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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. So iOS 8.3's release notes talked about how it patched a bug that caused devices to sporadically connect/disconnect to/from known wifi networks. Am I the only one who has actually noticed an INCREASE in sporadic disconenctions from wifi? Ever since I upgraded, my wifi signal strength indicator changes rapidly and a majority of the time that I look at or use my phone at home, I'm on 3G/LTE. (Luckily I on occasion get Band 26 and my 3G has been working like a champ ) -Anthony
  2. Oh I can probably guarantee that no App Store app can reproduce what our CellularInfo can do. I'm just saying you should trademark the name so that people, like this guy on the App Store, can't make money off of it. I'll do some research also about trademarking a name too. -Anthony
  3. Nahum, if I were you, I would trademark the name "Cellular Info", because when I look at the release notes for that app, it was updated on April 11th and the update notes say "Application renamed to Cellular Info". -Anthony
  4. My 6 plus wouldn't accept my 5s's sim. And neither did my Dad's. Or my sister's 6. We had to get new ones from Sprint. Of course we did get Sim-free versions, but still. -Anthony
  5. My experience seems to be the same as yours. -Anthony
  6. They never told me that it was unlocked already, but they did tell me that the previous attempts had failed. I had made at least 10 calls to them before it was successful. It is still relatively new, and not all reps know how to do it. Just gotta keep trying till you find one. -Anthony
  7. You have to keep pestering them about it. When you get off the phone with them and you try to see if it's unlocked and it is not, then call them again. It took me about 2 weeks to get it done on my 5S. -Anthony
  8. PRL's do not change anything that have to do with LTE band priorities or LTE band switching. What is more than likely happening is when these 'PRL Updates' are released, Apple/Sprint are probably releasing some kind of update to the carrier package also and that update effects LTE band priorities/switching. That is most likely what is occurring. The PRL is just the public thing that we can see that is changing. -Anthony
  9. The iPhone displays it as 1x, and EVDO as 3G. -Anthony
  10. At least Sprint publicly announced that their network sucked, and said what they were doing to fix it. T-Mobile made no mention of this shutdown. Anyways, you're comparing apple's to oranges. -Anthony
  11. Ask them to make sure that your device upgrade eligibility has been reset. We had paid our phones off in December, and when I was trying to get my 5S unlocked in March, they couldn't unlock it because they don't automatically reset your upgrade eligibility when the device is paid off. They will have to open a ticket to have it be reset and it should take no more than 48 hours. After that, call back and try to get it unlocked. That is what I had to do. -Anthony
  12. It'd be nice if Apple gave us the option to leave visual notifications on when DND is on. That way you could have it your way and I could have it my way. Lol. -Anthony
  13. Well, I'm not sure about full DND, just DND that is used on individual conversations in the messages app. Before 8.2 when I had DND enabled in a group message, I would still get a visual notification/NC notification, but I wouldn't get a sound, which I loved. After 8.2, I get absolutely nothing. Well, I get a app badge notification, which absolutely sucks. I can look at my phone and see there are no notifications but then I unlock my phone and see on my messages app that i have 30 un-read messages. I hate it. Plus, I think 8.2 either broke my messages app altogether or I need a restore. Why? Well, whenever I delete a conversation in my messages app, after I delete it, I tap on another conversation, the phone freezes for ~10 seconds with the conversation highlighted, then loads the conversation but only displays the most recent message sent/received in that convo. In order to get the rest of the convo back, you must completely close the messages app, then reopen it, which will result in opening the messages app and it taking ~45 seconds to open and then it displaying that I have NO conversations at all (which will happen if you completely close the messages app like before of if you just go to your home screen and the messages app gets pushed out of the RAM and the OS decides to refresh the app), and the only way to get them back is to reset the phone. In which case, once the phone powers back on, you open the messages app and VIOLA, you conversations are back, along with the conversation that you tried to delete. -_- -Anthony
  14. That's about what I am usually able to get. I can regularly get 10 hours of usage and 15 hours of standby, which is good enough for me. Ever since I went from my 5S to my 6+, I haven't worried a single time throughout the day that my battery was going to die. I usually only got 3-4 hours usage and maybe 8 hours standby on my 5S, and that was with plugging it in on my way to school and on the way home each day. If it can get me through the day with me using it as much as I want without worrying, then that's good enough for me. The battery usage picture that I posted a few posts up was with me unplugging it at ~5 PM EDT Friday, having it sit next to me all night while I watched a Fast and Furious marathon, then when I went to Cars and Coffee Saturday morning, then come home and go to sleep without plugging it in (because I was up all night and I felt like testing it) until 4 PM EDT, and then I got up until 8 PM EDT and went back to sleep (which is when I posted the picture). That is why I had such low usage time, but I was just so impressed with how well it was at standby. My 5S would go from 100% when I arrive at school to 50% when I left with less than an hour of usage. So I am thoroughly impressed. -Anthony
  15. My battery life has been great, and it has been consistenly great every day. 8.2 hasn't really done anything for me other than break DND, so I haven't really had any problems. -Anthony
  16. Why are the pings so high? I usually get better pings than that on EV-DO. Are you using a server that is located very far from you? -Anthony
  17. The public beta version and the beta 4 version should have the same IPSW, so you should be fine if you use that. If for some reason you were to not be able to activate it you just do another DFU restore and you should be fine. It's next to impossible to brick an iOS device these days. -Anthony
  18. Happy Birthday, Robert! Glad you got to enjoy another year of life! Have an excellent day! -Anthony
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