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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. What does that have to do with anything? -Anthony
  2. Yeah we are currently on hold while we wait to talk to her supervisor. Apparently it is a retention offer according to what she is reading. She told me that our account isn't listed as a "retention account" so we don't qualify for it. Told her "what if this was to cause me to decide that I want to leave Sprint because I'm not allowed to get this? Wouldn't that make me a retention customer?" We then asked to speak to her supervisor, so we'll see what comes of it. -Anthony
  3. I just called again today. The rep had no idea what I was talking about. She said she knew about the airave and the mobile hotspots, but had to go ask her supervisor about the Wifi Connect. She came back and told me that I had to have an offer available to me on my account in order to get one, which is what the person I talked to on Wednesday said. She looked up my account and said the offer was not there, again, what the other rep had told me. So she tells me that she has to fill out a template and it has to get approved by a supervisor, which could take 24 hours, and that I would be contacted if I still want to approve it. I am currently waiting on hold while (I guess, she didn't tell me what she was doing) she pulls up the template. I will post again on what comes of it. -Anthony
  4. Yeah, you've posted that quote several times. Him closing an office building because the merger attempt failed doesn't mean he's looking to sell. 1+1=2, not 3 -Anthony
  5. Because he didn't need it. Just because he closed down an office building doesn't mean he's selling Sprint. You really need to get past this idea that you have. -Anthony
  6. I'll try and call again tomorrow. I'm not too mad. After all, they are (possibly) giving me a free router. -Anthony
  7. I also forgot to mention that pings are usually <110 ms. So it feels rather snappy for EV-DO. -Anthony
  8. When I'm on 3G my data experience tends to be rather well. Not always above 1 Mbps but it is very usable. I can browse S4GRU, Facebook, Snapchat, and many websites perfectly fine. I also live in an area that doesn't have a ton of Sprint towers and they are spaced rather far apart, and there is a lot of people in this area (one of those "population outgrew the network" kind of situations), but the experience is amazing for an EVDO Rev. A network. -Anthony
  9. Just got off the phone with Advanced support. Was on the phone for 15 minutes or so, on hold for about 10. He said it was saying our account isn't eligible and he said he had 2 different supervisors try to override it. He said that because my Dad has a 27% discount from Wells Fargo that it's listing our account as a corporate account so we don't qualify. Not sure how that makes any sense. Thoughts? -Anthony
  10. Probably because there is several thousand people there trying to see the fight. -Anthony
  11. Congrats! Glad to see such an amazing member be added to the amazing staff! I'm sure you'll be right at home -Anthony
  12. I mean they just tied for first place for God sakes. Lol. -Anthony
  13. Force touch is also another big one from what I have heard. -Anthony
  14. I don't have much experience with MSL's so I can't give any input on that. Sorry :/ -Anthony
  15. And that article is from literally a year ago, which was pre-Marcelo, pre-CCA/RRPP, pre-Sprint actually competing. Sprint is in a hugely different position than they were a year ago, and their future looks hugely different than it did a year ago. Using a literally year old article that has no relevance now to help fuel speculation makes no sense whatsoever. -Anthony
  16. I stand corrected on what the purpose of the offices was, but I still do not see how that means that Son is looking to sell Sprint. That's pure speculation on your part. -Anthony
  17. Weren't the Silicon Valley offices supposed to be a better place for Softbank people to come to the U.S.? California is much closer to Japan than Kansas City, so I remember seeing that those offices were for the Softbank people coming to help out Sprint. I imagine that if Mr. Son (which is how he should be refered to as; I find your extreme lack of respect for him by calling him "Sonny" to be laughable) was closing it down, then it's because Sprint is getting it's crap together, so there is no need for the midway office anymore. But that's just my best guess. -Anthony
  18. Well a video was released the other day of iOS 8.4 beta being jailbroken, so we may be in luck. We shall see. -Anthony
  19. I'm not going to lie, this ad seems like it could be very effective. Those types of advertisements from yesteryear were always just as bold and obvious as this one. It's literally what we've all been asking Sprint to do: Make an advertisement that CLEARLY states what the plan is, how much it costs, and what you can do with it. I feel like this could be a good one. I mean, we could do without the innuendo, but if it works, stick with it! -Anthony
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