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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. No need, just apply toothpaste and start rubbing. With the m8 there is a clear film that sits on top of the lens the becomes distorted or easily scratched with higher temperatures not sure if the mega has that same film or not but give it a try.
  2. Q-tip with toothpaste, rub vigorously, it will work wonders.
  3. It was announced last year October and honestly I would be surprised if this new device has anything faster than the s801 even though rumors been hinting at the s805. I don't see htc spending the extra money for a more expensive chipset on a device that probably few will end up buying. Besides the s801 is more than capable, not to mention that the m8 which been out since march is still the fastest and most responsive android device as of this moment.
  4. Same price as the e8? Maybe if not a tad bit more.
  5. Really only you can answer that question. I think the e8 is a great device to own considering the price compared to the m8.
  6. We could probably just leave things as is until we get more official news.
  7. Anyone on the southside or any where else around atlanta experiencing any issues? For the last couple of days I haven't been able to connect to band 26 at all and it seems like ecsfb issues are back. Me and my girl have missed a bunch of calls and the only time we realize it is when we get a voicemail notification after the fact.
  8. It is ugly but not quite as bad as basically every other smartwatch out there except the moto 360.
  9. Personally, I am disappointed in how it looks, Function wise, it looks like it will kill android wear though.
  10. It will wobble slightly like the m7 and m8 on flat surfaces.
  11. Well for me personally, when it comes to watches I value design more than anything. The metal watch band that suppose to be available soon looks like garbage compared to what was consistently shown in all the renders. I was willing to get the leather band and just find a suitable metal band but I am hearing that Motorola might have some type of propriety band where a standard watch band won't fit. The pathetic battery life I can live with as long as I can get 15 hours out of it no matter what being that I will charge it every night anyway. So me not getting it has more to do with the overall design of the product and not it's function plus Motorola took too long to release this anyway. Yesterday I was 100% yes on buying it but today it's about 50/50. I will check it out at best buy then make a final decision.
  12. Ok, so the moto 360 will be available starting today, who's getting one? After coming to my senses, I don't think I will be getting one.
  13. Mega Pixels means nothing when it comes to the quality of the photo. In every comparison, the camera on the m8 kills the camera on the E8. Most just refuse to give the camera on the M8 any credit. It takes fantastic photos, its only when you feel the need to crop is when you run into quality issues.
  14. Livestream can bee seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRLy0QQI6xU
  15. Donation sent, also is there a deadline? Even though I already donated, I am more than able to donate a few dollars more by this weekend.
  16. Dude is as childish as an 8 year old not to mention he couldn't be any less unprofessional in his attitude. If he was a baseball player his batting average would be .000
  17. Sorry but I stopped reading once I saw who the leak supposedly came from.
  18. http://phandroid.com/2014/08/19/sprint-sharp-aquos-crystal/ $239 off contract? Well damn, that's an insanely good price.
  19. Maybe 3 days of standby time but definitely not 3 days of regular use thats for damn sure.
  20. Well from the way it looks it will definitely stand out. It sucks that it has average specs(it does come with 4.4.2 though) at best but that really won't matter to the average person walking into a sprint store. I think the looks of it might be good enough to move a few units plus I am sure that sprint and sharp will be pushing this device quite a bit.
  21. Place holder on bestbuy website, looks like its going for $250. http://www.androidcentral.com/moto-360-shows-best-buys-website-250 http://m.bestbuy.com/m/e/product/detail.jsp?skuId=8307143&pid=1219322457598
  22. Exactly, what sense does that make? There are a lot of people that really wanted this device and all they have managed to do is basically upset most of their potential customers. Not to mention their support department is non existent.
  23. The couple people that I knew that had invites ended up just selling their invites on ebay, lol.
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