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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. At the end of the day, its all about awesome games and in my opinion the kinect doesn't really add much to that unless its some sort of family type party game. Now I do like the convenience of the kinect(voice controls) in some instances like walking into my den and simply saying "xbox on" and it turns on my xbox and my tv and then the kinect camera recognizes me and signs me in automatically. I also like the fact that if something bad ass happens during gameplay, I can say "xbox record that" and it automatically saves the last 30 seconds of gameplay. But when it comes to console gaming its all about giving the people what they want and if the devs want to make money they will also give the people what they want or make something so cool that the people will want it. If microsoft made it optional in the first place, they would have sold a lot more consoles than they have so far and at the same time I am sure they would still have a decent attachment rate for the new kinect. I bought two xbox one's on release day and if the kinect where optional I would have probably bought them anyway but at least I had the option to and not be forced to. If devs wanted to make a game with kinect integration they can simply make it clear that kinect will be requried to play the game and if the game is in fact that awesome then you will see kinect sales increase.
  2. When it comes to pc gaming you get the best visuals based on your budget but as far as making money most developers will make content for home consoles. Look at all the top selling game titles for the last decade, were any of them exclusive to pc? If those titles where available on the various home consoles and pc, what percentage of those sales came from the pc? Not much at all. PC gaming is for the extreme hardcore which only represents a very small percentage of overall gamers and developers know this hence why most will mainly focus on consoles if they want to be profitable.
  3. I agree, the kinect should have always been optional from day one. I think MS has simply taken too much for granted after the success of the 360.
  4. Well let me say that my issue was inadvertently turning the screen on when I didn't mean to so turning off motions gestures eliminated that problem. If you are talking about screen sensitivity while actually using the device then thats something a little different.
  5. Yeah, I turned off motion gestures and it seems to make a difference for me.
  6. You can use an mhl cord and connect it directly to the tv. You could also use the htc media link for wireless mirroring and I am sure you can do the same with a chromecast.
  7. Well damn, I don't even know what to say, this really doesn't make any sense. If I had the time I pass by that area and see if I would have any issues. What you can do though is you can sell you n5 for probably around $250 to $275 and you can get a g2 in mint condition for less than that.
  8. So mobile settings under network mode you can't select just cdma? That's kinda weird. Try hard resetting using ##786# you will need your msl number.
  9. Just back everything up using htcbackup, perform a hardreset then try again. When the phone comes back up don't access the test screen just select cdma only under network settings.
  10. As far as this issue, I am not sure but I think it may have to do with how much time has passed since viewing those pages. You have to remember that with android, it kills certain tasks automatically if in need the extra ram to do something else a little bit more intensive so that might be why it reloads the pages after a while. This is also not an htc issue because my n5 does the same thing.
  11. Sounds like typical eCSFB issues but for what its worth, other users here have swapped out their devices and reported better performance. If the device isn't up to your satisfaction then try to get it swapped out, if the same issues continues then that should pretty much confirm that its the network. The eCSFB issues really is a pain in the ass for many users but its an issue that seems to be getting fixed pretty quickly. Can't you just go into your mobile network settings and just switch it to cdma only? Am I missing something?
  12. The best thing is to try it out yourself. You can have 5 of the same devices and all 5 could vibrate differently.
  13. Well my Max is no longer activated but for the most part it has replaced my Nexus 7 as I now use it exclusively as a tablet.
  14. I will respectfully close this thread being that it is already being discussed in the official one max thread.
  15. Hmmm, looks like I got some work to do.
  16. Yeah, I never ever ever use the connection optimizer, its more of a headache than anything else.
  17. Great to see htc staying on top of their game, I will download this as soon as I get back to my max.
  18. I don't think they will, its not like the are taking away unlimited data.
  19. No issues with my m8 switching between 25, 26 and 41. It switches instantaneously so it could possibly be a network issue or maybe the device but if your area isn't fully built out then it might be hard to tell. When in doubt start from scratch, so back everything up using htc backup and do a hard reset then see how it goes.
  20. I noticed that occasionally it could be somewhat low but that probably happens 1 in 50 calls for me personally so I figure its on the network side.
  21. From what I could tell from that episode, I saw several m7's and iphone 5s's but I didn't see anything else that looked like an m8. Now there was that one scene where Bauer gave that a girl he was helping escape a phone and that device kinda looked like an m8 but it was tough to tell. It did have that gunmetal color and it also had that rounded edge like on the m8 but they never showed the back or the front of that particular device.
  22. How did things go at the sprint store? As for band 41 I have only been able to connect to it around the airport for the most part, but been getting band 26 almost everywhere I have gone.
  23. That's a tough question to answer being that we all use our devices differently but for me personally the difference wasn't substantial at all.
  24. This is one of the best videos out there to follow: Edit 1: make sure you back up using htc backup because the very first step is unlocking your bootloader and that automatically wipes the device. Edit 2: You can also use this toolkit over on xda: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2699065 Now this method is a lot easier but I would recommend you go with the youtube version so you can learn the basics of using adb.
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