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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I don't know why I thought your m8 was rooted, anyway you should consider it. Wakelock detector is a must for anyone that is rooted, it is a wonderful tool and will give you a lot more specific info into what could be wrong. In the meantime though, you can use htc backup(which works surprisingly well) and do a hardreset and see if it continues to do the same thing.
  2. Weird, but in your case it could also be a rogue app/process constantly using gps when it shouldn't be. Even with gps being on its not actually being used until something needs it. I basically leave everything on, including bluetooth, and I can still make it through the day with moderate use. One thing I do have a habit of doing though is performing a soft reset every single morning. This is something I always did with windows mobile and its a habit I still continue to this day. A soft reset a day keeps a lot of minor headaches away.
  3. You need to download an app called wakelock detector, that will tell you if a rogue app or process is wrecking havoc on your battery. If you determine its not an app/process then take the device to your sprint store, they can test the battery to see if its defective. GPS shouldn't affect the battery that much, I leave mines on high accuracy with no noticeable difference in battery performance.
  4. If you are familiar with rooting, adb.....etc, the whole process should be a walk in the park.
  5. I added more to my post after you quoted me.
  6. The ruu for the hk version of the m8 has been available for well over a week now. You can flash it to your device or flash a custom rom based off the ruu. There was even an update for it yesterday that has also been rooted and flash ready. I have been running an hk based rom for the last week and half or so. Let me add: If you are feeling adventurous and want to flash the ruu, you will need to be s-off and get superCID to be able to do so. If you are not s-off but are rooted, you can flash a custom rom based off of the ruu and it should work just fine.
  7. If we wait for that then we may as well wait for the m9. Hell if we are willing to wait for the m9 then we may as well just wait for the m9 prime. Hell, if we are willing to wait for the m9 then........oh wait. Sure, if the hk edition was available at launch I would have probably gotten it myself mainly for the black and gold color than anything else but I won't cry over a pair of headphones.
  8. If the n5 continues to be the king of lte connectivity, I will probably keep mines until the wheels fall off regardless of whatever device comes out.
  9. LOL, how can they make a profit even if they are selling them at a loss? Anyway, Google's intent with the nexus line was never to make a profit. Nexus devices, which were mainly geared towards developers/enthusiast, where never meant to be as mainstream as iphone/galaxy devices, if that was the case you would have seen google themselves pushing to move units by marketing/advertising as much as apple and samsung. Google makes their money off of ad revenue so whatever profit they may have gotten from hardware sales would be too small to even quantify when compared to their main revenue source which is ad revenue.
  10. Well my One Max isn't activated anymore but I still use it as a mini tablet when I don't feel like using my nexus 7. I haven't had any issues like what you been experiencing. Just do a hard reset and if it's still not working right then it's more than likely a hardware related issue.
  11. Well I currently carry the n5 and the m8 and haven't had any issues at all. Now specifically to the n5,it is easily the best RF performer when it comes to being able to pick up lte. I would even say that if the n5 doesn't pick up lte then there is no lte to be picked up. I haven't had any issues with band 25, 26 or 41. It could be possible you maybe experiencing ecsfb issues but here on the south side I haven't had any issues like that at all. If you can confirm that it's not ecsfb then I would definitely say that something may be wrong with your device.
  12. Currently the speeds I get when connected to band 25 lte at the tower closest to my house still comes in at sub 5mbps but luckily this tower is also transmitting band 26 and when I am connected to band 26 my speeds are a lot higher and more consistent.
  13. Really? Haven't heard that before, everywhere I have seen is showing 160g. Now I have also seen it listed as 5.6oz or 5.64oz but I figure that just due to rounding the figure down.
  14. I don't know what you been reading from what you haven't but the hardware is the same. Its just the color(which I kinda like), the software and the headphones.
  15. Sorry to say but those who will have buyers remorse over something like this will be in the extreme minority. Also, if this device was released 6 months from now, people will still have the same complaint. Now if there were actual hardware differences with the device, like it coming with better speakers, camera and lets say an s805 chip then I could understand but its just software that distinguishes it from the "regular one", and that same software is already available if you really wanted it. Also, those earbuds look cool but if audio is really your thing then I can guarantee that those headphones would never leave the box anyway because there are a lot better options out there.
  16. I had this happen to me a couple of times about a week or so after I got the n5 and it hasn't happened since.
  17. Not really a loss to current m8 owners(with the exception of the headphones) being that its all software anyway. As a matter of fact there is an RUU that has been available to flash that already has the HK audio enhancements. I been running a custom version of the rom for a week now and for what its worth you can tell a slight difference with the HK audio but nothing you can't enjoy yourself if you use an app like poweramp. Anyway, I do kinda like the gold and black though, it does give it that extra premium look to the m8.
  18. Please don't use term bars to determine signal strength, use the actual db figures. Also, like what mrrogers1 said, it could be an ecsfb issue.
  19. Yeah, your lte signal is a bit more fragile than your 3g signal so generally the further away you are from the tower(or deep inside a building) the more likely you will end up being connected to 3g rather than 4g. Also, not being able to connect to lte being just 2 miles from the tower probably has more to do with down-tilt of the panels or the general area you are located in. In a city area, due to all the tall building etc... signal won't travel as far. Compare this to when I am in St. Thomas for example, I can be fishing 10 miles offshore and still pull lte all day long or even when blue marlin fishing 20+ miles offshore I am still pulling 3g(due to optimal down-tilt and direct line of sight to the tower). So it really depends on a few factors
  20. Horrible 1900 signal? How was the quality of the actual call?
  21. The headphones that come with the m8/m7 are surprisingly good.
  22. Well there are a few apps on the play store as well as for windows that can test to see if a card is fake or not. You can also tell by comparing a real card to it. For example, with sandisk 64gb I ordered off of ebay recently, I compared it to another sandisk 64gb that I got from sandisk directly. The reds and greys where slightly off on the counterfeit and the back of the card was different. These fake cards mostly look legit but what caused a red flag for me personally was when I was trying to copy over about 11 gigs of music which should have only taken me 20 to 25 minutes at the most but with the fake card it took an hour and a half.
  23. I been having issues with a samsung 64gb class 10 and a sandisk 64gb class 10 and I thought it was my m8 but after running a few tests on the cards it turned out that both cards were fake.
  24. What size card is it and what brand is it?
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