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Everything posted by JohnHovah

  1. And what about those who use their 10's as phones? Their is nothing funnier when when one of my voip numbers rings and I pull out my Note
  2. Well I certainly would like to get to the bottom of what is going on in the market down here. it's not isolated to my lines or account as several friends who have sprint in the area have been reporting the same issues. So I guess your guess is as good as mine
  3. It appears that in the San Diego region as of late sites are going down for hours or days on end. I'm on the 25009 PRL and one major inconvenience I have noticed when these sites do go down (in places I generally had good to excellent coverage) and I am forced to roam, I cannot make or receive calls. Data oddly works good when roaming via Verizon but I cannot make a call to save my life /S with the new PRL when roaming. Did Sprint take out voice roaming in this latest PRL @digiblur?
  4. I'm at Ryan's Way Corporation (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/yboI6GVb

  5. I'm at US Post Office (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/W3tXXBqI

  6. I'm at US Post Office (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/Kc4jkTS8

  7. Thrice.. It was a veritable mind gangbang looking for subtext and double entendres
  8. The GS3 does have wallet installed (at least for Sprint). The other carriers (but why would those on other carriers be on this forum?) may still be subject to carrier blocking of Wallet
  9. Why so crowded? Mayor in the house... (@ US Post Office) http://t.co/J38RwYwP

  10. I'm at Costco (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/m7wZ6MwM

  11. Thanks AJ and Robert! That was my initial line of thought as well. They have some pretty impressive signals in their in-house hospital system and clarification on what that entails inasmuch as LTE/NV is concerned was greatly appreciated. There are a lot of large companies and/or institutions that use these types of in-building solutions, so it is great to receive some clarity in how effective those systems are after all is said and done. That being said, will those signal outliers on an airrave type setup be able to reap any of the benefits of NV buildout and deployment or will Sprint(bank) need to put out new equipment to address said upgrades?
  12. All towers (with a few dozen exceptions) will be upgraded in Network Vision. In your case I would need to know a little more. Is this an official site or does your place of employment utilize some sort of range extender/signal booster or Airrave type equipment? @S4GRU Hey Robert perhaps you can shed a little light on this when there is additional information available. Will airrave's or other extendability devices benefit from NV or is that equipment not capable?
  13. I would venture to say that 25xxx series was not made to work uniquely for your device (i.e. the radios will not support all that is in another PRL just as those using the 25xxx series would not benefit from a 55xxx series PRL) so it will not make a difference anyway
  14. too funny... but yeah, you guys have plenty of "beach" over there, it's just the water that has decided to take a vacation.
  15. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/evp5IaIF spiderman friend or foe intro (HD Quality)

  16. I just ousted @jujann as the mayor of Office Depot on @foursquare! http://t.co/EnTwXUVg

  17. Apparently I have Giggity on the Brain.... $595 (And with that, I leave you with.......)
  18. Time for an Elite Premier Sponsor level?? The mile High Club?? I will start the bidding at $500
  19. I'm at US Post Office (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/HSdpsjL6

  20. Aaaaah (@ Chula Vista Dental) http://t.co/rp8idDwm

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