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Posts posted by dkyeager

  1. [edited for clarity and to correct 0F to 00F]




    Band 41 details that might help you separate it out (identify it).


    Initially I though these MCC & MNC were unique to band 41, but I no longer believe that to be true


    - I recently put 311 490 in wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mobile_network_codes_in_the_United_States#MCC_311  It totally dominates the traffic.


    - I am also seeing 310 120 in band 41


    ***but then I also see both of these in Band 25 LTE




    GCIs -- this really seems to be the main difference


    - All Columbus market band 41 TD-LTE GCI starts with "00F"

    - I don't know what other markets see in terms of Band 41 TD-LTE GCI


    Hopefully this helps

    • Like 1
  2. Ok, cool, thank you.  It's definitely 41 at the Gahanna/New Albany/Blacklick cluster but it sounds like you already had that, lol.


    And yes, texts definitely are stuck, at least inside a building but will try more later.  Also gps just stays searching and will not work but that might be from being inside as well.  I'll find out more in a few hours.


    Back of envelop calculation as of earlier today, for just band 41: 24 sites on the premium map, another 10 in queue to be added (and are visible in the premium forum with exact individual map locations).  Other likely sites also identified. Plus you get band 25 site locations.  Getting the access to map beats driving around trying to find them, plus all the other additional technical details.  Oh, one more thing, the map is interactive using google earth.  Zooms right down to where you are standing or driving and tells you about all the sprint towers around you and various details which we have uncovered.


    GPS should not be affected.  Based on recent history, other issues mentioned will fade in time.  Switch modes back and forth until then.

  3. In LTE only mode, I do not believe you will receive any phone calls or text messages...


    It depends on what part of town.  Phones calls now go through with a G2 in its special mode in much of the west, not so yesterday in the very east.  Otherwise callers sent straight to voice mail, which may take a while to notify you.  G2 settings easily reversible if needed..

    • Like 1
  4. Hi, that would make sense, I bet it's just the B41.  I have a G2 and have enabled all 3 bands a few weeks ago, but have done nothing else (no rooting or anything).  I'm pretty sure I have the latest signal Check Pro, but it's weird when this lte kicks on everything shows up blank. 


    :tu: Your timing is perfect.  Get the SignalCheck Pro version for $1.98.  This should give you version 4.22 which does work correctly with band 41 TD-LTE for the first time (no blank screen).  The GCI of all band 41 sites in Columbus seems to start with "0F".  Your seeing Band 41 now tells me they are working in your area which confirms my suspicion about one problem site when I mapped many sites there yesterday.


    :) No rooting required for the G2 to see all of the Band 41 sites. Become premium and follow the link in my signature for a detailed "how to".  Best to do this before band 25 arrives (kryptonite to the g2 hunting band 41).  Note that it may take a few days for the premium map to show the latest sites in Reynoldsburg.

    • Like 1
  5. :tu:  Thank you very much for your signal detector app.  I use it on my G2 in an "LTE Only" data centric mode to map out emerging band 41 LTE in Columbus OH.  The logging feature is awesome, which I combine with google fusion tables to make custom maps of sites http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4825-columbus-market-mapspreadsheet-premier-edition/page-5&do=findComment&comment=259773, analyze likely locations of sites http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4742-columbus-market-mapspreadsheet/page-82&do=findComment&comment=261127, and to create sprite maps of where I have seen signal of unknown towers plus I posted data which you are welcome to have if you wishhttp://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4825-columbus-market-mapspreadsheet-premier-edition/page-6&do=findComment&comment=260635.  


    Interesting to see the mcc, mnc, and tac changes although that is about the extent of my understanding (I assume they are used like different network protocols).  Registered I assume means public.


    Thanks again

  6. There are tons of LTE sites on in Columbus if you have a G2. Check Sensorly.


    Today's post has been brought to you by Sprint, the letters GN and the number 2.


    Band 41 TD-LTE year end status for Columbus Market


    19 sites tested and fully documented, 4 sites 2/3 documented, all by our group. 


    Maximum TD-LTE speed seen in Columbus: over 60Mbps.


    7 other sites seen on air but not investigated yet.  Activity in all parts of the metro area.


    PS: Another band 25 FDD-LTE site spotted that is likely coming on line near Highbanks Metropark.  The GCI showed this, but by analyzing it further by mapping each PCI, it pointed to an existing LTE tower on Morse Road.

    • Like 4
  7. Mike just wanted to give you a subjective brief update on band 41 SCP empty screen issue.  New update does improve performance of detecting band 41, but it may only be 25-30%.  It does display info more often, but often for just 1 second.  Have now sometimes seen last site info line for LTE which is great.  Still seems to be overpowered by strong signal.


    Maybe this can be fixed through logging.  First, let me say that I would not look for you to be able to replace sensorly. 


    SCP, with logging, could become an automated new signal hunter good for pending NV areas as well finding the new towers sprint will need to start installing elsewhere.  Would be great if it logged new GCI /PCI combos and gave an audio alert.  If a user could preload a list that would be even better. 


    Once again, many thanks

    • Like 1
  8. I was at the Sprint store on Hamilton, and while trying to show the rep what my phone was doing, we had it on wifi.  Needless to say, it was slow.  The store rep told me that their wifi is actually a Sprint data card and it's connected to the tower on Hamilton and 70.  So, every phone in that store that is connected to WIFI, is actually connected to the same tower that your 3G phone is and the horrible data speeds are due to that.  



    So that means that really you'll get worse performance on the wifi than on 3g, since everyone on wifi is sharing one single connection to the 3g instead of getting on their own channel.  How silly.


    I agree that it makes no sense now.  But band 41 LTE is up at I-70 and Hamilton, thus with the right modem it might get a significant speed boost.  I like to do band 41 speed tests in front of sprint stores to help them out.  Is this store at 2367 S Hamilton Rd?

    • Like 2
  9. What if they released it earlier than it should have due to the other versions had already come out. Later than the other versions because of the triband issues? Sprint thinking it should only take a few months to fix it decided to release it on nov 8th with the other triband devices... Just my opinion hopefully all wrong....


    Sprint is working on everything triband LTE all at once: Finishing Band 25, quickly ramping up and 41 installations (at least in Columbus Market), and starting  band 26 rollouts, and slipstreaming eCSFB and other changes.  I think all of the triband phones will need firmware updates, likely several.  Now from my experience, in Columbus where enabled, Band 41 works well with the G2 in a special mode or Public View where there is no Band 25 LTE.


    What Sprint is doing is like changing the tires, engine, transmission while you are still driving down the road (network side) while they are also changing the driver's clothes (triband phones and firmware updates).  The only item I object to is that they are always telling people that champagne and a victory party are just around the corner when we have many laps to go.  Awesome plan, fortunately Softbank gave them resources thus credibility.

  10. My best guess is the disappearing information has something to do with Band 41 not being ready yet; there has been a lot of strange behavior when connecting to (or trying to connect to) these sites.


    I've implemented your suggestion to save the most recent LTE cell ID information and display it if Show Hidden Data is enabled. It will be in the next update unless it turns out to cause problems during testing. I believe I have finally resolved the SID display bug, so I'll be prepping an update soon.




    :clap: :clap: :clap:


    Many thanks.  Once/while you have others test it to see if it breaks anything, I could test it to see if it works.  Even a 50% success rate would be such a dramatic improvement and make reporting band 41 sites so much easier. 

    • Like 1
  11. Thank you, I got them! With "Show Hidden Data" enabled, are you seeing signal information steadily?


    The reports you sent me show reasonably strong LTE signals, however, the phone is reporting that it is not connected to a known mobile data network (that's why the top line of SignalCheck says "Connecting...". But the system icon shows LTE and even SignalCheck says a mobile data connection is active and transferring data, very strange! I'm wondering if Band 41 on the G2 doesn't properly "identify" itself to Android. Maybe that's part of the mythical Spark update that is supposed to be coming soon...




    Already have hidden LTE enabled. I was thinking that perhaps you could hold the last LTE data (flag it as possibly stale) when the screen is blank to make it easier for us to capture the GCI and PCI when the hidden LTE is enabled.  It does typically appear in a instant every 5 to 20 minutes. 


    Any other hints also welcome.  The stability I am seeing does not indicate that the Spark update will be a ruse, but did own a Photon 4G that was never updated to ICS despite written promises.

  12. Hello Mike,


    Awesome program.  Much better than most of your competitors.  A pro user with a G2.


    Having issues with Band 41 TD-LTE reporting.  Most of the time it is blank while I am connected to TD-LTE band 41 with brief almost random flashes of my Band 41 LTE info: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ju64omkhc88r2if/1gHZVuFFfN


    It does not seem to matter as to whether I am in regular or LTE-only mode.  5 to 20 minutes can go by before the LTE data appears, which then disappears in seconds.  It is pure luck if you can capture it.  Currently not an exciting program to use in dangerous neighborhoods.   Have removed the other communications options other than show hidden data, which seems to have improved it slightly. 


    Am I missing a feature or setting?  If not, could you program it to keep the displayed data up until you have new LTE data for that program session (perhaps through the hidden data option).  I am a former software developer and have participated in many beta tests, so I am also willing to help test it.



  13. Hello, quick question. I just noticed today after checking sensorly on both my phone, and the website, that there is LTE live less than a quarter mile from me. I can't connect. Anyone know why? I've connected to LTE before on my GS3 in Grove City. It connected immediately without my having to do anything.


    So far I've; Updated PRL, restarted phone, Changed the connection type from CDMA back and forth to CDMA/LTE/EVDO, and toggled airplane mode multiple times. The best I have gotten was x800 with EVDO. The x800 would only stay for about 30 seconds after updating the PRL.


    Hopefully someone can help me out. Being this close to the site, I should have no problem connecting at all.




    Edit: Changed picture to more accurately show where I am trying to connect.


    Yes, that would be me.  Almost 50mbps downloads at Westland Mall TD-LTE tower (not yet accepted) -- details in the premium section.  The target location likely has very strong signal, however TD-LTE can be very spotty and just a few feet can make a huge difference.  This testing was done with a G2.  During testing sometimes this signal is in Full-Public view, other times it is LTE-only view (which means a triband phone can not make or take calls or messages).  The Nexus 5 may not have this capability (at least not a month ago).  Hopefully in a few months it will be complete, fully available all the time, and any issues we find all resolved.


    The other vendors Nexus 5 advantage is 32 instead of only 16gb of storage, less sim card. However, by the time triband is fully available here, there may be even better phones.


    P.S.: I can not see LTE on Stringtown Road with my G2, only the newer LTE sites. I don't like Sensorly's lack of band separation either.  Ideally it would be blended with band separation options, plus more weighted towards recent data. I e-mailed them, but have never heard back.  Too busy expanding in Europe I guess.

    • Like 2
  14. Sensorly is slowly mapping my return trip near I-70 (not yet available on my return).  Much less LTE than in the morning when I was heading west, but still the most ever compared to other trips on this run.  1 or 2 east of Zanesville, one on the exit ramp immediate area to north of the downtown (lots of 1x800 notices).  Northside of Zanesville did not yield any LTE for the G2 (needs to be tested with an older LTE phone).  Gariot was still big LTE.  Went to two sites which will be listed in the sponsor forum.  Chased one false lead hoping for a new site.


    LTE discovery log

    12 13, 09:10, 40.03325517, -83.12432437
    12 13, 09:14, 39.99243694, -83.11874272, 35, 1193, 4418
    12 13, 09:28, 39.93350387, -82.90000157, 35, 3577, 4418
    12 13, 09:33, 39.93126336, -82.79910538, 35, 730, 4418
    12 13, 09:58, 39.93581454, -82.25285714
    12 13, 10:00, 39.95085004, -82.20542703
    12 13, 10:02, 39.94994157, -82.16861667, 0, -1, 0
    12 13, 10:02, N/A, N/A
    12 13, 10:06, N/A, N/A
    12 13, 10:11, N/A, N/A
    12 13, 10:15, N/A, N/A, 0, -1, 0
    12 13, 10:18, N/A, N/A
    12 13, 10:19, N/A, N/A
    12 13, 13:13, 39.95602509, -81.94311742
    12 13, 13:16, 39.94451782, -81.99768917
    12 13, 14:02, N/A, N/A, 0, -1, 0
    12 13, 14:05, N/A, N/A
    12 13, 14:08, N/A, N/A
    12 13, 14:12, 39.95280308, -82.17056511
    12 13, 14:14, N/A, N/A
    12 13, 14:24, N/A, N/A
    12 13, 14:33, N/A, N/A, 0, -1, 0
    12 13, 15:21, 39.96821677, -83.06409348, 35, 907, 4418
    12 13, 15:23, 39.97242433, -83.07702338

  15. Did not get off to an early start this morning because of client matters last night. 


    :) Heading east on I-70 with G2  using LTE discovery and sensorly.  Almost nothing until second muskingum county line.  Phone was constantly lighting up for LTE again and again until Norwich with the exception of Zanesville, which may simply not be visible to the G2 triband LTE.

  16. This is just a general request. We haven't had any updates on sites in these areas: Grove City, Gahanna, Westerville, Blacklick, Whitehall, Dublin, far N/W Columbus areas. I know we've gotten some feedback on Clintonville, Linden, UA and Hilliard lately. Is there anyone that passes through these areas that can take 15-20 minutes extra and just check up to report if there's any work in progress? There's a lot of sites in those areas that are unchecked or outdated checked on the map.


    I plan on checking out the untouched in Hilliard area later today and might have time to swing through Dublin.  Noticed last night and this morning that what had been eHRPD changed to EV-DO at many of these sites.  Also think I might be able to add some clear 2600 sites (My deactivated Photon 4G can still pickup Wimax signals.)


    Detailed results will be posted in the comments for their respective maps in the donators' areas, unless you want them elsewhere.


    Tomorrow I will be out in the Cambridge area and will hit those sites at the edge of the columbus 4gru.com map and plan on working back through Zanesville after my meeting.  Since I have a G2, only spark-enabled sites will be visible, but all the new sites (brought up within last few weeks) I have seen on Sensorly in the columbus metro have been visible to the G2.  I will recheck James2004 LTE find north of Cambridge and older Zanesville LTE to see if they are upgrading the remote LTE sites for Spark.  (The other site that did not work for my G2 was Stringtown Road in Grove City in case someone else with a triband LTE phone wishes to check it out)

  17. Has anyone tested the Sprint G2 with the Verizon G2 car dock? 


    In Columbus Ohio, Verizon did not have them in any of the stores.  I tried a magnet but...  http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48067217&postcount=61  It did also find that I needed a 3.1 amp USB car charger to power everything.


    I have also seen on several occasions where I get a data error after a reset (triband enabled), then I get 800 SMR from a distant site then eHRPD  from a local site.  It was Byesville tower obtained north of Cambridge and New London East of Hilliard (Ohio in all cases).  I was hunting LTE at the time and was trying to reconnect to LTE in one case.  Could this be e/CFSB issues?


    Also with the G2, I have noticed that older LTE sites are rarely visible while newer LTE sites I typically have few problems finding, which I assume is also e/CFSB issue or just part of the testing process.


    It also amazes me how well the LTE speeds hold to the edge (or can fall off at the edge) --  I can be getting 12Mb downloads on one side of the street and nothing on the other side (on flat ground).  Sometimes I also get deadzones between LTE and 3G (or I am not patient enough).  I assume these will be future firmware fixes or network tuning (I know it is being worked on).


    Of course I realize that I basically have a beta phone in a NV installation area. I have done that before with Wimax and software.  I have no complaints here, just observations.

  18. Amcferrin90, many thanks for your reply.  I will donate shortly.   I have started reading various sections and trying to mesh them with the advantages/limitations of my G2.  I did keep it unmodified for a week and found it to be relatively stable, then added triband LTE.


    Based on your info plus site reading, I believe I need screenshots of signal check pro and the lte engineering.  Will also retest my lte discovery app to see if it can get around the g2's airplane node api design limitation to replace my manual prl updates. I will also try to get better than -80, although no always possible (see scioto darby road near 270 on following screens)


    For the non-lte sites i also need the rf engineering screen shot. Correct me if i need anything else.


    Personally i will also do sensorly signal strength and speedtests where i stop.


    More screens in a minutes

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