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Everything posted by JohnHovah

  1. carrier in the equipment and spectrum sense. not as in a wireless provider.
  2. You didn't have a googlebrain chip installed? it came free with my psychic voicemail service
  3. where do you guys get such wonderful toys? Seems I'm always 5 minutes late on these deals
  4. I'm at Costco (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/6VXrikAv

  5. I just unlocked the "Swarm" badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/w9Rwvdvh

  6. I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/4hceHdC4 Superman vs. Nuclear Man Part 2 Re-edited

  7. I favorited a @YouTube video http://t.co/LYfyZNEJ Superman vs Hulk - The Fight (Part 1)

  8. well this PRL certainly didn't amount to a hill of beans here in socal
  9. the music app always started for me pre-update when sticking headphones in. so clearly we have a JB bug that needs an OTA patch. I know the JB firmware allows you to control "applications" now and I enabled the music option and disabled hoping it would fix the problem... but alas, no joy
  10. at least you finally got your chicken Robert
  11. Do you use sensorly? If so I think i will uninstall and see if that resolves it. The only other modification I made to the device was rooting to install gmail 4.2, but I unrooted and flashed back to stock so I could receive the jelly bean firmware update. Of course that being said I also used the zip file to update to JB that was provided here because the ota firmware update was taking too long. So it can only be three possibilities in my case. 1. Root broke some piece of firmware. 2. Sensorly or another background service is initiating the startup 3. The zip I flashed had some error in it Although based on what I have heard from a few people with similar issues, there may be an issue with the JB update caused by the dual voice action services (Google now and svoice conflict) where the phone is accidentally "listening" and believes I wish to start the music player. Either way there is something going on. On a completely (un)related? and humorous note, I have experienced the music player starting inappropriately long before any mods, rooting or the latest firmware update. I used to mess with svoice and ask it inappropriate questions. When I would address svoice as a person and say something obscene directed at svoice, it would open the music player and play a song. I thought Samsung may have just had a sick sense of humor and flagged certain voice prompts to do something completely different from the intended result. Who knows, maybe svoice is somewhat self aware, she did tell me on several occasions "that is not a very nice thing to say" or similar response when I used profanity. Go figure.
  12. It used to be that excessive roaming just got the occasional slap from the girlfriend or wife... Now you get terminated.. hehe
  13. does anyone else seem to have the music player start for no apparent reason?? I can't figure for the life of me how it keeps starting up, but the only thing remotely similar when it does happen seems to be that 5 times out of 10 sensorly is running in the background. any thoughts?
  14. Yeah, mine cycled a few times and gave me some errors at first (I didn't realize it was still doing updates in the background after the initial update and android is upgrading app 1 of 298 messages) I'm glad its working though. I don't seem to drop out of coverage as often and/or the handoff to roaming is damn near seamless
  15. I'm at Ryan's Way Aveley Place (San Diego, CA) http://t.co/3vk4qzsb

  16. I'm at Costco (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/aTqDFhj5

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