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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. Which, if something like a Dish/T-Mobile merger were to happen, Softbank would most definitely come to the rescue. Maybe they would even consider buying TWC or Comcast -Anthony
  2. Yeah my Father and I are the same way. We like to own our phones outright, and now that Apple has unlocked versions of their phones that support all the carriers, we just get the unlocked devices so that we can use whatever carrier we want. Of course, we have no intentions of leaving Sprint, but it makes international travel much easier. -Anthony
  3. The first generation Apple Watches have battery problems because their processor is built on a four year old manufacturing process that is not nearly as efficient as today's devices. Apple had to leave some room so they could easily make a much better second generation Watch. -Anthony
  4. I had that exact same problem! The new beta fixed it for me though. -Anthony
  5. Now, Sprint is the underdog. Now, Sprint shall rise... Is everyone ready for the biggest comeback (in the cellular communications market) in American history? -Anthony
  6. But that's what you want: overlap. That way, if one network isn't performing well, the device would switch to another that is performing better. -Anthony
  7. DISCLAIMER: This post is going to be all fantasy, and it's probably not extremely possible for it to be implemented at any point in the future, but it is nice to dream. It would be awesome if Apple would be able to make an MVNO that functions like Google Fi, but instead of it being on Sprint and T-Mobile only, it would be able to access all four of the national carriers. That way, we would actually have a (practically) truly nationwide network. Apple's current iPhones (assuming they are the only device this would support to begin with) already support all four of the carrier's bands (save for T-Mobile's Band 12, but that will come in the device that is released this year). The only hard thing would be implementing deals with the carriers, but like I said, it would probably be next to impossible to make this a reality. And, it's at least five years out in the future, so who knows what could happen between now and then. Oh well, a boy can dream, can't he? -Anthony
  8. Glad to see John Saw getting promoted. He's been doing wonders for the Sprint network, and it's nice to see him progressing higher in the company. I hope he gets to stick around for years to come. -Anthony
  9. But it can be achieved with 800/1900 if they added extra panels to the site, correct? -Anthony
  10. That would be my best guess as to what is causing that problem. -Anthony
  11. Only marginally? Really? That's odd. My Plus and my fathers' Plus are leaps and bounds better than my Mom and Sisters' 6's when it comes to battery life. -Anthony
  12. I'm not sure if you completely understand how SMS works... -Anthony
  13. I mean, I know it SAYS that, but it my experience, I've been able to send 10 minute long 1080p60fps videos over iMessage. No way they were only 100 MB. -Anthony
  14. I've never had it. I've been on every beta of iOS 9 and haven't seen it a single time. Is it just for the public beta users or for everyone (i.e. developers too)? -Anthony
  15. Am I the only one running iOS 9 beta 4/public beta 2 that doesn't have the "Feedback Assistant" app? -Anthony
  16. Assuming that it will be built on a smaller/more efficient manufacturing process (which from everything that I have read, it will be), then it should be more effiecient than the A8. I would say at least 10-15% better effieciency. -Anthony
  17. Or you just buy the SIM-Free version -Anthony
  18. Oh and by the way, I have been on iOS 9 since Thursday, and haven't had any of these authentication errors with my wi-fi. Maybe it has to do with the way you updated to iOS 9? I did it by restoring to a fresh 8.4 (I was on jailbroken 8.4 so I couldn't just update straight to it, however I could now if I used this new tweak). Then I downloaded the public beta profile, restarted the device, updated to iOS 9, then restored from a backup. How did you guys update? Just make a backup of your device, download the profile, restart, and update? Maybe it's causing some kind of problem. I dunno -Anthony
  19. Or what would be cool is if when you get the "20% remaining" pop-up, there is an option other than just "Okay" that says "Enable Low Power Mode?". That would be interesting to see. -Anthony
  20. You have an iPhone 6. That's your problem. That's all of our (iPhone users') problems. To elaborate, Apple/Sprint released something called a Carrier Bundle Update to our devices. Carrier Bundles determine what bands our phones connect to, when it scans for them, how the antenna's in our devices work, etc. And this update that was released around the time that iOS 8.4 came out completely ruined the iPhone's ability to connect correctly to the Sprint network. Therefore, it's more than likely the iPhone's fault that you are dropping the signal so quickly. (Or, of course, it could be that that one tower isn't optimized.) -Anthony
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