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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I think what you are actually trying to say is "you only live One." AJ
  2. And once Network Vision is complete, you could use SkyDrive to work from your "unicorn stable." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bBmActSPro I'm out... AJ
  3. The interesting thing is that Sprint and T-Mobile have basically the opposite problems. In a city (or college town), Sprint EV-DO may be slow due to capacity issues -- airlink, backhaul, or both. Meanwhile, T-Mobile HSPA+ is quite fast. But go 10 miles outside of the city, and T-Mobile falls back to GSM, while Sprint EV-DO is unloaded and delivering a decent 1.5 Mbps. With LTE and advanced backhaul for EV-DO, Network Vision will ameliorate Sprint's problem over the next year. What remains to be seen is how many years it will take T-Mobile to bring its rural network up to speed (pun intended) while it also works to "modernize" and deploy LTE across its urban network. AJ
  4. WiMAX is in Fort Wayne. Clear operates three license protection sites. See for yourself... http://www.clear.com/coverage AJ
  5. I did some urban drive testing over the last hour and can largely corroborate themuffinman's observations. In multiple cells that have contiguous LTE deployment, the One is a substantial improvement over the EVO LTE. The One does not drop LTE in areas of weak RSRP within LTE cells where the EVO LTE always did. But the One does not necessarily hold LTE through urban cells that still lack LTE deployment. So, the One is a definite improvement, but it is no panacea. It likely puts HTC back on par with other Sprint LTE handset OEMs. AJ
  6. My One arrived this afternoon. I did some side by side RSRP comparisons with my EVO LTE. Idle signal strength is not substantially different. Sometimes, the One has higher RSRP, sometimes the EVO LTE does. On the average, though, the One seems to idle 2-3 dB higher than the EVO LTE does. The One is head and shoulders better than the EVO LTE, however, in acquiring and holding LTE. AJ
  7. Uh, no, that is a NASCAR source, and it has the story wrong. Not to mention, NASCAR folks were all over Kansas City this weekend for "the race." Those fans do nothing to enhance my respect for NASCAR. AJ
  8. For an e-penis, no, that is too small. AJ
  9. An OtterBox is ridiculous. It is like a chastity belt for your handset. If you need a case, go with the official HTC version: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6747/htc-one-review/2 AJ
  10. What rural partners? They are almost all gone, engulfed and devoured by the Twin Bells. Or they are waiting to be cannibalized after accepting VZW's Trojan horse enticement of the LTE in Rural America program. AJ
  11. It is rebanded SMR 800 MHz, but not rebanded ESMR. See the graphic in my article: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-90-fcc-ready-to-give-sprint-official-go-ahead-on-smr-800-mhz-wideband-operation/ On the downlink, 855-860 MHz is "high site," non cellular SMR, so as not to create interference with Public Safety. For that reason, it is basically off limits to Sprint. AJ
  12. ...preferably matte brown with a textured, hair like surface. AJ
  13. Increasing power at the base station may not have any appreciable effect because mobiles are generally quite power limited. And without uplink reception at the cell site, downlink reception at the mobile is worthless. AJ
  14. Does anyone here with an HTC One also have an active iDEN line (or know someone with an active iDEN line)? If so, S4GRU staff would appreciate it if you could run an experiment by swapping the iDEN line SIM into the One and checking for LTE connectivity. AJ
  15. PCS G block downlink is 1990-1995 MHz. You can find spectrum analyzer sweeps in several of my articles on The Wall. AJ
  16. Well, you left cosmopolitan Kansas City for the Ozarks, so what do you expect? AJ
  17. Robert, based upon the response to this thread and your wife's Valentine's Day article, the time has arrived for a "Dear Christina..." column. AJ
  18. For a counterpoint, many "jizz-um" and "3G-pee-pee" fans think that tech "progression" led to tech fragmentation among US wireless carriers. They look upon Qualcomm with disdain and imagine a US, like Europe, in which all carriers chose GSM (or were legislated into choosing GSM). To some extent, they have a point. Equipment portability across wireless carriers has been established there for roughly 20 years now. A "Wireless Network Corporation" here would naturally impose the same. AJ
  19. Okay, this thread has had a good run, but it looks like time to close up shop... AJ
  20. In related news, both Minnesotans and Montanans are outraged at being potentially mistaken for one another. According to Minnesotan Ole Gunnarson, "Oh yeah, we don't want to be associated with those roughneck ranchers." In response, "What in the sam hill is lutefisk?!" asked Montanan Wyatt Custer. AJ
  21. Sprint is the only domestic carrier that offers this level of Google Voice integration. Kudos to Sprint. But my guess is that, while roaming on VZW, Google Voice attempts to dial the international number directly. And that prompts the error message. If so, it might actually work better with separate cellphone and Google Voice numbers. AJ
  22. "It never ceases to amaze" Jim Cicconi because he speaks from direct experience. He and AT&T made basically the same two faced argument regarding the T-Mobile merger. Tell shareholders that AT&T has a great spectrum portfolio. Tell the FCC that AT&T must have T-Mobile's spectrum to roll out nationwide LTE. Additionally, Jimbo claims that "it's not the government's job to give any company advantages..." Ah, but it is the government's job to address and respond to anti competitive activities. And, Jimbo, the wireless industry is not and never has been a "free market." AJ
  23. I am not always trying to pump up my article, but the description of the dual antenna system is there. Yes, the two work interchangeably for CDMA1X/EV-DO and LTE. AJ
  24. By that time, I will likely have killed everyone in the police station and escaped, considering what a perceived menace to society my spectrum analyzer and I are. AJ
  25. Sure. I will set up shop with my spectrum analyzer on the Sprint Campus. Then, I will make you my one phone call to come bail me out. AJ
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