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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. The reason the iPhone 6 is behaving poorly on Band 26 is because either Sprint or Apple, not sure which one, released a crappy Carrier Bundle in iOS 8.3 that causes the phone to drop off of LTE at a much higher signal level than it should. The iOS 9 betas have a much better carrier bundle that cause the device to hold onto LTE like it should, which the general public does not have access to, which is why most people's devices are having crappy RF performance. It's kind of like back when the Nexus 5 had that really amazing radio software that everyone clung onto even though there was a newer one out, because the new one messed up it's amazing RF performance. The only difference is us iOS users don't have that kind of freedom to just choose our radio software. -Anthony
  2. If you still need it, you can use this website to either torrent beta 2 (because there are no direct links for beta 2 yet) or direct download (or torrent if you want) beta 1 and just OTA to beta 2, which is what I'm doing. -Anthony
  3. So I guess nobody is gonna point out the fact that the iOS 8.1.3 through 8.3 Jailbreak has come out today? -Anthony
  4. If you Update to it rather than Restore to it then you shouldn't have a problem. As long as the device is Activated on Apple's servers before going to the beta, and doesn't need to be reactivated when on the beta, then you should be fine. -Anthony
  5. Yeah this carrier update sucks. I went from iOS 8.3 where I would put my phone in my pocket on LTE and pull it out on 3G, to iOS 8.4 where I would put my phone in my pocket on LTE and pull it out on LTE, to this new carrier bundle where I'm back to 8.3-like performance. I wanna go back! Lol. -Anthony
  6. Oh, wow, really? I guess that's what happens when I comment about matters that I'm not entirely knowledgeable about. Oops. -Anthony
  7. If Band 12 is being used as the PCC (Primary Component Carrier) and something like Band 4 or 2 is being used as the SCC (Secondary Component Carrier), then yes. But I'm unsure of T-Mobile's plans to do so. Band 12 is going to be used as a coverage band, and is mainly for those people who are out of range of Bands 4 and 2, so I don't see it happening. Edit: See Tim's post below this one. -Anthony
  8. No, I meant coverage. It's going to take years for T-Mobile to be at the point that Verizon is at. T-Mobile doesn't have LTEiRA like Verizon does, which in and of itself gives Verizon a HUGE upper hand. And T-Mobile has nowhere near nationwide low-band spectrum, and it's going to be awhile before they do (Ch. 51 interference and having to wait for 600 MHz auction, if it ever happens, and waiting for that spectrum to be deployable, AND getting equipment that can broadcast it, along with UE that cam connect to it). Anyways, this argument is off-topic for this thread. So I'm going to secede from it before it goes any further. -Anthony
  9. Currently in most places, Band 41 is running at one 20 MHz TDD LTE carrier. Some places are seeing an additional carrier, which moves it up to two 20 MHz carriers. And when carrier aggregation is enabled, the classification will be 20+20 MHz. TDD is measured as a chunk of spectrum for both Download and Upload (hence it being 20 MHz and Carrier Aggregation is 20+20), rather than as a paired Download chunk and Upload chunk (like FDD LTE is measured, I.E. 10x10 like you said). -Anthony
  10. AT&T also had multiple competitive advantages over Sprint: AT&T has much more low-band spectrum than Sprint (which means they could cover a lot more people with LTE a lot wuicker and easier), AT&T has HSPA+ (which already puts Sprint at a disadvantage because of how much higher throughout HSPA+ has than EVDO Rev. A), and AT&T has also purchased a lot of smaller carriers that help expand their coverage and their spectrum portfolio, etc. etc. You can't try and compare Sprint with AT&T when Sprint isn't at AT&T's level yet. That's like saying "why doesn't T-Mobile have as good of coverage as Verizon?". It's just not fair. Not yet. -Anthony
  11. Exactly. It's only certain towers. A couple of towers in an entire market is not enough to say that there is a permanent throttle in place because of congestion. -Anthony
  12. I'm not sure how many Sprint markets there are in the US that are so congested that they are down to 2G speeds, but I'm guessing there isn't many. The whole "permanent throttle" argument isn't really valid anymore. -Anthony
  13. Yeah it won't bug out on you. The only thing that not having a registered developer device will do is not allow you to restore to a beta. You can update to a beta, but if you have to do a restore, you will have to go back to a public OS and then update from there. -Anthony
  14. It is 8.4. But "enable auto-lock" is just enabling the setting that makes the phone lock after X amount of minutes. I have mine set to never auto lock. -Anthony
  15. Where you're seeing an improvement in battery I'm seeing a loss. Even in power saving mode my phone still dies much quicker than it did on 8.3. After a day on 9.0, I'm restoring to 8.4 beta right now, because that is stable and has the better LTE radio firmware on it. I'll wait for the next 9.0 beta to come out before I go back to it. I'm on summer break so I have time to kill with going between iOS 8 and 9. -Anthony
  16. I don't blame you. There's a few annoying little bugs that I'm noticing that might make daily use hard, and battery life isn't where it should be. You're smart to wait. -Anthony
  17. Just a little heads up:http://www.iphonehacks.com/2015/06/install-ios-9-beta-without-developer-account-registering-iphone-ipad-udid.html -Anthony
  18. I haven't had any handoffs yet because I haven't traveled far enough from my home tower, but I can tell you that I'm finally able to put my phone in my pocket when it's on LTE and pull it back out and it will still be on LTE. Thank God! -Anthony
  19. Excellent question. I haven't been using wifi calling yet on the beta. I'll start doing that. -Anthony
  20. The Carrier Version in iOS 9 beta 1 for Sprint is version 20.5.8. What an interesting number! Lol. -Anthony
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