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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I think you mean to say that Gettysburg was also officially "addressed." AJ
  2. Did the LTE site reveal itself to you in a shower of rose petals? Was it "spectacular"? AJ
  3. But when you sit on its face, it knows that you love it... AJ
  4. Fair enough. You have done your research, and if you need mobile phone service inside your house, then VZW may be a better choice for you. AJ
  5. Did you read the post above? You will see progress in Cincinnati later this year. Do you know that VZW coverage extends inside your house? No carrier guarantees in building coverage. AJ
  6. If this info is useful to you, most/all internal engineering screens do have a sample rate setting. For CDMA1X, any sample rate greater than once every 5.12 seconds tends to be excessive. Nearly all CDMA1X networks are configured to use slot cycle index 2, which means that idle handsets sleep, then wake up briefly to measure the pilot and monitor the paging channel only once every 5.12 seconds. AJ
  7. Ask again, and you will have to deal with me. Call me Azrael. AJ
  8. Yeah, let the knife fight happen. The Missouri market thread could use a good "thinning of the herd." It might reduce the number of unnecessary update requests. AJ
  9. Well, what do you think one of those two Cs stands for? AJ
  10. WiWavelength


    boomerbubba is correct. Tethering requires an add on plan, which can be activated/deactivated and prorated as needed. Use of third party apps to circumvent the add on plan violates Sprint's Ts and Cs and discussion of such violates S4GRU's rules. This is the sacrifice that you make for having unlimited *handset* data, folks. Thread closed. AJ
  11. If a firm or carrier wanted to tap into my decade of independent spectrum analysis experience, I certainly would take the call, listen to the offer. And if I were to accept a position, I would have this message for Craig Moffett: AJ
  12. If you post day old news, please look for a preexisting thread. Merged. AJ
  13. But does it have a "Death Blow"??? "When someone tries to blow you up, not because of who you are, but because of different reasons altogether..." AJ
  14. Does that mean you are on the S4GRU MVNO? AJ
  15. You would expect then that analysts would have some choice words for VZW, but I bet that VZW (the "Teflon Don") gets not a whit of criticism, even though it managed to do something almost unthinkable -- lose money on a spectrum investment. If Sprint had done something similar, Craig Moffett would be cheering for Sprint's imminent demise. AJ
  16. It is true. Other than some "bandaid" fixes, your service will not improve until Network Vision makes significant inroads in your market. And Network Vision is coming to Cincinnati, just like it is to all other Sprint markets. But deployment takes time, and Cincinnati is a later stage market. So, you will just have to wait until later this year. AJ
  17. Oh, I doubt that. The Upper/Lower 700 MHz auction took place nearly five years ago. That is a long time to sit on Lower 700 MHz spectrum just to resell it. Plus, I would have to add up the numbers, but I am not certain that VZW made any profit on its Lower 700 MHz sales. If anything, VZW may have lost money. Here is a comment that I made today to my private telecom discussion group: AJ
  18. No, not nationwide. These Lower 700 MHz B block 12 MHz licenses will allow AT&T to double the bandwidth of its LTE 700 network to 10 MHz FDD in certain markets (LA, Chicago, etc.) that are currently spectrum constrained to 5 MHz FDD. AJ
  19. Is this just during the outage, or it "sucks to be them" in general? AJ
  20. True, but Newark, Jersey City, Elizabeth, etc., are still part of the NYC CMA. "Jersey," in Comcast's case, would have to have been where the Philly CMA extends into southern New Jersey. AJ
  21. It is both BRS and EBS, though mainly EBS. I just tweeted Google's requested frequency ranges: 2524-2546 MHz and 2567-2625 MHz. The latter extends into BRS. Clearwire controls the only BRS license in the Bay Area and leases most/all available EBS spectrum from a Catholic school consortium, at least one community college, even Stanford. AJ
  22. Presentation is a large part of the message. The all caps subject line is a bit much for something that is not even remotely new. It may be new to some but not to those who have been around the wireless block a few times. AJ
  23. Before you make naive statements like the above, read up on network theory and supply chains. If you think that subsidizing equivalent connectivity for those who live and work in less densely populated areas is not worth it, then you reduce the value of your own connectivity, since you reduce the number of people with whom you can connect. Not to mention, be prepared to pay a lot more for your food and finished goods, as the raw materials for both tend to originate from less densely populated areas. If you think that you have a simple response to a complex issue, my suggestion is this: think again. AJ
  24. And you believe this to be a "new Sprint feature"? While we appreciate your first post, this was neither "new" nor a "feature" even a decade ago. It is simply part of the IS-41 core network for CDMA1X. AJ
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