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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. This is not exactly what you are looking for, but it will get you started. I posted this about a year and a half ago. http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/discuss.php?fm=m&ff=8856&fi=2949309 AJ
  2. Give me a break. No, it is not terrible. It is a highly relevant example of human nature -- giving people an inch and watching them take a mile. And I had Montana in mind when I formulated it. As Montana found out, people require limits. Otherwise, some have little appreciation for what is "reasonable" and will go to extremes to the detriment of others who share the commons. http://www.nytimes.com/1998/12/25/us/montana-s-speed-limit-of-mph-is-overturned-as-too-vague.html In the case of wireless data, the people who object most vigorously are those who want to maintain unlimited data at low prices, even if it means bringing the network to its knees with the overuse of media streaming that mindless people do these days. Call it self interest -- another aspect of human nature. Finally, congratulations, jamesinclair. You continue to cement your status as one of my least favorite, most annoying S4GRU members. AJ
  3. So says the guy simply because he lives in LA. How inconvenient for you. AT&T acquired the Lower 700 MHz D block licenses nationwide and E block licenses in those five large markets when Qualcomm shuttered its MediaFLO broadcast system and sold off the spectrum. AJ
  4. Any change in pseudo native coverage to roaming coverage would be accompanied by a PRL update, so maybe digiblur can look for any recent changes in that regard. AJ
  5. Hold on, folks. Epic has been unable to point out what native coverage has gone missing. I have been looking at Sprint coverage maps for nearly 15 years, and my eyes do not detect any recent omissions. So, I am not convinced that the recent coverage tool update lacks native footprint that was depicted previously. Hence, ETF talk may be irrelevant. AJ
  6. Many Dish employees (aka Bothans) died to bring us this information. AJ
  7. If Dish does somehow manage to snag Sprint, we may all look back and wonder how circumstances could have been different if only Charlie Ergen had instead found his true calling as the wealthy, despotic ruler of a small, impoverished Latin American or Southeast Asian country. AJ
  8. I guess you just do not understand the perfectly sensical world of high finance. AJ
  9. EBITDA CAPEX GAAP AARP CSI UCLA TNT. I think you know what I mean. AJ
  10. How close does the FoOD get? A few blocks away at the grocery store or bodega? AJ
  11. Moorhead U. With a name like that, it practically sells itself to college age males. AJ
  12. Not necessarily. As I stated, I am not sure why Clearwire did not use a single frequency network configuration. It may have legitimate technical reasons for not doing so. And WiMAX may continue to occupy a disproportionate amount of bandwidth until it is retired. AJ
  13. Here is what Charlie had to say in ex parte summarizing two meetings with FCC commissioners at the end of last week. http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/comment/view?id=6017310402 AJ
  14. Yeah, the cat is basically out of the bag that VZW is "Party J." Now, who wants to riff on what the "J" stands for? AJ
  15. In that 160 MHz average figure, WiMAX is currently taking up a lot of bandwidth. Clearwire did not deploy WiMAX as a single frequency network. For co channel interference mitigation (or reasons unknown to me), Clearwire deployed a different WiMAX carrier channel on each adjacent sector and each adjacent site. Thus, one three sector WiMAX site with a 10 MHz TDD carrier per sector occupies 30 MHz bandwidth. Multiply that by an n=3 or n=4 frequency reuse pattern, and WiMAX easily occupies 90-120 MHz of BRS/EBS bandwidth. AJ
  16. http://s4gru.com/ind...post__p__127085 Now, more recent reports are that VZW's 5 billion MHz·POPs offer is for large markets. Does that mean the top 100 million? Top 200 million? That affects the spectrum depth per market calculation. AJ
  17. Here is a BRS/EBS graphic that I have embellished and posted numerous times. Band 7 (FDD) is nigh impossible. Band 41 (TDD) is the only feasible option. AJ
  18. Minus the current lease costs, it would net only $900 million, according to Tim Farrar. AJ
  19. Guys, please knock off the "Goopple" talk. Neither is involved in any of the transactions proposed today, nor is either likely to get involved. AJ
  20. Yeah, after the massive SpectrumCo-Cox AWS acquisition, another huge VZW spectrum purchase is perfectly reasonable. Not! That transaction would not stand a snowball's chance in hell of approval. AJ
  21. S4GRU has become the preeminent Sprint information site on the Web. If you have a question, one of us can probably answer it. To address your question, Sprint still has its global fiber backbone. And Network Vision 4G cores are located at nodes on that backbone. https://www.sprint.net/network_maps.php AJ
  22. Somebody is stealing my ideas... http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1727-fcc-rules-that-verizon-wireless-cannot-charge-extra-for-tethering/page__view__findpost__p__36614 AJ
  23. No, expansion is not a requirement. As long as the Twin Bells maintain a duopoly, the FCC and DoJ will not allow them to shut out and destroy the rest of the industry. Roaming will continue to be available on fair and reasonable terms. Not to mention, look at T-Mobile. Its national footprint includes large swaths of no coverage because 1) GSM/W-CDMA footprint is inferior to CDMA2000 footprint and 2) T-Mobile and AT&T do not cooperate on unilateral roaming. Yet, T-Mobile still manages to attract tens of millions of users. In the end, for most subs, Sprint's current urban, rural, and highway coverage is sufficient nearly all the time. Roaming is rare; thus, the roaming data quota is rarely an issue. But it really sounds like you are trying to make square peg Sprint fit into the round hole that is what you think a wireless carrier should be. So, have you considered that you might be better off with VZW or AT&T? AJ
  24. The merger proposal FAQ states that Dish's Lower 700 MHz E block 6 MHz unpaired spectrum would/will be used for mobile video. AJ
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