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Posts posted by dkyeager

  1. An additional request, store the data time in an excel compatible format, typically decimal.  For example the date and time of this request is approximately:



    This could be in another column if needed.  Currently I pull apart the string and reformulate it.


    Thanks again!

  2. Mike,

    - Trip


    Good ideas. 


    I personally want the EARFCN displayed by SCP, even when I know what the site should be.  It is another means to judge the accuracy of both the SCP data and the site data.  Now if we could just get the RSRP value back for known sites while using user_notes B)

  3. I browsed the source of GitHub and it looks like he retrieves the earfcn value for neighbors. But maybe doesn't store or use it?


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk


     My plan is to then sort through those for new PCIs for things like small cells, else you need to be withing a few blocks to find them.

  4. I haven't tackled that yet but it's coming shortly. I know that was the NID range for Airave 2.5; just curious, is it the same for the 3.0?



    Yes 502 is actually for the Airave 3.0, 501 for the Airave 2.5, and I believe 500 is for the earlier models (I have only seen this in logs in more remote parts of Ohio).

    • Like 1
  5. Just fyi, the beta appears to be crashing on the LG V20. At least Rickie's. He's been busy on the road and stuff. Hopefully will be able to send a bug report soon. Just wanted to give a heads up.


    Working beautifully​ on my G5 so far! Was way surprised to see "Magic Box" on my drive home last night. Apparently the former RadioShack now sneakily flipped to a Sprint store has one.


    Sent from my LG G5


    No issues with any beta this series on my Sprint LG V20 with LS997V7 software unrooted. I Can list my SCP settings if that is the difference.

  6. Which still makes it a bit of an issue with how it is implemented in this latest beta. I see the option to not display the ul earfcn in the display settings, but no such option for the dl. It isn't optimal to have something enabled by default that you can't get rid of giving inaccurate information on roughly half of the devices the app is installed on.

    Samsung users just need to tell Samsung that they want this EARFCN API supported so they don't have to root. Samsung does not like rooting so the choice should be obvious to them once explained in great enough numbers.

    • Photon 4G with Android 2.35 works.
    • EARFCN displays correctly on non-rooted LG V20 using API method with very latest firmware LS997ZV7: "UL/DL EARFCN" on band 41.
    • EARFCN displays correctly on rooted LG G2s using modem method: "UL EARFCN" and line below: "DL EARFCN" on band 41.  I like a difference between the two so you will know which one it is using on a rooted Android 7.0 device (during beta, until we know which way gives the most earfcn.  Perhaps it is coded for API first then modem?  Then the modem would always backup the API on a rooted device if the API misses it).  They display the same for B25 & B26.
    • Like 1
  7. Found your reports.. ironically it's the crash monitoring library that's crashing, not the app itself. What exact version of Android are you running on that? Google reported "2.3.3 - 2.3.7".





    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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  8. Yep, that was a bug I discovered last night. One of the primary reasons I pushed out a new update early this morning.. glad to see your later post showing it was resolved!




    Doh! Let me know. I will try to do some testing also. If others could keep an eye on this, I'd appreciate it.




    My hope is that this can be the final release for pre-4.1 devices; there are many small bugfixes and a lot of nice changes, nothing that should preclude those devices from working. Where did you send a report? I don't see anything in my e-mail, diagnostics inbox, or Google reports.




    Reinstalled, ran, and just send another.  Thanks!

  9. SCP is now blowing up on my Photon 4G (wimax) smartphone (previously worked without beta).  Likely not worth effort to debug.  I just use it for CDMA logs (which is all it is capable of). You might want to raise OS level rather than support devices this old.  Sent report.

    • Like 1
  10. Added several hundred site sectors to logs on three phones yesterday, so no volume problems visible.


    The refinement of the provider in the logs has been removed.  I do not use it in my log analysis, but those reading their logs likely do.  It previously broke out Sprint B25, Sprint B252, Sprint B26, Sprint B41, Sprint B412,Sprint B413.  Also Clearwire iirc.  Now it just says Sprint.

    • Like 3
  11. Same as far as I can see.


    Thoughts on if/how Triband (B41 4th carrier) should be listed?


    From a GCI standpoint the Triband antennas do produce a forth carrier, but from an EARFCN standpoint they are the second or third carrier.  We do have a Samsung site that seems to be producing four EARFCNs, but getting the GCI has so far been elusive.  Hopefully will know in a few days.  Then we will know if it follows the pattern or skips over the Triband Antenna GCI sectors.


    Knowing that the antenna is Triband is still quite useful.

  12. Ahh ok, I did not realize the 10x10 was a second carrier. I'll change that. Are the non-Samsung 10x10 sectors second carriers as well? I sometimes get lost when we get too deep into these discussions..




    We do also have B25 10x10 sites using GCI sectors 00, 01, 02 (for a total of 10x10 at that site), but identification of those needs to wait for EARFCN identification. Only the 06, 07, 08 GCI sectors can be tied to 10x10 and also second carrier. (You already have a long list of features for this release.  Assuming you will continue working on EARFCN non-rooted, I would wait until that version to show B25 10x10 (not second carrier) so others can benefit from this release sooner.)


    Flompholph has a much better grip on B25 second carrier than I in the Nokia and former nTelos areas.  I do not believe we have analyzed that in detail.  There are reports of 15x15 in Sprint Nokia land, but that might share the same EARFCN as 5x5, so individual market knowledge would likely be needed.

    • Like 1
  13. I am willing to display the Mini Macro sites however everyone feels is most appropriate, those are good suggestions. I always have concerns about screen clutter, but I also don't want to need people to download a reference guide to identify every two-character acronym I come up with. It's technically 3 more characters (need a space if I'm spelling it out!) but I think that might be the best approach.


    Is there a second carrier pattern that isn't displaying properly, or are you saying it would be nice if we knew what it was?



    In Samsung markets Band 25 GCI sectors 03, 04, 05 are second carrier ( 5x5 ). 06, 07, 08 are second carrier 10x10 ( for clarity, where this occurs, there is also band 25 5x5, ie a site has 5x5 + 10x10 )


    Mini Macros deserve a glossary explanation: MM - Maded by Nokia, Mini Macros are used in at Network Vision and Clear sites with traditional Band 41 antennas for each sector. They are also used individually as small cells in the most populous areas (NYC, San Francisco). They have second carrier and carrier aggregation.


    SC - The Airspan Air Harmonys have only been seen at small cells so far. They are second carrier capable, but this has not been observed.


    Sent from my LG-LS997 using Tapatalk

    • Like 1
  14. :) Good beta update.

    • Mini Macros displays correctly (I would add the two characters to Mini Macs for clarity or shorten to MM as we do).
    • B25 2nd Carrier 10x10 is displays as LTE 1900, with Sprint B25 10x10 as description, so it has the band now (PCIs 06, 07, 08). Known to exist in Columbus Cincinnati, Toledo markets. Seen but not analyzed in central Illinois. Would be nice to display as 2nd Carrier as well.
    • Magic Box is fine.
    • Air Harmony Small Cell shows as LTE 2500 with description of Sprint B41 SC, which is fine.
    • B25 10x10 sites shows as LTE 1900 with provider as Sprint B25 (needs EARFCN identification to go futher).
    • Does not show as update on Photon 4G (which is correct as Android version is too old).
    • Rest are fine for Sprint / Freedompop on LG V20 and LG G2. Will test Sprint LG G4 & G5 later along with duration and log tests (I always have it running).
    :) With this update people will be surprised as to how many Mini Macros Sprint installed throughout the country (based on SCP log analysis).


    Edited 11:41am day of post.

    • Like 7
  15. It took about 25% of battery to do update.


    No Calling Plus.


    Immediately after I was force fed a google services instant app likely to enable spying on your conversations (included in recent google app updates which I had refused.)




    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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