Sent from my 0PJA2 using Tapatalk

    Network signal guru, an app designed for carrier use. Extra features were $50 per month. Requires root, prefers king root (gasp), only works with some phones. Allows band locking as default feature plus carrier aggregation.


    Note the the gci starts with fe rather than 018. Shentel is changing some sites to their gci.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

  5. Ok, with that there is a chance I won't be able to lock my phone down completely. I have the S7e stock. I can try and lower the priority and see if that makes any difference.

    In other markets there is another way to increase your odds. Load your phone with a 1x800 prl which will then look to b26 LTE 800 for LTE. Update prl when done testing. This assumes a market has 1x800 before b26 LTE 800. With VoLTE beginning, they could choose not to do 1x800 in West Washington.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

  6. Hmm.. that's easy to implement from a technical standpoint, but I'm not sure of the best way to add it to the UI. Did you have something in mind? I can't add a fourth button to the Site Note popup (3 is max), but I could add an option under Preferences to have it populate coordinates instead of the address every time. Would that still be useful, or do you like the address to be displayed on most occasions?



    Don't forget the coordinates would be in the logs. Then ease of editing becomes the issue. Ultimately this goes back to adding two columns for actual site lat long to be used for site user notes and nieghbor distance, which would then preserve rsrp to be used for quality of signal in difficult or in transition cases.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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  7. ...My main wondering is if the 3x3 will end up being turned on south facing sectors only.  We've seen some of that in the Great Lakes...


    That no longer seems to be true in Ohio.  A of a couple of weeks ago we observed that Sprint quietly has extended the 3x3 coverage beyond b25 in many cases and certainly has all sectors working at most sites.  The power given to the sectors pointed towards Canada is much harder to measure.


    Does Seattle now have 1x800?  That alone would be a major improvement to dramatically reduce dropped calls.

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  8. East Lansing is far enough away from the Canucks that it should be 5x5 over the whole metro, IMHO. Sprint should consider seeking variance from FCC.


    This what I'm afraid they'll do in Seattle. All 3x3, and only south facing sectors. Fortunately, most of Western Washington has ubiquitous B41 now. Hopefully B26 will only be used in far from site and deep interior building conditions.


    Being a late to B26 market can be somewhat of a blessing, because they spent more effort on B41 in most of those markets to help counteract no B26. That allows good B41 density to be present when B26 does start to going live and B26 can just be used as intended. Not as capacity relief for B25.


    Using Tapatalk on Note 8.0

    We have been told some of 3x3 is also a matter of not having the licence to do 5x5. One site has 3x3 and both 1x800 channels.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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  9. I saw the report, but you have logcat output disabled in your settings.. please enable it under General Settings, let a few signal updates come through, and try again. Hard for me to see any error messages without that.. sorry!




    I am working on completely overhauling the Alerts; one of the improvements will be the ability to set them up for any bands/providers you choose. SignalCheck has come a long way from the Sprint-centric Network Vision-tracking app it started as in 2012!



    Even for Sprint users, the ability to set an alert to a specific earfcn (or several) would be quite welcome. Ideally this would also include neighbors. This would allow us to be notified when near a small cell or forth or fifth b41 carrier. Alternatively alerts for any exceptions might also be welcome.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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  10. Got a system update notification this morning, appears to just be another security update though after installing (ZVB).

    I will be curious if it has limited calling plus support, ie if on WiFi calling and you leave area, call continues on LTE with data support continuing as well. This was included but not mentioned in last LG V20 update.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  11. Yep, that's it. I wasn't reporting anything in particular, just wanted to be sure you had at least one outside test of the saved submission functionality. :)


    And I don't reboot my devices unless it's necessary. The last time I rebooted that phone was probably in May when I turned it off for the flight back from Denver.


    - Trip

    Too much bad memory management by the apps and OS to wait that long. I reboot every few weeks to a month at a minimum for a more stable phone experience. You can go longer on newer phones than before.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  12. Got that warning from Google's pre-launch testing service several minutes after I uploaded. Can't figure out why, compiles fine on my end.. was hoping it was a glitch on their end. I'll update shortly..


    EDIT: I have no idea what the issue was.. I resaved, recompiled, and re-uploaded it, and suddenly the APK is 900kb larger. Google didn't throw any testing errors this time, so give it a try.



    SCP does load correctly on a LG V20.


    With more screen space with the 1x with LTE toggle, I have noticed the long list of unknown neighbors. If there is no usefull data such as PCI or EARFCN, I don't see the value of displaying them.


    I was excited at first reading about adding location to notes thinking you were adding a site location column(s) so RSRP could be used for its original purpose (rather than setting it to -1 to fix the location to the site location). I do think the here button will be useful to many.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

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