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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. But we're not talking about Sprint. This is the T-Mobile thread, correct? -Anthony
  2. Kicked ass*. *In select metros where you either enter a building or drive outside of city limits and you drop to EDGE or No Service -Anthony
  3. Band 25 is 5x5 and Band 41 is 20 MHz chunks. -Anthony
  4. Band 41 is 2500-2600 MHz, Band 25 is pretty much the entire 1900 MHz PCS band. And Sprint owns all of the SMR/ESMR spectrum, which is what is commonly referred to as 800. The other chunks of 800 MHz spectrum are owned by Verizon and AT&T (and maybe some small regional carriers), and that is commonly referred to as 850 MHz. -Anthony
  5. Oh I remember all too well it's stubbornness about actually being removed from the phone. The 6+'s is much easier. Just gotta know how to remove it. It's a nice case, if you don't mind spending 50 bucks for it. -Anthony
  6. I use the Apple leather case on my 6+. It's solely for adding grip for the phone. Plus, I do really like this case. I had one for my 5s and love how it adds some grip and some nice style to my phone without making it bulky. -Anthony
  7. And on today's iPhone 6 Plus battery life screenshot, *drumroll* : You've got me beat in standby, but my usage wins. And this is with it being in a low-no signal area from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. -Anthony
  8. You could always add an option in the app to allow someone to donate. A lot of Cydia developers do that in their apps. -Anthony
  9. My response to him was simply going to be "Because Nokia..." because that pretty much says it all. Lol. -Anthony
  10. The reason that you only see 2 Tx antenna's is because (unless it has changed recently, you would have to have Tim chime in) the 8T8R's aren't operating in 4x2 MIMO yet. -Anthony
  11. So, iOS 8.2 seems to of noticeably improved my battery life on my 5s: I would be below 40% more than likely with this kind of usage usually. -Anthony
  12. Mine seems to be instant, so it could be something that is going on with your phone. Have you tried a soft reset? -Anthony
  13. Just did, and couldn't find anything related. If this isn't an error, then there may be some interesting behind the scenes developments going on... -Anthony
  14. So I was just looking through my usage for my iPhone 5s, and I saw this: Which is odd, because it's an iPhone 5s, so I don't have Wifi calling of any sort, or Wifi texting, so this is kind of confusing. Anyone else seeing something like this? -Anthony
  15. The 6's and 6+'s never got it. It was the 5S's that got it, and I had just figured they would have gotten it in the future. -Anthony
  16. Yup. Strangely, my 5S has gone back to PRL 51104 from 55022. Hmm... On the bright side, after 2 weeks of trying, my 5S is finally unlocked by Sprint. I have finally reached the promised land! Now to go sell it so I can get a 6 plus. -Anthony
  17. Just to let you know, the app seems to still work perfectly on iOS 8.2. -Anthony
  18. Yes, they have to deploy extra equipment. A time frame? Well, I would leave that question up to the higher ups on here to answer, as I can't provide an accurate answer to that. -Anthony
  19. No. The orginal Network Vision Panels are 800/1900. Band 41 requires a separate panel, called an 8T8R (8 transmitter, 8 receivers) panel/RRH's. And even though a site may have upgraded backhaul, it may only be sufficent for Band 25 or Band 25/26. Band 41 requires much more backhaul in order to be sufficiently supplied, so although a site may have 25/26, it may not be able to receive Band 41 yet. And to your second question, no, they don't have to be cleared to use 800 before they can use 2500. -Anthony
  20. Used to have to use an Airave in the house just to hold a phone call, now I've got some freshly tuned Band 26 just cruising along -Anthony
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