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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. And that slogan is even more precious in light of the fact that iDEN had an ill fated channel aggregation technology called WiDEN... AJ
  2. Certain factions in this country would like to cling to the past/present because of economic convenience. The problem with that strategy is that it is not sustainable. It is nothing more than procrastination and just makes the inevitable transition that much more traumatic. This applies to fossil fuels, iDEN, etc. AJ
  3. Look at the bright side. If SouthernLINC decides to keep iDEN running in perpetuity, it could become the wireless equivalent of a Renaissance fair or Civil War battlefield reenactment -- a place where you can go to experience what life was like in the olden days. AJ
  4. Apparently, you have not heard. The Southern Company is so great that it can accomplish anything that it wants to do. AJ
  5. Additionally, signal strength does not tell the whole story. For example, look at AT&T's coverage map in almost any metro area where AT&T holds Cellular 850 MHz spectrum. Signal strength is so strong and consistent that it is nearly impossible to glean the locations of individual cell sites on the coverage maps. But that signal strength does not guarantee quality of service. If anything, AT&T has a reputation for poor voice quality because of half rate vocoders and slow data speeds due to congestion. So, raw signal strength might lead someone to believe that AT&T provides excellent coverage in a given market. But the actual experience of using that service might not live up to the expectations set by signal strength. This skewed perception affects Sprint, too. Many people new to Sprint or new to CDMA2000 perceive that their service is poor because they see only one or two bars of signal strength. But they jump to conclusions and fail to realize that CDMA1X typically functions perfectly well right down to the limits of usable signal strength. AJ
  6. I am not sure why you jumped to the conclusion that such an endeavor would be expensive. Both postpaid and prepaid require SIM cards. So, sure, get a couple of prepaid SIMs for a month. Might cost you $30 each for that month. But the education gained would probably be worth the cost. This really has nothing to do with what the carriers want or do not want. What you want is for the phone to function essentially as a spectrum analyzer. But that is not how phones operate. I paid $1700 for a spectrum analyzer. The truly professional spectrum analyzers that the carriers use run upwards of $20,000. So, getting a few prepaid SIMs, paying for a month of service on each, and observing performance in the desired service area is relatively cheap and easy by comparison. AJ
  7. No, you would need the iPhone to be SIM unlocked, and you would need SIM cards from the carriers that you wish to test out. Also, phones do not have separate CDMA1X and GSM "antennas," per se. Rather, they have separate modes of operation. And the modes of operation that you are interested in are not available simultaneously. AJ
  8. Well, "A" is self explanatory. And "M" is right below "J" on the keyboard. As for "I," in the Latin alphabet, "Jehovah" begins with an "I." AJ
  9. Whoa, the joke potential with this thread is huge! A million dollars? Man, that could buy a lot of phones and fried chicken. But I will leave you with just these words. As to the potential of a million dollars, no one has put it more eloquently than Lawrence has... AJ
  10. In that case, I want this logo in my status bar... AJ
  11. Who cares? Seriously, some of you put way too much emphasis on Android version updates. If you bought a device with Ice Cream Sandwich and were happy with it, then you have little reason other than envy to not be happy with it now. On the other hand, if you were not happy with Ice Cream Sandwich, then you should not have bought the device or should have returned it. AJ
  12. I do not see Sprint doing either. And the FCC would likely put the kibosh on the latter. VZW is PCS 1900 MHz spectrum strapped? No, not really. In its Cellular 850 MHz markets, VZW's need for PCS is diminishing by the day. AJ
  13. Wrong thread, mellimel. AJ
  14. For a market specific question, please see that market specific thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1961-network-visionlte-cincinnati-market/ AJ
  15. Tina? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2glOppqBRg I have to be honest. The Android developer community is probably a little bit too active and chooses some of the most ridiculous names. AJ
  16. This guy was selling phones out of the trunk of his car in McDonald's parking lot. I got a great deal on an Ng Lexus 4. I think it is made in Vietnam. AJ
  17. You should tell them that Sprint is like AT&T -- it has two "4G" technologies. But unlike AT&T, Sprint has no FauxG. AJ
  18. No. LTE deployments among VZW, AT&T, and Sprint are not currently compatible, and roaming agreements are not in the offing. AJ
  19. Because of Network Vision's scattershot site upgrade strategy, Sprint LTE has beaten VZW LTE to some hinterland areas in some markets. That is certainly true in the Kansas market where I live. AJ
  20. So, what...you have traveled to Ann Arbor, Flint, maybe Toledo? I kid, I kid, but you have just not been to any markets with live LTE. Get over it. That you have not crossed paths with any LTE is nothing more than historical and geographical contingency. Network Vision deployment is ongoing in many markets across the country. LTE is already live in many markets across the country. If you do not know that by now, that is a failure to SHOW YOURSELF because Network Vision schedules and progress reports are readily available here at S4GRU. AJ
  21. And Sprint has LTE in places right now where both AT&T and VZW do not. Regardless, Sprint will have LTE in Detroit within the next year. Deployment takes time; it cannot happen everywhere at once. Whining, passive aggressive comments like yours do not speed up that process. AJ
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