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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Is it a new card or one you used on a previous device?
  2. Well realistically thats to be expected. Front line employees are just there to get a check, they are not enthusiasts like most of us here. You might get lucky and find one that know his/her stuff. The average customer doesn't know jack, so 9.9 times out of 10 they can say whatever to whoever and get away with it. Usually try to avoid sprint stores at all costs for that same reason.
  3. It's really tough to know if it's a device issue or a network issue. Just go to any sprint gs5 forum and you will read very similar complaints as well.
  4. I did but I didn't update it.
  5. Its quite possible that the device in the store and yours were connected to two different towers. If we are standing in the same spot it is perfectly normal for both of our devices to be connected to different towers.
  6. I am glad that you were able to get things worked out.
  7. If lte is your number one priority then the nexus 5 is a no brainer but between the gs5 and the m8, I don't see anything substantial to recommend one over the other but then again this is just my experience and could vary from situation to situation or user to user.
  8. I just spent a few hours with the gs5 and it's pretty nice and the back really isn't that bad at all. As far as lte and RF performance, the nexus 5 is still top dog by far. I will say that it is ever so slightly better than the m8. The location I was in when playing with the device was perfect for testing out RF performance. All three devices were connected to the same sector(band 25), my m8 was averaging about -104db while the gs5 averaged about -102db and to me that's not a big enough difference to get excited or disappointed about. My Nexus on the other hand was averaging about -96db. Edit: I need to add that this was just being connected to lte and not an active connection. With an active data session all three improved slightly with the n5 in first but the m8 was slightly better than the gs5 but not by much.
  9. I haven't sim unlocked mines yet but with the m7 when it was sim unlocked you could put any sim in it, domestic or foreign and it would work fine as long as the network supported the frequencies(except for lte).
  10. Makes sense, no need to run the risk of pissing off customers who normally would use wifi by charging them an arm and a leg for going over their data limits.
  11. I want to believe that it will be an update specific to sprint phones, nothing more.
  12. Now this does make more sense, custom software with hk headphones. I just don't see the actual hardware of the phone being any different.
  13. I am thinking that the hardware is the same on all devices but the sprint version will have additional software for the h/k audio which will be nothing more than just an equalizer preset similar to beats audio before it, at least that's my thinking anyway.
  14. I have the device, there is a setting(FHD) that you can record 1080p at 60fps. I was just saying that I assume that the default 1080p recording is at 30fps because there is a huge difference between the two.
  15. There is a setting where you can record 1080p video at 60fps and it does a pretty good job at it. The default is at 30fps I think.
  16. For every complaint you will find just as many compliments about its rf performance, also keep in mind that the majority of the complaints has more to do with "csfb" issues which can only be rectified on the network side. There is no denying that no device on sprint right now can come close to matching the n5 when it comes to lte connectivity but the m8 has improved substantially compared to previous htc lte devices on sprint with the exception of the one max which I would say is about the same as the m8. Also, I have done my own comparisons and from what I can tell there isn't much difference between my m8 and a gs4 when it comes to holding on to a faint signal. Exactly, the only real way to tell is to buy it and test it out on your own.
  17. A picture of the scratches I was talking about yesterday. Looking down on the phone it is difficult to see but from an angle its pretty obvious, and it does this all the way around. No scratches anywhere else on the phone. Other than this though, everything is working perfectly. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lgsks2fepw4l594/2014-04-08%2006.45.52.jpg
  18. Damn...ok. I am trying to decide if I should just keep it or go and swap it out.
  19. It doesn't look man made and mine is smooth to the touch its just that when you look at it you can see a lot of random scratches that isn't uniformed in anyway. Maybe something happened during the manufacturing process. I will try to take a pic and post it later on this evening. Also, my power button had some scratches on it as well.
  20. Question for those that have an m8 already. If you look at the machined finished edge that goes around the device, is it smooth or does it have a lot of little tiny scratches on it? I just noticed it while outdoors today that my m8 is scratch to hell and back. When I initially got mines, I took it out of the box and directly into a case so didn't pay much attention until now.
  21. Not sure what to say about this but my m8 on band 25 is a hell of a lot better than the evo lte and the m7. I am averaging about 7db's less than the n5 and where I am right this minute is a very poor spot when it comes to lte and it is still holding on where as my evo would have never connected until I go outside and my one wouldn't connect unless I am standing in front of the window.
  22. Do you use screen protectors?
  23. All my sunglasses are polarized, it helps with my migraines. Now I will say that it does distort things slightly(very slightly) but not to where I can't make anything out at all unlike with lcd tv's where I can't see anything. Anyway, I didn't have an issue with my evo, one, one max, n5 or m8.
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