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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. That is a red herring -- a logical fallacy. Saying that Samsung in the future could be guilty of the same thing that Apple is doing now is an attempt to rationalize and shift responsibility. Give me a break. Android is decentralized. Nothing, short of Google itself, is going to shut down Android -- unless Apple has its way because Android is a "stolen product." AJ
  2. Many are rightly irked at Apple for its "stick up the ass" attitude about iOS devices. Consumers want choices, but Apple is using anti competitive, overly litigious strategy to try to dominate the industry and limit choices. AJ
  3. Yep. We have examples of the debug/engineering screens for all other Sprint LTE handsets. Screen caps make great references for explaining LTE signal strength to members. AJ
  4. stealth, will you please post screen caps of any Optimus G engineering screens? Thanks... AJ
  5. DVCal, I am not singling you out. I am using "you" in the collective sense, referring to many people, but you are part of that collective. You need to drop the ego. You and your population base are important to you but not nearly as important in the grand scheme of things as you would like to believe. Unlike VZW and AT&T, Sprint is redeploying effectively every site in every market in one big initiative. No carrier could do so in every market simultaneously, so some markets get earlier deployments than others. That is simply a fact of life -- deal with it. But Sprint is not "ignoring" any markets. Even in markets that have had no site launches yet, plenty of work is occurring behind the scenes. That includes planning and also waiting for backhaul, in which Sprint is at the mercy of our dysfunctional special access system run by oligopolists. In short, cool your heels. Sprint is doing something unprecedented -- rebuilding its entire network "from the ground up" -- but that takes time. And patience is a virtue. AJ
  6. Likely, yes. On the Earth, this is generally true: the higher the antenna, the lower the path loss. AJ
  7. Your empirically observed figures seem reasonable. The iPhone's external, Rx diversity antenna system has some definite advantages. But as you recorded your readings, did you confirm that all devices were on the same PN offset and channel? Any variations in PN or channel render all comparisons spurious. AJ
  8. LTE operation on the Nexus 4 is also unauthorized, as it is not certified to meet FCC emissions standards. Therefore, I would expect to see a Class II Permissive Change filing with the FCC. If not, LTE band 4 (AWS) stealth capability stands to be locked out in future firmware updates. Regardless, I have speculated on Twitter that anecdotal evidence coming out of Canada indicates that the Nexus 4 may not support 2x2 downlink MIMO, and that would make the Nexus 4 a less desirable LTE handset. AJ
  9. The W-CDMA standard consists of many different Releases (the equivalent of Revisions within the CDMA2000 standard). For example, T-Mobile DC-HSPA+ is really just W-CDMA Release 8. What gets lost in all of this is that voice operates on the original W-CDMA Release 99, which supports a maximum packet data rate of 384 kbps. Now, I am honestly not sure if this varies from device to device or is baked into the W-CDMA standard, but at least some devices will fall back to W-CDMA Release 99 for simultaneous voice and data. And that caps data at the aforementioned 384 kbps rate. AJ
  10. Wait, you are moving, but you are not taking your TV, and there is a different TV where you are moving? Weird... AJ
  11. Ah, yes, just as predicted, AT&T is at it again... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlO1nW3iDUk AJ
  12. The Wii U functions as a console and handheld system rolled into one. I am impressed. AJ
  13. I can play the same Wii U game in full 1080p on my world class TV in my living room or in slightly reduced resolution on the LCD tablet-like game pad on my bed. Genius, Nintendo. AJ
  14. Super Mario finally in 1080p via HDMI is a beautiful thing. AJ
  15. [in my best Butt-head voice] Flog the bishop? Heh heh heh heh... AJ
  16. Worry not. Scott and I will be here to "get medieval on the ass" of anyone who steps out of line. AJ
  17. ...and we just hit 7000 members. AJ
  18. I am not a networking guru, so others can feel free to poke holes in this plan. But I would be happy to see a carrier, preferably Sprint, provide unencrypted Wi-Fi VPN capability built into its handsets. Tunnel all Wi-Fi traffic through a Sprint VPN backend so that subs could use any available Wi-Fi access points with little fear of compromised security. AJ
  19. Hmm, where have I heard that before, maybe about six weeks ago? http://s4gru.com/ind...-from-metropcs/ I tease, I tease. I will put my knowledge of spectrum licensing and strategy up against that of anyone. But spectrum valuation -- the financial wheeling and dealing -- is not my area of expertise. In that regard, Tim Farrar is my go to source. I trust his acumen without a doubt and believe him an unbiased source. AJ
  20. As the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Sprint and Dish are butting heads over interference concerns because 1) Sprint paid for BAS (Broadcast Auxiliary Service) relocation to clear the downlinks of both the PCS G and PCS/AWS-2 H blocks, the latter of which is directly adjacent to Dish's S-band/AWS-4 uplink and 2) Sprint is concerned about mobile transmitters in Dish's S-band/AWS-4 uplink interfering with reception of PCS G and/or PCS/AWS-2 H downlinks. I do not pretend to know the outcome of this dispute, but Sprint and Dish could better coordinate plans and ameliorate concerns if they were partners, Sprint hosting Dish's spectrum. AJ
  21. Wii U was just delivered. U got nothing on me. AJ
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