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Everything posted by JohnHovah

  1. bigger is "relative" when you see dan and son next to each other
  2. Uh huh.... and I'm sure they will bring back "Murphy Brown" as well
  3. Sunspots... We are heading into a new solar storm cycle so there may be increased satellite signal degradation to a certain extent (OR SO THEY SAY)
  4. I will say it again.. I thoroughly welcome the upcoming changes that will make possible U.S. T-MetroSpricketwire
  5. I can't help but feel the ramp up of 3rd/4th rounds seems to have somehow neglected the mid-end 2nd round markets
  6. If you decide to move to a Google Fiber area I would be interested to see the connection speeds there as well.. hehehe
  7. I will see if I can check some of the wimax sites here in San Diego... they are so few and far between and prefer my newer lte devices as a daily driver (still not seeing any LTE signals on sites that should be completed either)
  8. Is it just me or does the 33% higher capacity battery makes it 31% thicker and 33% heavier
  9. I use one of those sticky gel (clingo) carmounts and have the flap hang at the bottom when mounting. Works great for those with the flip case plus you don't have to worry about clamping/unclamping and if it loses adhesion you just run it through water to clean
  10. So my family back east will have LTE up and running while we here in the 5th largest market get bupkis? for shame!!
  11. I'm at US Post Office (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/OJkNxajE

  12. Looks like we need a new thread dedicated to logo designs for U.S. T-MetroSpricketwire ..... CONTEST BEGINS NOW, hell I'll even put up a prize for the winner. (iTunes/Play store gift card perhaps?)
  13. come with me if you want to live...... i put the o in john connor
  14. aaah crap... do I change to **SOFTBANK???? Its available
  15. And for my left pocket line, I just took **ROFLMFAO (pwn'd? much)
  16. "New Sprint"?? Seriously, can we at least have put some thought into the "New" name? Anywho, what's up with the giant translator on Dan's ear? I thought the Japanese were into high powered microtech?
  17. I'm at US Post Office (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/P5aBUPx8

  18. Feel the rage! (Referral code: ktu83460) Oct 13 05:53:05 AM #rageofbahamut @rageofbahamut

  19. I highly recommend turning the sprint optimizer off. There is nothing like driving around and using Google Navigation or a collision avoidance app like iOnroad or Waze and having a damn mcdonalds wifi or other obnoxious hotspot browser window pop up because you happen to drive by it. I'm sure at some point this will lead to LITERAL drive-by malware infections because of the autoconnect feature. TSK TSK
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