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Everything posted by smalltimehack

  1. To me the nexus runs smoother and doesn't hiccup as often. I haven't ever dropped a call on either device but the nexus holds better data signals and doesn't rely on 800 as much for voice. Franco kernel with greenify also gives me all day battery so it really comes down to choice on what you want to go with, at least for me.
  2. Back on my Note to try a few things out for a customer that asked for some root help. We'll see how my battery life fairs but I've never really had an issue with it in the first place.
  3. April 10th. Google works also..
  4. The vzw phone is different. It's thicker due to wireless charging. So it won't fit in the thinner sprint case.
  5. May just have to have one of the newer releases taken out of my checks when they release. Prolly go with this since it sounds like it's so nice.
  6. I use 8 sms on my N5 and have even started using it on my G2 and N3 ad have never had any issues with it. It gives me a little bit more flexibility with options for sending messages and how the app looks. I won't use hangouts for anything other than my work related hangouts. I dislike it that much.
  7. I don't care which one of you gets it first as long as that someone can compare it to the N5! I'm seeing more and more people in my store asking about it and I'm becoming curious myself.
  8. The g2 will pick it up but it has a better antenna so it doesn't need to fall back to 800 to hold a call. It can stay on rtt and do it's thing the majority of the time.
  9. The second commercial is a good one imo. Much better than the RDJ commercials from last year with those stupid trolls.
  10. HTC got their feed back up. Phone is looking pretty sweet!
  11. Exactly. So even with the update its probably not going to be the saving grace everyone is hoping for anyways. You guys are pinning a lot on this update.
  12. Then I guess you wait. Again. Endless nagging and bitching isn't doing anything to help the issue.
  13. If you guys are really that hard up for your update why don't you get the msl for your device and enable the bands yourself? Ten people a day complaining about the update is ruining this thread and will not get Google to push this any faster.
  14. Something so simple always ruins it for everyone. Lol. I too am using Franco and xposed modules. Love the battery life on this phone now.
  15. Hmm. Interesting. I used my camera today and my battery has been pretty stable/normal.
  16. What camera bug am I missing? My camera works fine.
  17. I like the qualities of the matte ones and how resistant they are to fingerprints but I can't stand the look of them being sweaty. I also used my phone bare today and could not do it. The Nexus does feel good but coming from my note to the N5 I have to have a case on it so it doesn't feel like a toy. I run a store also so it's hard to sell a case to someone when you yourself don't have one on your phone.
  18. I'll have to check them out. I'm a big fan of the spigen products so I'm leaning towards them. Actually now that I'm thinking about it I believe my screen protector is the obliq from Amazon. Do not recommend them at all.
  19. So I'm back on my Nexus for good after phone hopping for the last couple weeks and I've come to hate my spigen screen protector on my phone. It feels really nice when it's all cleaned up and what not but once it smudges up it feels like absolute shit. What's the recommendation for a normal screen protector and then are there any recommendations for the glass screen protectors?
  20. Are any of you rooted? I'm at 55% on my battery with close to 2 hours screen on time and I've been off the charger since 830 this morning . This is about half of my heavy use screen time so I'm pretty impressed that I still have a good charge and Google hasn't killed my phone yet. I'm using greenify and I always keep my gps off. I think greenify is the big thing saving my battery.
  21. The G2 is good when you compare it to the N5 when it comes to signal but they're still not on the same level. The note lags behind the g2 but not by that much. I have an issue with my picture mail not being received now. Wonder what is causing it since I have reprogrammed my phone a few times now to see if it helps.
  22. Yeah. My LG's have been better than my note has ever been. My g2 and my N5 are absolutely awesome on signal strength.
  23. Anything Android.process is your software attempting to open something and the path to get the task done is no longer there. You could try clearing data for the gallery but more than likely you will need to reset your phone. Made a call this morning after I switched back to my note. Normally I can hold calls no problem at my house but on my note it was all staticky and would cut in and out. Samsung is really dropping the ball with their phones lately.
  24. I get the youtube has stopped error on my g2 now. If I uninstall updates then it starts working again but it will update and stop working.
  25. It hand off from lte to a voice signal. If you have signalcheck installed you can see it drop data and go to a voice signal. Also I thought 800 was the preferred network to be on but apparently that's a fallback if your phone does not do good on 1xrtt. If yours is on that then you have a better rf performer than the other phone. Which your g2 more than likely is.
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