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Everything posted by JohnHovah

  1. Sadly, I was being legitimately serious. I hear radio station (I rarely listen to the radio) broadcasts and tv shows for shows that I have either never watched or channels I would not watch if I had the time. I have confirmed it on several occasions by going and turning on a radio or tv and then scanning through channels to discover that the offending broadcast is at the exact same point (synchronized) in the broadcast as what I am hearing. And no, at the time there is not a TV or radio on in the house or elsewhere. Thankfully it is only an occasional occurrence like 2 or 3 times a week but maybe my brain is filtering it out for the most part since I am usually so busy with work and generally multitasking.
  2. But i already get direct tv broadcasts to my head without a choice in the matter. Where are the unobtanium hats?
  3. Should I be asking about thorngate?
  4. Back in the day, the expression spoke of a one-horse town.. my how times change
  5. I'm sure they can slap a Viagra branded "signal booster" sticker on there to feel less self-conscious of their devices short-comings
  6. well I've certainly noticed a similar problem in respect to 3g/1x here in San Diego (all devices, wimax, prewimax and lte). I am certainly hoping this has more to do with the NV towers that should've starting going live over the last several weeks but aren't squawking any LTE signals... Perhaps they are upgrading backhaul routes to the regional MSC which is cutting down the effective bandwidth and reducing the signal footprint. The signal strength and range has plummeted abysmally in an escalating downspiral since mid September. MUST MEAN LTE IS ALMOST HERE!! (sorry, had to quote that post)
  7. 64gb+ cards work on all newer sammy devices (they support microsdxc standard) even my s2 can do it, the og evo, not so much
  8. All of the corporate folks I spoke with assure me it will be here at the end of the month. They insist in-store sales (and not just pre-order) will happen then, but I take that with a grain of salt for the moment. In order to tide me over for NOTE-i-ness, I just picked up a Note 10.1 and am fiddling with it at the moment.. Chief complaint, No JB yet
  9. So does anyone else have one yet? I wish I could find a non $49 IR remote app for the built-in IR Blaster
  10. I'm at North Island Credit Union (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/rmsqMBfP

  11. Feel the rage! (Referral code: ktu83460) Oct 18 06:08:54 AM #rageofbahamut @rageofbahamut

  12. The premier sponsor maps provide additional information concerning the build out status of the particular tower. i.e. estimated upgrade times, backhaul install timeframes, deinstall dates, etc. essentially it provides much more information than just the tower name and location
  13. It appears that Youtube no longer auto-rotates anymore. My assumption is that it has to do with rooting your device (I rooted to install the Gmail 4.2 leak) since this is the only major change I have intentionally made to the device. Although even prior to the latest firmware updates, auto-rotation has always been hit or miss depending on the app, the alignment of the stars or God knows what else. It is a known bug that ICS has baseline issues with auto-rotation, which sucks if it is mounted in the car and a phone call comes in or you happen to try to pull up a notification at a traffic light. There are sensors in the device that seem to work 50% of the time when it comes to apps, but at its baseline level the OS shouldn't suffer these problems. Has anyone else started to have rotation issues on YouTube??
  14. I'm at Chase Bank (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/b3O5tfiq

  15. folio-peel is rampant.. i found that once the "outer" bezel of the folio has peeled (the crust?) completely, it will no longer do it. My chief complaint is the bubble that exists along the folding edge after a lot of usage. You can smooth it down with your finger easy enough, but still annoying. I would love to see some sort of kevlar or carbon fiber folio case
  16. What forum clients is everyone using on mobile devices? Tapatalk? Forum Runner? Others? Chime in with recommendations and why you prefer a particular client for the sake of any newcomers or app virgins.
  17. With experience comes serial mom (kathleen turner?) Or maybe martha Stewart as they are both so lovably evil
  18. Now, we await Otosan... But who is the token black guy (not being trying to be racist or anything)
  19. I certainly hope so but haven't noticed any lte squawking from the ones that should be coming along in the county. I will keep every updated when those things change though. I try to check all of the (soon to be or should be lte live) sites within a 30mile radius (30 towers or so) at least once a week
  20. I figured it was time for something different. you may be the first to have noticed it
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