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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. That's funny. I wonder how it's possible that the ENTIRE SPRINT NETWORK'S towers all got "reconfigured", and the only devices that it effects are iPhones. That's hilarious. If you get to talk to him again, see if you can point him toward this thread. He should see that this isn't a local thing; it's happening network-wide, on every iPhone with 20.1 installed. -Anthony
  2. That may be it. With my experience on 20.5.9, it was leaps and bounds better than 20.1. Why would you want to downgrade? (Just out of curiosity). P. S. - beta 3 is out now. -Anthony
  3. 1x800 is voice/minimal data. Band 26 LTE (800 MHz LTE) is data-only. And Sprint does that operate on 2100 MHZ, that is reserved for AWS IIRC. Sprint operates in the 800 MHz range (1x800, a.k.a. Band Class 10 or SMR, which is for voice and minimal date; and Band 26 LTE, a.k.a. 800 LTE or ESMR, which is data only), 1900 MHz range (1x1900/1xRTT, a.k.a. Band Class 1 or PCS, which is for voice and minimal data; EVDO 1900, which is data only and is also PCS; Band 25 LTE, a.k.a. 1900 LTE, which is data only, and is also PCS), and the 2500-2600 MHz range (Band 41 LTE, a.k.a. 2500/2600 LTE or EBS/BRS, which is also data only). TL:DR, 1x800 is, for all intents and purposes, voice only. And 2100 is part of AWS (again, IIRC), which Sprint doesn't use. -Anthony
  4. I'm sorry, what? Just for future reference, it's 5x5 MHz, not 5+5. Having a plus is for aggregated spectrum, where-as having an x is for paired spectrum. -Anthony
  5. It was better than 19.1 and 20.1, but not as good as I would be comfortable with. -Anthony
  6. So I just finished rebuilding my library. And it turns out, you can't use Apple Music (in the way you would use Spotify; offline songs, streaming stuff, etc) without using iCloud Music Library. I just spent 7 hours rebuilding my library because of iCloud Music Library. So, all those nice things I said about Apple Music earlier? I take it all back. It's the most broken thing I have ever used. I would rather be on the first beta of iOS 7 for the rest of my life than deal with that mess of a service. Apple better fix this before the 3 month trial period expires, or else this service is going to go down the toilet. </rant> -Anthony
  7. So apparently I'm not the only one it happened to. Been rebuilding my iTunes library for the past 2 hours... And counting... -Anthony
  8. I will say this about Apple Music as a sort of a warning: Do NOT enable iCloud Music Library. It completely ruined all of my playlists on my PC when I enabled it on my phone and PC. I had to turn it off and delete all of my playlists on my PC because it ruined them that badly. Unless I'm the only one that this has happened too, then I would advise being hesitant about enabling this option if/when you sign up for Apple Music. -Anthony
  9. I like it so far. It has most songs that Spotify has, plus some that Spotify doesn't (and that'll get better as time goes on). It's not as smooth as Spotify is, which isn't surprising, considering this product just launched yesterday. But it has a lot of potential. -Anthony
  10. I am starting a job tomorrow making a decent bit of money, so I can now start donating again (and save my parents the money). Setting up a recurring donation now! -Anthony
  11. But, but, it's already out.... http://www.iphonehacks.com/2015/06/how-to-jailbreak-ios-8-4-using-taig-jailbreak.html -Anthony
  12. I restored from iOS 9 beta 2 to iOS 8.4, and the carrier version is Sprint 20.0. It keeps asking me to update to 20.1, but I don't wanna -Anthony
  13. The PP Jailbreak tool has been released for 8.4, so there is that. -Anthony
  14. Yeah probably not until next week. -Anthony
  15. It's the replacement of Passbook in iOS 9. -Anthony
  16. Well Sprint did only JUST get funding for the project, so it's not likely we'll have seen anything like that yet. But Soon™, more than likely. -Anthony
  17. Yep, you're right. I remembered reading the article earlier today, and with 3 hours of sleep, that kind of affected my memory lol. -Anthony
  18. Just in case anybody was wondering, iOS 8.4 will be released tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. ET. And Beats 1 and the first program to run on it will go on air at 9. -Anthony
  19. I wouldn't get your hopes up on that. He hasn't updated that app since iOS 6. -Anthony
  20. You should have seen the battery life on beta 1. My 6 Plus was dying one percent every couple minutes. I'm perfectly content with this beta's battery life. I can easily make it through a day still. The bugs are what is getting me right now. -Anthony
  21. To expand on what Tim said, there was a carrier update recently that was pushed by either Sprint or Apple (I may know a lot about iOS, but for some reason I still don't know for certain where carrier updates come from on iOS devices) that kinda broke edge-of-service LTE connectivity. Me and several others are using the iOS 9 beta currently, which uses a different carrier bundle, and LTE connectivity is much better. I would just wait it out to see if Apple/Sprint releases a better carrier update to remedy the issue. -Anthony
  22. And beta 2 has 20.5.9, but other than that, I know not of another carrier bundle that is higher than 20.1. -Anthony
  23. iOS 8.3 was released with a carrier bundle that was lower than 20.1, and that bundle wasn't very good. Then in the 8.4 beta there was a better carrier bundle that made LTE work almost flawlessly, but then carrier bundle 20.1 was released for 8.4, 8.3, etc. and then it all went to crap again. -Anthony
  24. It was doing amazing until Carrier Bundle 20.1 got pushed to it. Then it began to suck like 8.3 all over again. -Anthony
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