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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Oh you got it working, great. Firewater can be tricky.
  2. Its a random thing, doesn't matter if you have the h/k edition or not. I have two regular gunmetal m8's and one worked pefectly with firewater and the other one didn't so I had to go to sunshine to get s-off Firewater still works for some after the latest update.
  3. LOL, didn't even think about that.
  4. Actually thats understandable because after a hard reset when setting up your phone the sprint connection optimizer comes up and doesn't give you the option to decline, I think it just says "ok" and "more options". Just clicking on ok turns on connection optimizer and you would never actually know it but clicking on more options takes you to were you can uncheck the optimizer box to turn it off.
  5. Definitely NOT getting my hopes up, but I really hope that its something cool.
  6. My max been sitting on my desk for a few months now but when I was using it I didn't have any issues with call quality, I could easily hear the other person clearly. After I finished using I gave it to my girl to use for a while and when talking to her I could hear her just fine. No complaints from me or her when it came to call performance.
  7. Well if you tried the ##786# and you are still having issues then I guess its time to head to the store and get it swapped out.
  8. Like what dstar2002 said, no worries at all but it sounded more like you were ranting more that wanting assistance. Did you reset the phone using the ##786# code on the dialer? Like I said, give that a try and see how it works. Also, are you rooted or not?
  9. Sounds like you have a bad case of OCD if you're going through that many devices per year. It would seem like you have issues with every single device you own regardless of OEM. Anyway I asked you a few questions in an attempt to assist you with your problems and you didn't answer any of them, it would save you a lot of time when at the sprint store.
  10. Come on now, if this was the case then everyone(or at least most) would be complaining about the same thing. As of right now the nexus 5 and the one m8 are by far the two most responsive android devices hands down so its more than likely you are having an isolated issue somewhere. Maybe its a rogue app wrecking havoc or maybe its hardware but its definitely not an "htc and android" thing. Also please don't mention an android device from 2010, android has come a very long way since then. In the mean time, is your current m8 rooted? If it is, can you tell me what rom you are using? If you are 100% stock then I would suggest hard resetting your device using the ##786#code on your dialer(I think you might need your msl to complete the process) and when the phone comes back up do not restore any data just install everything from scratch. If that still doesn't work then maybe you just got a faulty device and if thats the case then just take it in to sprint.
  11. themuffinman


    Oh ok I forgot about the 4.3 method. Anyway I don't think it's possible to flash an older ruu because the newer bootloader from 4.3 won't be compatible with the older ruu which is why it failed. If you were already s-off then it's probably possible though. Rooting and getting s-off might be your only option but without that it's a definite no go.
  12. themuffinman


    What error did you get when running the ruu?
  13. themuffinman


    I am getting a little bit confused, if you are not rooted aren't you already on jellybean?
  14. themuffinman


    What are you trying to accomplish anyway?
  15. themuffinman


    Are you rooted? As a reminder to run an ruu your boatloader will have to be locked or it will fail. If you are s-off though you can run it using fastboot commands.
  16. Apple is easily the most secretive out of any other device OEM. Their devices don't even show up on the fcc until the day of(or soon after) its official announcement. In this day an age, its difficult to not have a leak of any sort. So with there being not much info on the iwatch it would be same to assume that its release date is further away than the one might think.
  17. themuffinman

    LG G3

    Devices like the evo lte and gs3 could do 3g and lte with voice at the same time because of radio path design. Devices like the htc one m7 and gs4 could no longer do 3g and voice but could still do lte and voice, again due to radio path design. Unfortunately with newer devices like the one m8, gs5, g2, g3(all triband devices) can no longer do 3g and voice or lte and voice simultaneously, again due to radio path design its just not possible. Now when sprint incorporates voice over lte then simultaneous voice and data will be supported.
  18. themuffinman

    LG G3

    I don't miss it as much but thats only because I have been talking a lot less on the phone(plus I carry two phones both synced with the same email addresses). But at times when I am working out in the field for my job making numerous calls, it was very important to have simultaneous voice and data being that I could get time sensitive emails etc... right away instead of when I got off the call.
  19. Actually you can record video and be on a call at the same time so that's not the issue, I don't think you can on a touch wiz device though. Anyway, the other day I tried using Shazam to get the name of a song and it said something along the lines of "the microphone is being used by another app" so I couldn't use Shazam at the time. I can only assume it's related to the "ok Google detection" because that leaves your mic on all the time if that's how you have it set up but I'm still not sure because I haven't been able to repeat the issue again.
  20. I can send texts but my mms messages won't go through.
  21. Earlier this week, firmware version 2.16.(android 4.4.3)
  22. If you are not on an hd call the icon won't show up.
  23. Yeah, since band 26 is basically everywhere now(at least for me it is) things are running smooth as hell every where I go. The only area where things are horrible is at the airport but that"s to be expected from every carrier at the world's busiest airport.
  24. Well I haven't used an voip recently so not sure how much of a nightmare it could be but with wifi calling, once you turn it on all you have to do is verify the address of your location, sometimes manually, but most of the time your location will be automatically detected and all you have to do is press ok and thats it. In either case it takes at the most maybe a few seconds.
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