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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. Thanks AJ, Just trying to take what I've learned here at S4GRU and spread a little knowledge.
  2. I read comments along those lines on Engadget. First time since they put in the new comments that I've actually read something interesting in them. Good find! They also discussed some of Sprint's government tie ins.
  3. Sorry I didn't clarify, Dish's petition to delay the Sprint/Softbank deal. There are many parties that want to see the Sprint/Softbank merger fail.
  4. Looks like it's pick on Sprint day. http://www.theverge.com/2013/1/29/3928968/us-justice-department-asks-fcc-to-defer-sprint-softbank-merger
  5. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/verizon-pushes-spectrum-ownership-caps-sprints-purchase-clearwire/2013-01-29
  6. So what happens to the petition to delay the Sprint / Softbank deal?
  7. Samsung/sprint would have to pay to send all our contractors out there. Buy local is in fashion right now right? Sent from phone
  8. I bet not long now before AT&T sells the rest of their AWS spectrum. I bet T-Mobile picks up a bit of it on the cheap. I think this deal is a good thing, except for the fact that often in these spectrum "divestitures" for Verizon they seem to pick up even more AWS.
  9. Especially places like Minnesota, where outdoor activity is limited to 15 minute intervals right now, unless you are a contractor working on NV it seems.
  10. Lots of the time getting pdf files from the FCC website works best in IE, also Chrome works ok. Not great for a Linux user like me.
  11. Thanks Thanks! We've definitely discussed this before, but the few charts I looked at didn't include 850 in 3gpp band 26
  12. It will be interesting to hear Sprint's financials announcements to see how many LTE phones have been sold/how much traffic is on the LTE networks in markets like Chicago that are closer to fully deployed.
  13. Any chance SMR LTE phones include the 850 band as well? Verizon recently said they plan to refarm EVDO as LTE on 850 as soon as they can, I bet companies like US Cellular would do the same. Sprint probably wont have roaming agreements with those companies, but maybe they'll get more flexibility in acquiring spectrum and roaming deals and phones from including the entire smr+cellular bands.
  14. Maybe we are reading too much into the Wimax side of this device. It could be that TD-LTE and Wimax are similar enough that having Wimax support was almost free to add.
  15. I wonder if future markets can do all upgrades at once? It's taken so many individual upgrades to each tower in Chicago. Sent from phone
  16. And time it takes to connect a call is so fast it's surprising. If you've ever made a call from Gmail you know what I mean! Instant.
  17. I can only attribute this to customer ignorance / not caring. Also T-Mobile doesn't really market this feature. Maybe in the future it will become important again. I don't think carriers like to advertise wifi offloading, though because the ISP's feel their bandwidth is being improperly used to alleviate a competitors bandwidth.
  18. You might find this a hackish way to achieve the same thing, but I find grooveip lite + google voice is pretty friggen awesome. The only issue is transitioning from WIFI to Cellular while on a call.
  19. I doubt there's any digging in the winter. That would mean that a site would either have to already have the fiber or use microwave backhaul. Sprint will have known this in advance and any sites that need fiber lines to be trenched will wait until the spring thaw.
  20. I'm not sure if they are pausing during these really cold days. I actually kindof hope so for their safety! I was only outside for 15 minutes today but even that was enough. Hard to believe anyone could use their hands for anything useful when it is this cold. I guess we will know by the numbers of sites complete after next week. Maybe they can still make progress in ways that don't put them into the harsh conditions. I would definitely not want to be up in the bucket today or tomorrow!
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