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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. When beta 4 comes out I'm actually going to be updating my Mother and sister to the beta because they are so fed up with the way 20.1 is (my Dad is already on the beta). Beta 3 is stable and battery life is good, but there a couple bugs that might get on their nerves, so I figure beta 4 should be better. -Anthony
  2. Yeah I'm really liking iOS 9's carrier bundle. -Anthony
  3. If we're talking technical terms, having a 1x800 connection is *technically* 3G. But as marketed by Sprint, 1x800 is what they call "2G". When you are connected to EV-DO or eHRPD, you have what they market as "3G". So to answer your question, in a technical sense, yes you do have 3G. But in the average-Joe sense, no, you don't. -Anthony
  4. Well that screenshot is only showing 1x800, so it doesn't surprise me that you have "no data to speak of". 1x800 is only made for voice, text, and the smallest amounts of data. It's not a reliable internet connection. What device are you using? -Anthony
  5. I guess WiMAX is going offline on November 5th 6th, isn't it? -Anthony
  6. How do you figure? Band 26 shouldn't be used for anything other than for people who are out of range of bands 25/41. There is no reason why anyone who can connect to those bands and get usable data should ever be on band 26 (except for, IMO, to idle on, because even though band 41 can be usable at -130 dBm, it's gonna be hella bad on your battery. Idle on 26, then when a data session starts, move to one of the other bands). -Anthony
  7. I saw that effectiveness yesterday when I was talking to my Dad while he was getting ready for work, which is usually the time I talk to him about all things Sprint/Technological (because we're both computer nerds ) and he actually brought up that commercial in the conversation and told me he really liked it. That's really saying something because he does NOT like commercials (that's why we've had DVR's since Time Warner started selling them). And the comments actually aren't toxic! What a day to live in this world! -Anthony
  8. Well then it doesn't surprise me that the two of you aren't impressed, because I wouldn't be either. You basically have a non-cellular capable 4 inch iPhone 4s. Kinda hard to run an OS created in 2015 on a processor that came out in 2011. -Anthony
  9. Probably something to bring up in the Phoenix Market thread. -Anthony
  10. Already being discussed here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5684-sprint-to-join-rural-operators-roaming-hub-cca-and-rrpp-thread/ -Anthony
  11. They've always had metal backs. Yes sir! A jailbreak app called "Battery Life" allows you to have this feature, along with a cool app to see battery info. You got a new one? Like, the NEW new one? As in the one that was literally just released today? I'm not sure how you would have gotten one so quickly. Are you sure it isn't a fifth gen with the A5 processor? That would explain why it is so slow. -Anthony
  12. The iPhone 5s is band 26 compatible. Apple and/or Sprint released a carrier update that ruined every iPhone's ability to pick up and hold onto LTE (whether it be a 5, 5s, 5c, 6, or 6+), so that could be an issue. But what is odd is that you are rarely seeing band 26, considering the problems that most of us iPhone owners are having is that we are rarely seeing anything OTHER than band 26. So, it could be a device issue. -Anthony
  13. When all you do is stream Youtube for 2 hours, this is how fast your battery dies: -Anthony
  14. Wow, went from 250 bytes to over 4 KB? That's a lot more binary text than before. -Anthony
  15. Proof that this carrier bundle thing is a problem. Been sitting in the movie theatre for 15 minutes now. 3 bars of 3G on iOS 8.4, along with my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin. Dad's sitting next to me, on iOS 9 beta 3, with 3 bars of LTE. ???? -Anthony
  16. iOS 9 beta uses a higher carrier bundle, but it isn't available to people who aren't on the beta. And no, I wasn't able to jailbreak with 12.2 installed. I had to downgrade to 12.1.2 or something of that nature in order to jailbreak. -Anthony
  17. Not sure about the wifi problem, but to your iCloud Music Library problem, the answer is no. You're not allowed make playlists/make available offline/etc. without iCloud Music Library enabled. Which is really dumb, since iCloud Music Library kinda breaks people's library's. -Anthony
  18. Updated it to what? 20.1 is the latest version, and I'm on 19.1 thanks to nahum's little trick. -Anthony
  19. If I travel internationally, I'll get a SIM card from a local carrier and use that network on my phone. I mean, why else did I by an unlocked iPhone? To leave Sprint for another US carrier? HA! As if. -Anthony
  20. I'm pretty sure you just said what most of us have been thinking for a while now. And I don't think it could be said any better (or any more PG, at least). -Anthony
  21. Yeah they released the public beta earlier today. I updated my Dad's iPhone to it (I would do mine but I'm on jailbroken iOS 8.4, and you know, CellularInfo <3). They make it EXTREMELY simple to do. They tell you to back up to iTunes, go to a website that installs the public beta profile to your device, restart your device, go to OTA software updates, and BOOM! iOS 9 Public Beta 1. -Anthony
  22. Yes it is safe. The person just wants to make sure the ESN isn't blacklisted and it is clear. They're probably just making sure you aren't selling them a stolen phone. -Anthony
  23. It should be available OTA. But since yours isn't showing it, you can use this link to direct download it. -Anthony
  24. I am definitely liking the coverage in western NC! -Anthony
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