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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. I'm going off of wiwavelength's post above. There are markets like Miami where Verizon has no 850 spectrum. In Miami, AT&T owns all the cellular spectrum. I believe it would make sense for Verizon to acquire one of the 850 blocks in markets like Miami, but in return need to divest PCS spectrum. Ideally Verizon would have no PCS spectrum. This is all in my own little perfect world and will never happen, but hey whatever.
  2. I think 600 will be a mess getting TV stations to reverse auction as we discussed in other forums. I do believe T-Mobile should bid on something sub ghz for their future expansion outside of cities. I would rather see Verizon able to align their spectrum in 850 than bar them from any more sub ghz spectrum in any market. That might have been what you meant though. I also think it's alright that AT&T keeps acquiring 700 to fill the gaps in their holey LTE deployment. I look for a more efficient use of spectrum by a small group nationwide competitive networks than fragmented networks like US Cellular. I'm not real interested in sub ghz spectrum for Sprint unless it is in the SMR or Cellular blocks.
  3. What a total screwup. It would be nice if VZW could acquire 850 in all markets, but in exchange give up all or almost all of their PCS holdings. Looking forward to your Cellular 850 reconfiguration article very much!
  4. Why would someone buy a junk smart phone? It makes no sense. Spend the extra $50 then. Our contracts cost so much money that the price of the subsidized phone 0 or $100 is almost irrelevant. I realize that Sprint makes a lot of money off of people buying these crap phones, but to the people of these forums, I hope they don't ever recommend any of them.
  5. Cheap to free? There's no such thing as free in subsidies, plus you can get a gs3 for almost free. The Iphone 4 doesn't have LTE so I don't view it as superior to low end Android phones with LTE. The Victory seems like a nice enough cheap phone. The S4GRU analysis said the radios on it were great. BTW I don't see this thread lasting a day. Android vs. Iphone is so meh
  6. This is to be expected. The Minnesota market on 94 ends at the Dell's and the 94 towers should be upgraded fairly soon. Sent from phone
  7. I added some more LTE mapping on sensorly. The tower appears to be out west of 94 in Corcoran/Maple Grove area. North of where the previous LTE was lit up. Thanks for the heads up!
  8. Sure I don't care if my phone has 2500, but I damn well want your phone and the next Iphone to have it.
  9. I'm going to try and find that tower and get pictures as soon as I can. Unfortunately work keeps me here till it's dark outside, so pictures will have to wait for the weekend.
  10. I've noticed since getting LTE signal will do the funniest things. Driving up 694 through Brooklyn Center, i'll drive down a hill and lose 4g and a mile later and pop up and pick up the tower again.
  11. I'm very intrigued by this! I'll try to map around there this weekend. Oh and signal bars lie. There's a thread about that.
  12. When you are in an area that you think should have 4g, try cycling your phone into Airplane mode and back. Those towers should still be turned on, but there is always a small chance they turned it off or are denying connections for a small while during some sort of maintenance. Also, even with the Jelly Bean update the EVO LTE is a weaker LTE phone than other Sprint phones, so others might have been able to map to sensorly in areas where you aren't quite able to pick up signal. With wireless there's always like 100 different things it could be, these are just what I could think of off the top of my head.
  13. That whole area will be in the middle of upgrading when they launch Anderson, so while Clemson wont be necessarily "launched" as early as Anderson, you very well could have LTE towers broadcasting in Clemson around or before that time. Clemson will probably have its own announcement though. Sprint has become very granular with their city announcements because it looks like a bigger win and that's what AT&T and Verizon do as well. Also, an announcement is just that. There is nothing usually separating the day before a launch as far as coverage vs. the day after. It's just letting the public know what's up.
  14. I wouldn't think Verizon would be in the PCS buying business any more.
  15. Thanks for the info. I should have looked that up before my comment.
  16. Well the wireles industry isn't really a free market, but once Dish sells their spectrum, as I think they will do, the spectrum will have been divided out pretty efficiently, due to a market of sorts. My biggest wish left is that T-Mobile would get a nationwide <1GHz footprint, like Dish's 700, or a bit of the reverse auction 600 block. Then AT&T buy the AWS-4 from Dish and Sprint buy PCS-H in auction. This would make sense to me.
  17. Sprint phones right now support CDMA over 800 and 850 on one antenna, correct? Why couldn't the same be done for LTE? I think that would be a nice roaming partnership for US Cellular and some extra change for Sprint. I just noticed that US Cellular had an antenna in this phone for LTE over 850, and this idea came to me.
  18. USCellular should enable SMR support in their phones and get a roaming contract for at least CDMA, and LTE too since it looks like this phone already supports LTE on 850.
  19. Unfortunately on the current phones hotspots between 3g and 4g just don't work when driving. Once I lose 4g on my GS3 I have to cycle airplane mode or I wont see 4g even if I drive right by a tower. I predict the 4g search timer on my phone is 5-30 minutes. I haven't actually researched it yet though.
  20. I never understood that saying. It's like a double negative. Does that mean you think they are interrupted? Sent from phone
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