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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. If I had a Galaxy S3...and a million dollars, I would do two apps at the same time. AJ
  2. I, too, am in favor of eliminating device subsidies. In fact, I would like to see the carriers shutter their retail stores and get completely out of the consumer electronics business. Leave that to actual retailers. But I do not see T-Mobile alone having the scale to enact a sea change on the industry. In its Value plans, T-Mobile is really just divvying up device subsidies into monthly installments. The inflated costs of the devices remain the same. I mean, really, the idea that a smartphone costs $600 is just ridiculous. And as long as the carriers themselves continue to sell devices, the prices of those devices will remain inflated. AJ
  3. Careful. Both higher order modulation and MIMO are dependent on favorable RF conditions. And in many instances, RF conditions are not conducive to MIMO. So, 5 MHz FDD with 4x4 MIMO can equal 10 MHz FDD with 2x2 MIMO but does so only a statistical percentage of the time. AJ
  4. Upon hearing this disturbing news, Robert gave each of his four subsidized upgrades a big, long hug. AJ
  5. Hold up, I am sorry that you took offense, but Scott's tone was not offensive. AJ
  6. Oh...my...god, it all makes sense now. Randall Stephenson is ManBearPig. AJ
  7. In those areas, VZW and AT&T are now the main providers, as they have acquired AirTouch, WWC, and Alltel. AJ
  8. PhoneScoop did a nice job of putting together license maps after both the AWS-1 and 700 MHz auctions. The latter is over four years in the rearview mirror now, so consider the AT&T map as a starting point, since AT&T has acquired some Lower 700 MHz spectrum in the intervening years. http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=187&p=231 AJ
  9. Cost/benefit analysis. The cost to deploy in those low population density areas would be immediate. The benefit might not pay off for a decade or longer. If you dream of Sprint building out a nationwide geographic footprint, dream on. No carrier in the US has ever even remotely accomplished that standard. VZW and AT&T seemingly come close but only because they have bought out numerous other carriers. AJ
  10. Folks, be careful with your thread titles. T-Mobile will not offer iPhone nor iPad until next year -- probably not for another six months or longer. The T-Mobile network is simply not ready in most markets to accommodate iPhone and iPad as 3G/4G devices. And I still think it ridiculous how Apple has jerked around T-Mobile by not including AWS W-CDMA capability and how T-Mobile has capitulated to Apple by reshuffling its network to include PCS W-CDMA. AJ
  11. Well, you have to consider that those users -- whether 20,000 or 100,000 -- are not all on the same network. For example, in Kansas City, home of Sprint, I have much trouble with Sprint CDMA1X/EV-DO at Arrowhead Stadium, while both VZW and Cricket CDMA1X tend to be usable. Not all users at Chiefs games are on Sprint, but a higher proportion are than on potentially any other carrier. As for SEC football games, I have heard multiple reports from multiple campuses that home games often crash the networks for most/all carriers in the areas surrounding the stadiums. AJ
  12. My experience has been that baseball or basketball games with ~20,000 attendees do not cause the same network issues that football games with ~60,000 attendees do. In other words, the network reaches its breaking point at some number in between 20,000 and 60,000. AJ
  13. Offering up SMR 900 MHz spectrum might also be a good mitigation strategy to employ against those SMR 800 MHz incumbents (e.g. Preferred Wireless, License Acquisitions, TeleBEEPER) that want to be granted a chunk out of Sprint's rebanded SMR 800 MHz allotment in several markets. If those incumbents are not spectrum speculators and truly want to construct viable networks, then they should be happy to receive fully 2.5 MHz x 2.5 MHz of SMR 900 MHz spectrum. On the other hand, if they are spectrum speculators just looking for a payday from Sprint, then their refusal should reveal their true colors to the FCC. AJ
  14. Let SouthernLINC have Sprint's 2.5 MHz x 2.5 MHz of interleaved SMR 900 MHz spectrum. If the Southern Company wants to keep iDEN running, then it should be in interleaved spectrum that is useless for anything else, not in rebanded and contiguous spectrum. AJ
  15. That would entail moving external (i.e. non Southern Company) users onto an MVNO because SouthernLINC really does not have sufficient spectrum to run two airlink technologies concurrently. And that would further diminish the economy of scale and utility -- pun intended -- of the iDEN network. AJ
  16. Cheap is one thing. Profitable is something else entirely. SouthernLINC has fewer than 200,000 users. And considering the antiquated iDEN technology and the type of users it is likely to attract, device turnover rate is probably no greater than 50,000 per year. In other words, SouthernLINC provides device manufacturers very little economy of scale. Device procurement is a growing problem that SouthernLINC will face if it refuses to progress from iDEN. AJ
  17. The difference is 2. And the sum would be 14. Sorry, I could not resist... AJ
  18. Yeah, resentment over a nickname often does not turn out well... AJ
  19. Trade in a few boxes of those $10,000 hammers for some licensed spectrum, then abuse the public trust. If you are lucky, you just might earn my esteemed title. AJ
  20. I am very tempted to create another account with the username TheAverageJoe, then post, "Hey, I resent those remarks." AJ
  21. "Asshat" is not a label. It is a title that can be earned only through much concerted effort. AJ
  22. No can do. In Atlanta, SouthernLINC holds 3.75 MHz x 3.75 MHz of rebanded SMR 800 MHz spectrum. That is not even enough bandwidth to launch a single W-CDMA carrier, let alone run it alongside iDEN. So, SouthernLINC may go the route of iDEN/GSM/W-CDMA devices. But the GSM/W-CDMA capability would be for roaming purposes only. AJ
  23. ...and, to be clear to other members, that was within the context of a relevant discussion of spectrum management and carrier regulation vs the public interest. I have no problem with some political discussion. For example, like it or not, the FCC is a political body. But political discussion on S4GRU should avoid labels and stay relevant to wireless policy. AJ
  24. I would not go so far as to say that anyone was necessarily lying. That would require intent to deceive. Remember these words... And remember these words, too. As I have said many times, DO NOT ASK DEPLOYMENT QUESTIONS OF ENTRY LEVEL EMPLOYEES. That is just stupid on your part. It is akin to asking your Walmart cashier for tech support. AJ
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